Teaser Tell All New Years Day



I bet some of you are still recovering from your New Year’s Eve fun OR maybe you even stopped by class on your way home from your New Year’s Eve fun?     Well you will be happy to hear that because we know you’d rather all be home in BED we will have a short class today.    Long enough to give you info on the Teaser photo and tell you WHO WON WHAT!

Yeah I partied all night and I’m getting..yawn…sleepy!

Me too – I need coffee!

OK – well, we get the message – let’s move on and let you know FIRST of all who was our FIRST COMMENTER yesterday!

Drumroll Please!

We had THREE First Commenters and one of them was a First Commenter for the THIRD week in a row!   That was Timmy!   AND joining him:  Sharon of Friends Furever and Csilla of Kolytyi !!


You all get one of these!!!   Special congratulations to Timmy for a “THREEBIE” !   (and by the way, Miss Sharon has TWO in a row so she is up for a THREEBIE next Tuesday)

I was one of THREE First Commenters on the New Year’s Eve Teaser!!!

Say – that Timmy guy is cute….wonder if he’d like to date a chihuahua chick??

Here’s the photo from yesterday AND the details on it – THEN we’ll let you know who was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER………….

This my friends is the Palais de Stormont which is now the Belfast, Ireland Parliament Building (Northern Ireland Assembly).     WOW…….formal looking joint isn’t it.  And it’s a palace but looks more like it found its’ calling being a government building doesn’t it!     It’s got quite an interesting history too – if you’d like to read about it just CLICK HERE.  

WHO was the lucky student who guessed CORRECTLY before anyone else did?????

Drumroll Please!

CSILLA !!!!   

WOOO HOOOO Miss Csilla

So Csilla was one of the three FIRST COMMENTERS and also the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER of this Teaser!!!   For you Miss Csilla:

I was the First Right Guesser for the Teaser of New Year’s Eve !!

Interesting how things turned out this week huh?   Congratulations to everyone – and by the way there were others who guessed RIGHT and if you did you get one of these:

I guessed right on the Teaser of New Year’s Eve Day BUT I was not FIRST!

And of course there were some of you who guessed incorrectly – it was a bit of a toughie in some ways and some of you bravely guessed but were wrong – this is your reward:

I was WRONG with my guess on the New Year’s Eve Teaser….but I still got a badge!!

So there you have it – the first day of a new year and we’ve taken care of the LAST Teaser of 2019.   Next week will be the first Teaser of the new year.    WOW.    Time flies when you’re having fun eh????



Alright already – we get the hint – you’re ready to go home for the rest of the day and we think that’s a good idea considering your condition.


There are some exceptions to the snorers in class and we appreciate that but it’s time for all of you to get on the school bus and head for home and your beds.    We fully expect all of you to be WIDE AWAKE and ready to rock for next week’s Teaser though!


OK – grab a hot chocolate to go and a New Years Fortune Cookie and pop on the bus – see you next Tuesday.

Make sure the top is on your drink – no spills in the bus!

Hope your fortune is a good one!

See you next week!  HAPPY  NEW YEAR!!!   Your Professors


46 responses »

  1. Cograts to all the winners! At least I got a New Year’s badge, right but not first. That is a place I won’t forget in a hurry!
    Happy New Year and 2020 to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful building in Ireland. Congrats to the A+ geography students and those with agile fingers.
    OMCs Teddy I have started off the New Year with a bang. I set my post to auto post at 12pm…
    not 12 am. I know Angel Madi had a hissy fit when she saw that. It is fixed now.
    Hugs Cecilia

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHAHA……my Mom has made some whopper boo boos with scheduling before – it happens – the thing my Mom does often is decide to move up the post time less than an hour ahead of when it was originally scheduled. Usually that makes it MISS the schedule. Embarrassing! WHOOPS!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. I saw this revelation of where the building was and I would never have ever thought that in a million. I always try to guess. I smiled at Cecilia above me here as I have occasionally sent the wrong 1200 too, for posting. XX
    Katie Isabella


  4. It was quite strange that my first search terms “government building tympanon” were more precise than the bare “parliament building” which, however, provided the solution. 🙂


  5. We missed seeing those cute cheer girls. Guess they got the day off. Concats to the winners. Our mom seems to be good about arriving a minute too late these days! Phooey! Happy Mew Year with love to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  6. All the best to you in 2020

    ★ WiSh y0u And YouR FaMiLY ★
    ^:[̲̅H̲̅][̲̅A̲̅][̲̅P̲̅][̲̅P̲̅][̲̅Y̲̅] [̲̅N̲̅][̲̅E̲̅][̲̅W̲̅] [̲̅Y̲̅][̲̅E̲̅][̲̅A̲̅][̲̅R̲̅]:^

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  7. Sorry I missed out again… it was an awful, no good, horrible day… and maybe the only day since I started blogging that I didn’t even get a chance to check into WordPress. And that looked like such a fine, sturdy, well columned and barred prison facility as well. HOPEFULLY by next week, things will be back to what constitutes normal for me…


    • Everyone’s NORMAL is different and any self-respecting EVIL SQUIRREL would certainly have his own version of abnormallynormal (new word). We missed hearing the TRUE STORY of this building/prison and look forward to getting the inside scoop from you next week now that things are mostly good in the plumbing arena at THE NEST!

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam


  8. We are a bit late picking up our wonderful First Commenter Badge and thank you so very much Professors. Looking forward to a super New Year friends! Teddy you Mom and Dad have a great week and year


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