Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Hello!   Happy Thursday!    Time for us to gather together and tell what we’re thankful for at Brian’s AND for me to share Angel Sammy’s Poetry with those of you who are interested!     First is always being thankful though………and as Thanksgiving gets closer we focus more and more on how thankful we are for all the great things in our lives.   I have to admit that this week I’m super thankful that the snow we were supposed to get DIDN’T HAPPEN!    It was cold enough for it – that’s for sure – but it never happened.    I’m sure we’ll have snow but it’s a bit early for us and the super duper cold front that swept through the nation managed to skip us.

Now for the Poetic part of my blog today……………..Angel Sammy’s message to all of us for his Poetic Thursday!

♥  ♥   ♥

Hello Poetry Fans!   Ready for some poetry?

I’m so happy that some of you have decided to try your hand at writing a poem to go with the photos I give you as “inspiration” every week – I have so much fun reading them and I hope you have fun writing them.   Please let us know in comments if you have tried your hand at writing one this week won’t you?

Here’s the photo I gave you last week to use…………………………

Well I sure had a lot of funny comments after I posted this one for you last week – and I have to admit that when I saw this photo I thought “EEEEEEEEEK!!”………I have to think this guy is cold and while he has one of those scooper snow removal things that usually makes short work of shoveling, I have to think that he wishes he’d put pants on under his robe!!!!!


“What Was I Thinking??”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell      ©November 14, 2019

So I got up late and what did I see?

A surprise snow – a cold white sea!

I forgot to take the trash to the curb past night

So here I am this morning looking quite the sight!

I did a quick swipe with my snow scoop on the icy walk

I know the neighbors that see me will giggle and talk

I didn’t dare miss trash day because our can is overflowing

And trust me when I say my mood is NOT overjoying!

Without pants on though, that wind is freezing………..

When my robe opens up the view isn’t very pleasing!!

HAHAHA…….well that was good fun.    I couldn’t resist.    What a great photo too – I swear that guy is smiling – probably realizing how ridiculous he looks and wishing his wife had NOT brought the camera out to record him quickly getting the sidewalk cleared.

Now – how about a photo for next week?   Well I have one for you as usual…………………..

This one ought to be fun.    My Mom tells me all the years she’s been alive there have been SO many popular dances………………this one looks like you need to be in pretty good shape to do these moves!    Let’s see what kind of fun we can have writing a poem inspired by this photo shall we?   I’ll see you here next week again I hope!!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Your Forever Angel Poet, Sammy

♥ ♥ ♥

That was fun Angel Sammy………………I  bet that guy with the snow shovel gets a bad cold!   HAHA     See you next week!

Hugs, Teddy


40 responses »

  1. I wouldn’t be seeing that in my neighborhood now but…. back in MO I was known to go outside for the mail with my cabana towel wrapped around me for warmth in the winter. It usually wrapped around jeans or sweats but few peeps probably ever saw me. Here peeps would just think I’d come from the pool. I can definitely see that guy in some of the neighborhoods in St. Louis! Great poem Angel Sammy! Did he have his boots and socks on and just say the hell with pants? Funny!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can’t imagine what this guy was thinking but I’m guessing that he was in a big fat hurry and thought it would just be a “quick swipe” with the scooper and that was that……..I bet if it was more than the little snow he had that he WOULD have put on his pants!!!!! LOL I love finding photos for Poetry Day……next week’s is fun too……

      Hugs, Pam


  2. Sammy and Angel Sammy…S*M*O*O*C*H!!!! My gosh, believe it or not…this is true as the sun rose this morning! When mom was out in the park walking yesterday morning, there was a man in heavy coat with a hood over his head, he DID have pant on…MOWING grass on a riding lawn mower, OVER the snow. Sheesh!
    XOX Katie Isabella

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHAHAHA!!!! That’s hilarious – the guy probably thought “the park pays me to mow the grass so dang it I’m mowing – snow or no snow!!”………HAHAHAHAHA People do the silliest things sometimes don’t they Katie???

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ha ha! That was a funny poem:) Next week’s photo reminds me of the dance scene in It’s a Wonderful Life where the pool opens underneath them. Have a great day! Xo

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Before we even get to the poem, we love that photo of you, Teddy, at the end of the post. Mom gets cold just looking at the photo of that crazy man in the snow. Mom thinks he must have dementia. The last line of your poem is terrific! We can only imagine what we might see. Mom did write a poem. It is at
    Love to all and stay warm! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  5. I so agree Teddy, we are always most thankful when it doesn’t snow. We enjoyed the poem Angel Sammy and next week looks fun too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


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