Teaser Tell All Time……….


Hello Teaser fans……………………..using an older graphic for fun this morning for the Tell All………………..yesterday’s Teaser was a goodie wasn’t it?    There were a LOT of guesses – a LOT – but only one of them was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER and we’ll tell you WHO in a few minutes.


Oh I’m dancing because I was super early to class yesterday and commented – was it ME ME ME ?

No – sorry about that…………..good dancing though.    It wasn’t you I’m afraid, it was……………..

Miss Sharon of Friends Furever!!


Here’s your reward for being an early bird:

I was the very first to comment on the Teaser of November 12, 2019!

DARN – that’s what I get for sleeping in yesterday!

Then we waited and waited – so many GREAT guesses were coming in – we had some that were VERY CLOSE, but in the end there was one that got the right city and so our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER was…………………….

Miss Janet of The Cat on My Head !


This badge is for you Miss Janet…………….concatulations:

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the tough Teaser post of November 12, 2019! WOOT!

It was a very tough Teaser we thought…………..and who was the person who sent us the fabulous photo????????

Our GUEST TEASER was from Jackie of Two Devon Cats and this is a photo of ski jumps in Tromso, Norway.   We know it looks like the ski jumps are such that if you went down them you’d land on a roof but it’s of course an optical illusion – we are looking WAY beyond those buildings to the ski slopes!   This really was difficult to figure out !!   Thank you Miss Jackie for the photo………

My fabulous photo was featured on the Tuesday Teaser of November 12, 2019!

Did you also guess correctly?   As of when Mom and I worked on this post, only Miss Janet had guessed right but if you guessed right too – please take one of these badges for yourself!

I guessed RIGHT on the Teaser of November 12, 2019, but I wasn’t the first one…..darn…..

If you were way off base or couldn’t figure it out PERIOD, you still get a GREENIE………….a special FALL one too!

I was WRONG with my guess on the Teaser of November 12, 2019. At least I tried…..sniff sniff.



Let’s see what the Cheer Team has to say about the results of this week’s Teaser!

Here we are all cute and fluffy
Having hot flashes or is it just stuffy?
Winners we had them though it was touch and go
Then Janet of Cat on my Head stole the show!
She was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER and got it right
As for FIRST COMMENTER we had a crowd in sight!
But Sharon of Friends Furever pushed to the front of the line
She got the badge for commenting and now she feels fine!
This was a tough Teaser so you all did well
Now let’s hope there’s yummy food at lunch so we’ll all feel swell!


Well Sarge nice to see you – I didn’t hear the sound of ripping gym pants so I guess you went with SPANDEX??

Let’s all head off to lunch shall we?    Class, remember if you have a photo of a place you think might fool your classmates, send it to us at junekimm(at)aol.com and we just might use it one of these Tuesdays!

Time for a hearty lunch students…..then on the bus you go and home again until next Monday when you will be back in school again……………..so eat up and remember, in a few weeks we’ll be having a special THANKSGIVING feast!

What’s On The Menu??

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Time to head home students……………….have a good week – see you next Monday!   

Your Professors


53 responses »

  1. Congratulations to Sharon and Janet! Fun picture Miss Jackie! This was a unique, fun Teaser! When I googled later in the day I could not believe all the ski jumps I came up with and various statistics about ski jumps. I will be back for a Grouper sandwich for lunch… 🙂 Maybe some bacon tater salad, too! Hope you have a fire this morning… I see 22 for you this morning! 57 here… yay!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We are excited beyond belief. Mom has only been first right guesser a couple of other times. And to share honors of firsties with our extended family is darn exciting. Thanks for a great cheer as well. We set a new record for cold this morning…18 degrees. The record was 20 set in 1986. Mom plans to stay inside. Everyone stay warm and toasty at your house. Love you all bunches. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • You were a few degrees colder than us this morning but it’s DARN COLD isn’t it! I’ve not asked once to go outside today – Mom is grateful! Stay warm!! Oh – and CONCATULATIONS!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Pingback: The Business | Evil Squirrel's Nest

  4. Son of a goon! I could have sworn it was a smokehouse. I never guessed the country either. I was too excited. I want to wish Sharon (Raz’s mom) congratulations from all of us for being first commenter.. Miss Janet, mom of CooperMurphy…my guy….yes, he is mom.\, congrats on being right first guesser.

    I didn’t see no friggin ski jump….it was smokehouse all the way.



  5. OMC!!! LadyMew had THE rite country!!! HURRAH!!!! She mew THE name Tromso when she saw it butt cuud not reememburr THE name fore yore Teezer….
    An concatulations to Miss Sharon an Aunty Janet!!! An Miss Jackie iss a furry kewl photoe…..
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma


  6. Being on a vacation, and having a birthday are not conducive to the Teaser days…MOL!
    It was all of 6F here this am…Brrr.Some places not that far from us were actually below zero! Sheesh ;way too early for this, along with 4-5inches of snow…which made for a treacherous drive back, which normally takes about 7 to 8 hours, became 14. OMC:(
    At least we did not become a statistic, lost count of all the slide offs…but…we had a flat tire, UGH. At any rate we got home safely and that is what counts. Home Sweet Home. God’s Angels were surely protecting us.

    Congrats to Miss Janet for her right answer!
    And Miss Sharon for being really fast!

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Being on vacation when you have your birthday makes it double fun. Lots of snow – I bet it was not fun driving home in. I know you’re happy that you are HOME SWEET HOME.

      Big Hugs……..Teddy and Mom


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