SPARKS and Reminder


It’s Monday again and time for us to SPARK together!    What exactly IS this Monday SPARK thing we do?   Well, most of you know that Annie of McGuffy’s Reader – who started SPARKS – was hacked and has been on an extended break from blogging although her idea to spread some inspiration on Monday of every week goes on.   Many of us who participated in her SPARKS Blog Hop and found value in sharing a thought on Monday continue doing that to hopefully give each other a “Monday boost” – perhaps something to think about to inspire us in the week ahead OR help us deal with something that’s on our mind.    Why not join us by sharing something that SPARKS you?   It might just start a spark in us too.

I’ve got a very simple SPARK today……………but even though it’s simple that doesn’t mean it isn’t important.

This really hits home with me.   When I was a little girl there were always things that were to be “kept for a special occasion”……….that included everything from the best china, linen, silverware, clothing, special snacks, drinks, ON AND ON AND ON.    I kind of knew it was just my way of Mom saying “not now”……….but that’s part of the reason I love this particular SPARK because saving all those things is silly – every day we’re alive is a special occasion – especially if you’ve ever gone through anything “dramatic” in your life………..traumatic OR dramatic in fact.   So don’t save things for special occasions – let every single day be a special occasion.    Lesson learned!

Today is also Veterans Day.    My Dad was a Veteran………….he was a very proud Air Force officer who served his country and was actually SAD to retire!   He loved military life and we all loved it too because we got to see the world with him.    Happy Veteran’s to everyone who has served their country in any capacity.

I miss you Dad…..and was always proud of you.

Happy Monday………Hugs, Pam


Teddy says “don’t forget tomorrow is TEASER TUESDAY……the post will be live at a special surprise time” and we have a great photo for you to guess from a Guest Teaser!!”   


62 responses »

  1. we always have your dad in our mind when we remember all those who served and who fought for freedom. and we know that to stay together is the key to beat the evil… and we hope the world will agree, or we are in the bucket.


    • That’s SOOOOOO true…..we must stay united in spite of how so many places seem to be tearing themselves apart. Our veterans fought to keep us free and it seems a shame to be instead in conflict. Have a wonderful day remembering…………

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


  2. My biped says that her grandparents had a room that was saved for special occasions, which always seemed a waste but she was told she was too young to understand!

    See you tomorrow!


    • Her grandparents remembered so well what those who had fought did and what kind of future SHE had because of their sacrifices I bet! Amazing memory. See you at the school tomorrow…………!

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom too


      • Her grandparents were the generation that fought in WWII and her great-grandparents in WWI and uncles in conflicts since. They have their share of medals and serious injuries, so she grew up knowing the sacrifices that were made.

        If only the human race could learn to live in peace…


    • Oh I’m sorry Kristiina…..our soldiers sometimes are barely starting their lives out when they are called to serve their countries. They are forever changed – all of them. I’m so sorry your Dad was wounded. Also, you are SO VERY VERY RIGHT about being at our age and what every day brings to us – we wake up and realize we’re STILL HERE and we must make the most of every day we have because it is a blessing to be HERE.

      Love, Pam

      Liked by 2 people

  3. We live this quote in our life! We are honoring and thanking Veterans today including SSNS who is a retired Army Aviation Officer. Thoughts of thankful to your Dad. We have a neighbor who has gone out and put flags on all our garage lanterns!
    Won’t forget to be here tomorrow for the Teaser!
    63 here this morning… it was beautiful yesterday and today is supposed to be the same! Had to wear my Tinykittens hoodie last night to grill!

    Liked by 1 person

    • All of my family were in the different branches of the service. Daddy was in the Army, my brothers were in the Navy, and the other in the Marines. I think I remember correctly that mother was a WAVE. XX Teddy…love yoo.
      Katie Isabella


    • So it’s a bit chilly down in Floridaaaaaaaaadodeeeeee? Well we have temps in the 50s today but our HIGH tomorrow will be in the 30s AND we may have a sprinkling of snow this afternoon. We’re ready – lots of firewood stacked up for the fireplace…….warm socks, sweaters, blankies………..YAY!!!!! Thanks to SSNS for his service – what a pawsome thing your neighbor did putting flags up for everyone. That’s a patriot for sure!!

      Love, Pam and Teddy Bear too


  4. I love this spark! I can relate to, my mom always gets stuff and never uses it. I always use everything immediately because being alive is truly a special occasion. Thank you to your Dad for his service. XO


    • When my Mom was growing up in an Air Force family they had to move every couple of years and her Mom would always have a big “clear out” before those moves. Mom kind of has that same attitude – use it or lose it. LOL

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. This Spark is SOOOO true. Mom’s Mom had many beautiful Fendi handbags that she would “save” for a special occasion (which meant she NEVER used them). They all ended up drying up and splitting and OUR Mom had to throw them out which broke her heart.

    The Florida Furkids


    • Oh dear……well it’s kind of what we do isn’t it – maybe because we saw our Moms doing it. I had a gorgeous cocktail dress that I wore ONCE and it’s been in the back of my closer for a “special occasion” – the other day I realized that I could no longer get into it – I’d “saved” it too long but I knew that some young lady somewhere might enjoy having it for HER “special occasion” so I gave it up.

      Love, Pam


  6. Your spark today hit home and so true. I grew up that way too. I thank your Dad and all our veterans and present military for their service . My husband serviced in the Air Force also.


    • YAY AIR FORCE! It was a wonderful life and there might have been times when I wished we didn’t have to move so frequently and start in new schools, make new friends but it gave me a love of travel which I’m grateful for!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Deer Miss Pam…may yore Father’ss memoree bee fore a blessing! Hee served yore country well.
    Iss Reemembrance Day here too. Wee watched ceremony on Tee V. It was a movin service fore sure!
    An LadyMew says yore SPARK iss so RITE!! Shee usess speshell stuff dailee ’cause efurry day alive here iss speshell….that iss what shee told mee….
    **purrsss** BellaDharma


  8. This Spark is SO true! The mom will sometimes not wear a nice sweater or something saying it’s for a special occasion. Then days, months, years go by and she never wears it! Today is a special occasion!!


    • I’ve done that with clothes SO OFTEN…..I get something I really like and reserve it for an occasion (or even just going out to eat!) and WE NEVER DO……LOL I’ve stopped doing that – a couple of years ago I decided it’s NOW or NEVER.

      Hugs, Pam


  9. Your dad was in Korea. We had friends of the family that also served in Korea. Great thanks to all those who served in the Armed Forces and those serving now.

    Your Spark s right on. Growing up I was given the “special occasion” tak also. However, when us kids left home mom used the good china and I received it. It is chipped and well used. My mom!! hehe


    Liked by 1 person

    • Absolutely………..and that’s pretty much what I’ve done – used all those things I kept of my Mom’s that were “off limits” to us as kids……now they are our everyday things and they are STILL special but used!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  10. That is really an important Spark. I am afraid I am guilty of this; though, I try not to be. Some of it is probably laziness. To use the good China and silver means being extra careful when hand washing, and I am always afraid of breaking it. Maybe I will use it for Thanksgiving. So many of these Sparks we have posted I need to have as signs hanging on the walls. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  11. One family i knew let the kids and everyone use the “special” items because their mom said, “No one more important than my own children will ever be in my house!”

    Another lady i knew inherited her mother-in-law’s beautiful linens, and tucked inside of each unused and beautiful piece was a note: Do Not Use! Saved for Good! It was so sad that there was never an occasion good enough in the mother-in-law’s estimation to use those beautiful things. They are being enjoyed now!


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