Friendly Fill-Ins


Happy Friday!    Time to fill in the blanks.   I’m happy to say that my Mom and Dad are back home from their little break in Maine where they ate lobster and walked the beach and saw beautiful leaves while I was suffering  lounging in luxury at the spa/kennel.   Anyway, we’re all home again and that’s great – puts me in the mood for filling in with our two co-hosts at 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs.   I thought I’d let my Mom do the filling in this week as a treat for her since she’s not been on the computer this week……this will be an easy way for her to break back into the habit.  HAHA.   Her words are in BLUE!


1. Lobster is tasty.

2. If I was going to a Halloween party, I would go as a ghost – when I was a young girl that was the EASIEST costume to make – all you needed was a sheet!.

3. If everything goes according to plan, I’ll get caught up on things around here today after being gone for four days – housecleaning, laundry, etc..

4. Being in a “haunted house” is the spookiest thing I have ever experienced.


Well, that’s it for this week………….Mom will be talking about her trip with my Dad for the next few days.   I’m just glad they’re home and that they had a good time.   They deserve a little break……….and let’s face it – so did I !!!

Happy Friday!

Hugs, Teddy

43 responses »

  1. Thank you to your mom for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am glad she got to enjoy lobster while in Maine. Sorry you had to go to a spa, but at least you were pampered. I want to hear about the haunted house. 🙂 Have a nice weekend! XO


    • My Mom has been in a haunted house and a haunted hotel – the hotel is out in a small town near us here! The haunted house was in England. Mom says she and Dad sure enjoyed visiting with you and your Mom!!!!

      Love, Teddy


    • Our mom is so jealous about all that lobster. Ghosts today would be fun, as everyone has colored or patterned sheets. Happy Mom Pam and Dad David had a nice relaxing trip. Bet you are excited to get to the yard, Teddy. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


      • Wanna know something my Mom and Dad think is STRANGE? Since I’ve been back home I haven’t asked to go outside ONCE. Maybe today is the day – Mom says she thinks I just wanted to spend my first whole day back home INSIDE. Maybe so……..

        Hugs, Teddy

        Liked by 1 person

    • My Mom knows lots of people who don’t like ANY kind of seafood – not allergies – just don’t like it. Not sure what to think of that – let’s just say they are missing out on a lot of delicious stuff! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Teddy, how sweet to let your mom fill in the fill-ins. She did wonderfully! You know, I’ve never once dressed up as a ghost. That kind of surprises me. And having to play catch-up on housework is no fun, but the feeling accomplishment when you’re done is wonderful. Wishing you all a happy day!


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