Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Happy Thursday everybody.    Thanks to Brian for a chance to share what we’re all thankful for – and if you want to do that as well, just click his badge and link up.    I have a BIG Thankful today involving my Dad.   He’s been waiting to get some health issues answered and we now know that while he does have some things that need to be handled, nothing is URGENT and nothing is in what we’d call the “SCARY” department!    So that is a huge relief for all of us.    It’s also my BIGGEST Thankful this week.

Angel Sammy sent his poem and message to us from the Bridge…………I’m always thankful for that!    Here’s what we received………..ENJOY!


Greetings Friends! 

I know today is a big day in the blogosphere – even though I’m not an earthly presence these days, I do know what’s going on THERE and it’s “TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY”!    Just for grins, here are some old photos of me from previous celebrations of this FUN day:

Well now I’m an ANGEL instead of a PIRATE and this costume (wings) that I wear now is more fun.    To all of my friends there, have fun with this special day.    Now let’s talk POETRY!

I hope you have written one for last week’s photo – if not – give it a try – I think you will enjoy it.   You’ll get hooked – it’s hard not to.    You’ll be proud of yourself for even attempting to write a poem.   You’ll see……………..!    Here’s the photo I gave you, and my poem follows.

“A Tough Life”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©September 18, 2019

A glamorous life on a ship at sea

As a wee lad I thought so happy I would be

But this pirating life has been harder than hard

Aces are high but we don’t hold that card

We take what we want, no matter the cost

Regardless of how many lives may be lost

We plunder and pillage and destroy without thought

Of the ruin in our wake and the pain we have wrought

The bounty below decks may sparkle and shine

But death to all pirates who try to take mine

Suspicion and distrust follow us wherever we go

How many lives we’ve destroyed we don’t even know

But as of today after a life full of fire

I’m laying down my sword and will finally retire!


OK so maybe I finished that poem with a bit of a smile.    That’s OK.    I think anyone who has studied history knows that being a pirate was not full of glamour – it was TOUGH and certainly most pirates never got old enough to actually retire – they were killed in battle or died from disease or even walked the plank on some other pirate ship!     Anyway, I hope you all had some fun with this photo – I sure did.    Ready to see next week’s poem?   You have a whole week to come up with a poem for this one.

My Mom said she could almost smell the wonderfully fresh and delicate aroma of these flowers………….reminds her of the Parisian flower shops she saw and in fact this IS a photo of a flower shop in Paris.   Have fun with this one………………………it definitely evokes some feelings right?

I hope you all have a wonderful week and that you will have a fun “Talk Like A Pirate Day”…………………one of the many things I miss about being there – although I am always “there” in the places that matter – like the hearts of my family!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

See you next week!  Until Then – Give Someone A Hug……it’s SOOOO worth it!   

Love, Angel Sammy



Gosh Angel Sammy, you never fail to come up with a fun poem………………..I wish you were here with us – SO MUCH and I know Mom and Dad wish that too.    One day we will all be together.

Love, Teddy

36 responses »

    • Oh no! Pirate Snails stealing all the flower booty? Too bad you boys can’t pull those snails out and cook them up for an escargot pie! Oh wait – I remember now – you TRIED that and got rather SICK RIGHT?

      Hugs, Terrible Ted the Pirate


  1. Angel Sammy, I cannot tell you the real and loving smile I have each time I see you in your green beret. You always make me smile and I miss you. XXXXX


  2. That is a great poem! Angel Sammy never disappoints. Thank you to your mom for finding such great prompts, next week’s is beautiful. Happy Pirate Day! XO


  3. Teddy, I am very thankful too that your dad’s news was MUCH better than he feared. Now you can all relax and know things aren’t as scary as they could have been.
    That is another great poem, Angel Sammy. I love the sea, but a pirate’s life is not for me!


  4. What blessed news about your Dad, Teddy, so happy for you all. The poem was wonderful. Really makes you think about a pirate’s life.


  5. sam oh bacon; yur poemz total lee awesum two day…we due knot haza poem; just a wee shantee thiz week

    ted oh natorz we iz buzzed happee yur dadz doin aye oh kay; glad de scaree parts over { wonderin } N hope him can now get bak on trax N on de road ta ree coveree ree ♥♥♥☺☺

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♫♪♫♫♪♫

    hearties; heerz ta de plundr oh manee piecez oh 8

    may ye find noe scurvee burd in ye treasure ore bee

    chased bye a kraken two day; give noe quarter ta either 😈


  6. My first comment disappeared! Okay I will try again… I’m all befuddled this morning. I didn’t get to this comment. I’m thankful too that your Dad has nothing scary. No pirate life for me! Gorgeous picture for next week. We spent almost 2 hours in a nursery yesterday looking at their “stuff”… it was a treasure of a find. I told Jerry I want to go back there today because it just give you a “feels good” right down to your toes!


    • Funny you would say that about a nursery – my Mom likes to go and just wander around those places. Flowers, shrubs, growing/happy things. She’s a plant nut – used to be WAY MORE than these days. At one time when she was young (a million years ago) she had 125 african violets !!! Yikes!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. We are so glad Dad is alright and we send our purrs and prayers. Our Dad has some things but you know when you get that old most do and… With the look I am getting I better stop meowing about our Dad. Love your poem and we really enjoy you coming down to visit us all Sammy. Teddy we feel the same.


    • Hey guys….my Dad still has things – he says all men his age (75 in a week and a half!) have “things” – I hope I don’t get any “things” myself ! Glad you liked the pirate poem – this year’s pirate celebrations were fun!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. We’re so happy to hear about your dad’s good news, Teddy, and we’re sending purrs and prayers for good health! Angel Sammy, what a purrfect poem! I love that you also wrote about a pirate and his retirement. Purrs!


    • Pirates work pretty hard all their lives so I think they deserve to retire – usually they have a pretty good retirement plan going too – all that booty collected through the years! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


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