Selfie Sunday Hop


Happy Sunday everybody.   Time for us to join up with the Selfie Hop.    This is a fun hop that we’ve joined in on for a very long time and never get tired of seeing everyone else’s selfies on Sunday courtesy of our hosts at The Cat On My Head!    Want to link up?  Just click the badge above and post your selfie and link and VOILA – you’re part of the IN CROWD.

I’m going a FLASHBACK SELFIE again……hope you’re not getting tired of seeing me from a couple of years ago……..I think it’s kinda fun – hope you do too!

This is me on August 15th, 2017 – as close to today’s date as I could get.   Six months in my forever home and I’m already stretched out in the upstairs hallway outside my Dad’s office making myself into a doorstop!   Something I have perfected I might add in the two years since then!

Mom thought this photo was a little BORING so she used one of the new art effects from Lunapic called “SUNSHINE” and this is what she got!   I like it!    Did we do a puzzle?  Of course!


Happy Sunday Hopping…….Love, Teddy

47 responses »

    • Hi ERin!! I wonder sometimes if all the photos of be sleeping have led people to believe that’s all I do. HAHA I do sleep a lot as we kitties all do but when I’m NOT asleep I’m “crazypants” – I run around outside and chase squirrels and birds and watch squirrels and the neighbors’ dogs……all of that exhausts me of course so I nap. Mom says I’m cuter when I’m asleep (not sure that’s a good thing!).

      Love and Happy Sunday

      Liked by 1 person

  1. That is a lovely belly up selfie, Teddy. I like the Sunshine effect for you, bright and cheerful. Thanks for the puzzle which I will do tonight.


    • Happy Sunday Miss Jackie! Hope everything is good for you and Mr. Ivor………I was hoping Mom would get a new photo of me for selfies but she just keeps forgetting to bring the camera out when we go for a cruise. I’ve given her a lecture again so maybe next Selfie Sunday I’ll have a new photo.

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Darling Teddy, I would never ever ever get tired of seeing you spread out or in any other way! You rock and Rule!!!
    XXXOOO Katie Isabella


    • Thank you dear Katie! We loved your post this morning about trying a new wake-up technique with your Mom. Very clever of you…..and it worked! I suspect she just let you keep on lunging to see how many times you’d do that……….humans have such interesting sense of humor! HAHA

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good Morning Miss Pix! The Bean here – Mom is busy doing laundry so I’m here at the computer catching up for her with comments on MY (!) blog. Glad you like my flashback, gratuitous belly up position photo. You know how my Mom is about ginger bellies. There’s no hope for her. Have a grand Sunday!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. We really like the art but think the real Teddy in the furs cannot be beat. You are just so adorable, and we love you. Thanks for continuing to join and support our selfies hop. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • HAHAHA…..being a barricade or road block is fun……..but Mom says one of these days I’m liable to get stepped on and that I would NOT like that. I suspect she’s right! Tell Benji to watch out!

      Hugs, Teddy


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