Friendly Fill-Ins Blog Hop


Happy Friday!   Time to do a bit of filling in with our co-hosted HOP for that purpose.   Every Friday Four-Legged Furballs and 15andMeowing give us two sentences each with lots of left out words and we just fill in the blanks.   Couldn’t be easier and you’d be surprised how much we learn about each other just from that!     If you click the badge above you can link up and have fun with us.

Here are this week’s sentences and I decided to let Mom do her thing with these – I probably COULD have helped but I’m sleeping in this morning (on top of her pillows!) so HAVE AT IT MOM!   Her words are in GREEN.

1. I hope Planet Earth never goes out of business. (Weird answer?  Maybe but you have to admit, we’re doing our best to mess it up and I really hope we don’t – it’s our HOME SWEET HOME!)
2. So far, the highlight of my year has been having fun with my husband discussing possible super vacations for our 30th anniversary next year – so many places we’d like to see!
3. Doing laundry takes up too much time.   (A necessary evil though unless we lived in a nudist colony and “THAT AIN’T HAPPENING” !!!)
4. If I didn’t have to sleep, I would spend that extra time reading more.    (I’m on the computer enough as it is but I’d like to spend LESS time on it and more time with my nose buried in a book)
Thanks Mom!   Good job……..maybe next week I’ll take a turn.   You never know!


Love, Teddy

58 responses »

  1. Tell your mom and dad to take lots of pics wherever they go!

    I hope they have something special planned for you while they’re away. It’ll be worth lots of treats and cuddles. You’ll be able to sulk and tug at their heartstrings for a while when they get back! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Clowie! Oh I’m sure my parents will be snapping photos (Dad will do a video probably with Mom doing the camera stuff). They figure after 30 years together they need one last BIGGIE trip. I’ll be at the SPA being spoiled by the Sisters. I can handle that. I’m also VERY GOOD at sulking. I’ll be sure to pout prolifically believe me!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Your mom did a great job with the answers, Teddy. Enjoy your snoozing…you’re going to need rest for all that fun you’re going to have outside on this purrfect day!
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Those hamsters are adorable, as are you, Teddy. 🙂

    Your super vacation sounds awesome! I hope that you and your husband have the best time ever.

    Happy 30th anniversary, a wee bit early. My rememberer isn’t so great, so I want to go ahead and say it. haha

    Have a blessed weekend!


    • We love those hamsters too…..such a funny photo and great illustration of “HAPPY” !! Yes we think the trip would be totally great and our last “big” trip. We aren’t sure about it YET but will have to get reservations soon – a year passes SO QUICKLY. Thanks for the good wishes – by the way, my rememberer isn’t all that great either!

      Happy weekend, Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

      • Every season has special elements, at spring suddenly snow melts, days are getting longer, at the beginning of summer everything is in blossom, trees grow leaves, Midsummer night, then at fall all green turns to red and yellow, soon is first snow covering yards and forests, days are short, dark, at wintertime it is cold, snowing and you might see aurora borealis, the Northern Lights dancing on the sky. The polar circle is in the middle of Finland, so it means you might see Father Christmas. Hmm, you must stay here one year.


        • It’s one part of the world I’ve not seen…..My Dad was in the Air Force so we spent our whole family life traveling and living in different parts of the world but not in that area……and David and I have traveled a lot since we’ve been married but not there either. Who knows – maybe one of these days before we get too old to travel!!!

          Love, Pam

          Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Jackie…..yes we thought we’d do that cruise and get to see Remich as well as stay an extra couple of days at the end of the trip in Amsterdam. We’ll see…….we’re not decided yet. We also priced a riverboat cruise on the Mississippi River. Almost same price!

      Love, Pam


    • I don’t really mind laundry or any chore – but gardening has turned into a problem with my joint pain so I gave that up….wonder if that excuse would work on housework???!!! I’ll see what I can do about that. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TO YOUR HUBBY – any special plans?

      Hugs, Pam


    • I have no idea if there are nudist colonies around here and I guess I don’t WANT to know (haha). We have an airplane and often fly around in the countryside and as far as I know, have never flown over any nudist activity but you never know!

      Hugs, Pam


  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers! I love your answer to #1. And we had the same for #4. Have a great weekend! XO


  5. Excellent fill-ins, especially #1. We have messed up planet Earth ENOUGH! Mom agrees completely with #4. She finished the Cat Scout Book Club , book was really good, and wants to get back to her Michelle Obama memoir, which is exceptional. Mom and Dad would like to go on a nice river cruise, but are tied to home base because of Sawyer. We’ll see you tomorrow for bacon! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Your Mom and Dad DESERVE a getaway of some kind after the renovation project is finished! I’m sure it would be tough to leave Sawyer but perhaps your wonderful vet could watch him just for a while so your Mom and Dad can REST up!!! Anyway, my Mom says she bets Michelle Obama’s book is fabulous as she is a fabulous lady. Sending all of you hugs and wishes for a HAPPY CAT DADDY DAY tomorrow!

      Love, Teddy


  6. Doing laundry is definitely a time suck! Mom and I agree. We get bored waiting for the dryer buzzer. In our old house, Mom went to the laundromat once a week. Three loads in and out at once. Plus a great excuse to eat McDonald’s breakfast and read her Kindle. #waystospeeduplaundry

    Love and licks,


    • Oh yes – my Mom remembers being very happy that the Laundromat was right next door to McD’s when she didn’t have her own washer/dryer. Somehow fries made everything BETTER! HAHAHAHA

      Love, Teddy


  7. Your mom’s fill-ins are fantastic, Teddy! I’m rooting for Planet Earth, too. And it seems like a lot of people would spend extra time reading, and I think that’s a wonderful thing. Purrs to all of you!


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