Friendly Fill-Ins on Friday


Here we are again on a Friday with our “fill-in” Blog Hop co-hosted by our friends at 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!    IF you’d like to play along – click the badge above and go for it!   We have four sentences with blanks to fill in.    This week I’m letting my Mom have all the fun – I’m too busy napping.    Mom’s words are in RED.   

Go Mom go!

1. A past event that I would like to see in person is landing on the moon.

2. If I were a dog, my breed would be West Highland White Terrier (but in reality I love ALL dogs!).

3. If I came with a warning label, it would say the following: “Needs one cup of coffee in the morning to be hospitable”.

4. I would want to take a comfy hammock and sunscreen with me to a deserted island.


OK Mom – good job.    I was hoping you’d want to take ME to a deserted island but then I remembered how nice it is to have a nice cool house and cold water to drink.    Something tells me those would be in short supply on a deserted island.    Right?

Hope you all have a HAPPY FRIDAY……………………..!

Yep – that’s how I feel alright! 

Are there sinks on deserted islands?????

Love, Teddy



50 responses »

  1. The 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 is coming up. I had just turned six at the time. Just the other day I asked my mom where we were when Apollo 11 landed on the moon because it seems all the moon landings blend together in my head. I saw them all but it’s vague. She said she watched it on tv at work and doesn’t know where I was. I guess now I’ll never know.


  2. Good job, Teddy’s Mom! I think you need some wine or Warsteiner. Maybe I could float over to your deserted island from my deserted island and share. Funny about the dog breed as SSNS said a Scottie for me. Sunscreen for sure! Teddy you would be smart to do some sinking in your favorite bathroom and stay cool!


    • We actually are cool here today – why? clouds – lots of them…….rain moving in tomorrow and making itself comfortable here for SEVERAL days. Teddy is in the garage in his window seat now but we’ve been out once this morning. He didn’t fight me on coming in so I think he wasn’t happy with the wind. I’m open to you floating over to my island with a crate of Warsteiner OR wine!

      Hugs, Pam


        • Oh dear…..I hope you get that rain then. We will get a load of it tomorrow and I won’t be complaining about that either. We had several nice days in a row – what more could I ask for??????? (maybe a deserted island??)

          Love, Pam


  3. I definitely agree with #3, except 1 cup to be in the same room as me and 2 to be hospitable. I can’t function without my caffeine fix!


  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I need at least one cup of coffee to be hospitable too 🙂 Yes, landing on the moon would be something to see. Have a wonderful day! XO


  5. Mom was surprised that she and Mom Pam both picked the same dog breed. She liked your mom’s #3 fill-in as well. We sure hope our mom never takes off for a deserted island. We like the happiness meme a lot! Have a great weekend. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • They are adorable little dogs…..I imagine they are super energetic and that’s why I said I would have enjoyed having one WHEN I WAS YOUNGER……Cats are more my speed now! 🙂

      Love, Pam


  6. A past event I would like to see in person would be the signing of the Declaration of Independence~
    I’d rather be a cat but if I were a dog, a Yorkshire terrier. Suits my personality.
    If I came with a warning label it would say sass is instantly answered and in spades.
    I would take a comfy beddie to lay in and a sun umbrella if I went to a deserted island.
    XO Katie Isabella


  7. Teddy, your mom did a fantastic job with the fill-ins! I love Westies. An old neighbor of mine used to one, and she was a beautiful dog. And I think you’re on to something with that hammock on a deserted island. Add a good book to the mix, and of course a kitty or two to keep you company, and you’ve got yourself the perfect vacation. Purrs!


    • Mom hasn’t even known someone who had a Westie other than on blogs but somehow she just thinks if you look into their eyes, you see “FUN”. You’re right – Mom would need a book or two on that island and someone else on the Hop said “an airplane and pilot for when I’m ready to leave”……now that’s not a bad idea either!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • It was funny how many others thought of that as an answer which indeed would have made for a crowd up there – and you can bet someone would have a taco stand or a smoothie bar or something too – how embarrassing!


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