Teaser Tell All Time


Ready for the Tell All????


You all obviously did a lot of studying as we had hoped after giving you a day out in all the fresh air day before yesterday because you did so well in class for Teaser Tuesday.    We started off with a BIG BANG !

I didn’t hear a BIG BANG………….

We had a BUMPER CROP of FIRST COMMENTERS – FIVE of them to be exact…………….and when we told the Cheer Team they gave us a look that was a bit like this:

Who were our five Firsties?


Friends Furever, Two Devon Cats, The Cat On My Head, Miss Pix, and Timmy Tomcat !


Yep – it was quite amazing to have five people in the first 60 seconds of today’s class chime in and ALL of them get one of these little beauties:

I was one of FIVE (yes FIVE) First Commenters on the Teaser of April 30, 2019…..WOW!

I was here – but I had to have my diaper changed so I missed being FIRST by a few seconds! Oh Poop!

Then we posted our Teaser photo for class and hoped for the best…………it was such a gorgeous photo and it wasn’t long before we had our first RIGHT GUESS…………here’s the photo one more time:

This is the incredibly beautiful (and much loved tourist spot) Mahone Bay in Nova Scotia (Lunesburg County).   Want more info???


We can see why this is a favorite spot of tourists………..not just the photo ops here but the peaceful scenery.    Thank you Graphics Department.   YA DONE GOOD!

It’s so peaceful it made me get sleepy…..’scuze me while I nap before lunch…..

Well I’m sorry it put you to sleep because now I’m going to tell you WHO it was that guessed it first !!!!


I’m holding my breath until you tell us!!!!!!



Congratulations Miss Annie!!!!  


I guessed RIGHT on the Teaser of April 30, 2019.  Not only that but I was FIRST!!!!  YAY!!!

Were you right too?   Did you guess it correctly but just weren’t the first???   Well you get a special badge for that……………….

I was right with my guess on the Teaser of April 30, 2019 BUT I wasn’t the FIRST to guess it. Close though!


And anyone who guessed but guessed incorrectly, will get a fabulous hot off the presses GREENIE!

I was WRONG with my Guess on the Teaser of April 30, 2019 but I sure tried !!

Cheer Team?   I know it was a trial to get you to stick everyone’s name in your cheer BUT rumor has it that you accomplished it anyway – WAY TO GO!!!!

Mama Mia and Holy Cow
Five First Commenters we have now?
We’ll do our best to get it right
Listen up and just sit tight
Sharon, Jackie, Janet, Timmy and Pix
Saying all those names in one cheer was no easy trick!
First Right Guesser was Animal Couriers’ Annie
She had it right quickly – it was almost uncanny!
For all the trouble to write this cheer
We think you Professors owe us a beer!

Keep ’em comin’ bartender!

Well students – even though EVERYONE doesn’t win every week, we Professors are proud of those of you who do and certainly VERY proud of all of you who TRY!     Now – what do you say we head over to the cafeteria for a bite to eat?????

Just added a little SPRINGISH touch to my hairnet today students…..please enjoy today’s lunch selections, and move through the line to make your choices!

Today’s Delights:

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Well done students!   We’ll see you in class next week!

Your Proud Professors…………

59 responses »

  1. Congratulations to Miss Annie of Animal Couriers!

    Congratulations to all the firsties!

    Miss D’s hairnet looks rather nice. I hope the flower petals don’t drop in the food though!

    Have a great day, everyone.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. concats to da fastest guessers and to da right guesser… we were too late and too late, butt the mama noticed the empty fridge and the fact that today is a howliday… it#s brandnew for her that today the stores are closed, butt just between us we celebrate the 100. anniversary of the may day this year… isn’t she fabulous?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Happy May Day to the Weimsters (like hamsters only a lot bigger). Hopefully you will have some sort of treat or celebration today in honor of May arriving. We’re just hoping for a pretty day instead of wind and rain!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats to Miss Annie, and to all 5 of us 1st commenters!
    I checked and the tour we took was from Halifax to Lunenburg which is approximately 60 miles. I think it is called the lighthouse route and Mahone Bay was the last stop before reaching Lunenburg which is only about 7 miles further on.
    I’ll have the salmon please. I need something light after all the cruise food.
    What are fried hush puppies????


  4. Wow, you had a line of people at the door waiting for you to open like it was Black Friday. I have ancestors that were from Halifax and other areas in Nova Scotia and I plan on visiting there when I retire, or sooner. This looks like it will be a stop on our trip.


    • HA! You’re right – it’s like we have some major giveaway or something and it’s only TEASER TUESDAY – but it’s so much fun watching the “firsties” coming in. We’ve never been to Nova Scotia but it sure is one beautiful sight to see Mahone Bay.


    • Hi Kosmo – thanks for the hug and I send you a hug back! Happy Labor Day – sorry you didn’t make it by for Teaser this week but it’s easy to forget what day it is……..my Mom says it happens to her all the time.

      Love, Teddy in faraway Warrenton, Virginia

      Liked by 1 person

        • Virginia is a beautiful state…..we are within driving range of mountains (very close) and the ocean (not quite as close) so I’m glad this is where I live. You all live in a totally beautiful place too – I think maybe any place can be beautiful if we have LOVE in our hearts Kosmo??

          Hugs, Teddy

          Liked by 1 person

          • Teddy, you have mountains near! We don’t, and the ocean is faraway, but we have lakes everywhere. You are right, love in our hearts makes our home place beautiful and ugly things we see is made by people, the nature is always beautiful.
            Hugs to you and your mom.


          • Hi Kosmo…..my Mom and Dad love going up to the mountains – they are the Blue Ridge Mountains and when they’re up there the view is beautiful and the trees look rather blue in color! There are trails and campgrounds and places for humans to stay if they want to. My Mom and Dad just drive up for the day and have lunch and take photos then come home to ME!!! Nature is always beautiful – nature is HONEST and sometimes humans aren’t!

            Love and Hugs, Teddy

            Liked by 1 person

          • Teddy, you live in totally different enviroment, we have only hills, some mountians in Lappland. Your mother should show photos from that mountain.
            My parents come always at home in the evening, to me, of course . Our parents are about the same age, so they know that thei furry friend, means you and me, is the most important.


          • I’ll get Mom to post some photos she’s taken up in the mountains…..and maybe a few from when she and my Dad are flying around here in their plane because the mountains are in the distance sometimes in her photos!

            Liked by 1 person

  5. MY gosh! LOOK at all the first commenters. I was away and so was mom, from the computer at just the wrong time!!!


  6. Five first commenters! Very impressive. Congrats to them all and to Miss Annie too. Great job with the cheer ladies, that was a toughie. XO


  7. Good Morning and congratulations to Friends Furever, Two Devon Cats, The Cat On My Head, Miss Pix, and Timmy Tomcat! 🏆 Congratulations to Annie too for being first right guesser.
    We woke up to snow today. When will it end? ⛄️


  8. Meow meow well dun Miss Annie!! Yore so clevurr!! LadyMew did not even know this place iss inn Canada where wee live. How embarrassin, mew mew me…
    Pleese pass us a Greenie Teddy.
    Thanx…LadyMew iss goin have to get a bigger box fore all HER Greeniess!! 😉
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma


  9. Wow Cheer Team we are bowled over by that all encompassing cheer you worked up. Amazing. Congrats to Miss Annie for the right guess I guess we will get in line with the rest.
    Miss D your spring flower makes you look… um… Springy? That meowed thanks for a great meal that will give us energy for further studies
    Thanks professors


  10. How fun to win some badges that are not green. The cheer tram did an amazing job. Can we please take a piece of key lime pie home for our mom. She loves it! Thanks Teddy, Angel Sammy and Mom Pam. We love you all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Oh I hope you took your Mom some key lime pie – maybe it will soothe her ruffled feathers over all the NOISE there with the construction project! Concatulations on NON-GREEN badges……..

      Hugs, Teddy


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