Tuesday Teaser


Greetings Students!   Have you COMMENTED yet?  

We Professors hope that yesterday’s field trip might have cleared the cobwebs out of your heads from the lack of a RIGHT GUESSER last week so that you will be READY TO ROCK today’s Teaser.

Rock? Groovy!

So put your thinking caps on and let’s get to it!

Our Teaser photo today is from our ever hard-working Graphics Department and is NOT a Guest Teaser (yes I hear you sighing in the back row).    Just because last week’s was thanks to our Graphics Department and was impossible doesn’t mean this week’s will be – STAY POSITIVE STUDENTS!

Gosh…..I’m not sure if I’m excited or depressed.

Here are your rules one last time and the badges for today:


I’m feelin’ lucky today!

Good – let’s hope that feeling sticks with you as you see today’s photo.    Before we show it to you, how about a little CHEER from the CHEERFUL TEAM??!!

Oh my goodness I guess it’s true
It’s TEASER TIME for all of you
Are you feeling lucky, are you in a good mood?
Or are you a sourpuss like that Grumpy Cat Dude?
We know you studied and your star will shine
Just go for the gold in the Teaser Gold Mine!
Be a smarty and knock ’em dead
Show them there’s a brain in that pretty head!

P.S.  Yes we know Grumpy Cat is a girl not a boy but GIRL didn’t rhyme with “MOOD” !!!


Thanks ladies……….good job.    Now let’s bring in the Teaser photo for you to take a peek at and do your best with.

Reporting for duty – here’s today’s TEASER photo!

Cool photo huh?    Well, see what you can come up with and maybe you will get a badge this week?????

Hmm……cool photo but where the heck is that?!

Who wants to head for the cafeteria for lunch?    Let’s go!    If you want to stay and study – feel free……………..but if we eat all the food up before you get there – you’ll be sorry you didn’t come with us!

Hello Students……….please enjoy today’s lunch – your cafeteria workers do their best to make lunch not only edible but delicious!

What’s On The Cafeteria Line Today:

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That was yummy!

Good luck students – see you in class for winners and losers tomorrow!  

Your Profs

87 responses »

      • It looks very familiar. I am thinking from our Canada/New England cruise. I can’t place it yet but am leaning towards Canada. Not Quebec, maybe Nova Scotia but I will have to check my photos later by which time I am sure it will have been guessed.


          • I knew I would be too late by the time I checked my photos! I agree that it is Mahone Bay Nova Scotia. We were actually on a coach tour to the pretty old town of Lunenburg NS and passed there on the way. I think the two places are very close, but it was several years ago now so it could be further than I remember.


          • You have truly been EVERYWHERE (except to Warrenton, Virginia) HAHAHA. Tomorrow we’ll see if your photos are leading you in the right direction!!

            Hugs, Pam


  1. Mon Ami, we are not like the sourpuss Grumpy Face dood. Nova Scotia is da land of Fishies and the picturesque Mahone Bay. Sacre bleu babe today we Qui court deux lievres a la fois, n’en prend aucun. Thank You Cheer Team fur a wonderfur cheer and Miss D our appetites are slaked. Thanks also to our wonderful security who keeps things very very honest and our professors who make all this pawsible


    • Well Mon Amis, purrrhaps vous et right? (how’s that for partial French?!). We shall find out tomorrow if your nose for fishies in a Bay got you to the RIGHT SPOT or not. Meanwhile glad you enjoyed Miss D’s lunch and our cheer team’s efforts. Nice to know people listen to those wacky cheers!

      Hugs, Teddy


      • YES YOU WERE – it didn’t post on my screen until a few minutes ago (your 8:04 “Guvna” hello did) but it sure enough says your FIRST hello was at 8:03AM. Oh boy – the Cheer Team is gonna faint – FIVE FIRSTIES!!! YIKES!!! I think I’ll slip a note to them under the hot tub room door and RUN. HAHAHAHA


          • Teddy and Angel Sammy are in hiding getting class ready for tomorrow – they did NOT want any consequences to be heaped on them due to FIVE First Commenters and the Cheer Team is grumpy on a GOOD day….much less with this many firsties!


    • Yup, I knew it! I lived in NS, Canada for about 18 months, and this little town is Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada.
      Those churches are famous in their own right! Along route 3; on Edgewater Street.
      Trinity United Church, St. John’s Lutheran Church and St. James Anglican Church. , though te picture comes from another part of the town, in order to capture all three of them. This little place is along the south shore, which is a tourist region to say the least. I loved living there, and took every opportunity to go trekking around, kind of hard to do when you don’t have a car, let alone a driver’s license, MOL! Thankfully I met many friends there and we would share our days off driving all about. WAY back in the mid 1970’s…sheesh I am that ancient!

      Hmmm, being this famous, of course I am not the first right guesser, MOL! Last weeks’s was so hard, this weeks is easier:)

      Off to wake up my brain cells with a good strong coffee…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oooh, look! Benny Hill’s coming on!

    I’m sure all three of those buildings are prisons, but you won’t find any prisoners in them. That’s because the state is making them all fight the gigantic forest fire blazing in the background…

    And dog bless the Ding Dong School cafeteria workers. Because it takes a LOT of hard work to make Miss Dingleberry’s food edible. Making it delicious may be a Sisyphean task….

    Liked by 1 person

    • HA! Well, it looks like quite a gigantic fire indeed – I guess they can’t chain those prisoners to each other while they’re fighting fires – wonder how many of them “take a hike” ?? As for endlessly attempting something which might turn out to be impossible, that’s Miss D for ya – she’s got moxy – she’s got determination and she WILL convince all students that her good IS in fact delicious (remember there are degrees of deliciousness and what’s one person’s #1 might be another’s #10). So there.


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