Friendly Fill-Ins


Here we are – we arrived at another Friday which means time to fill-in the blanks!  Our hosts are Four-Legged Furballs and 15andMeowing.    Ellen at 15andMeowing had to help one of her sweet cats to the Bridge yesterday so she’s taking a few days off.    We have hooked the badge above up to Four-Legged Furballs so if you’d like to join us, click it and fill out the linky there to share your sentences.     If you’d like to send a little note to Ellen about her kitty Tallulah – a new Angel now – just click Tallulah’s beautiful “FOREVER” badge below:

Here are today’s sentences and Mom and I took turns again filling in the blanks.    My blanks are filled with GREEN words and hers are filled with BLUE words!!

1. I get to do whatever I want every week.   I LOVE BEING RETIRED!!!

2. So far, 2019 is quiet for us – but it’s early so who knows what’s next!.

3. I will never tire of being spoiled – it’s my destiny.

4. Can you believe that I will be THREE YEARS OLD in March and that I was adopted February 12, 2017?    Time flies when you’re having fun!


There you have it – me and my Mom filling in the blanks.    We are also sending very big hugs to Miss Ellen and her husband David.   It’s such a heartbreaking thing having to help a pet to the Bridge even knowing it’s the best thing for them.   Mom still has dreams about Angel Sammy’s last day.    Mom says she really believes this:

And that’s FOREVER…………..

Love, Teddy


38 responses »

  1. Time does fly by, Teddy, and it is far too fast!
    My thoughts go to Miss Ellen. I know what your mom means about Sammy’s last day. I can see not just Eric and Flynn’s last days, but also those of most of our cats too. They get indelibly imprinted into our mind even though the last day is not the one you would want to remember because of the terrible heartbreak.


    • Yes…..when Mom’s mind drifts to the last days she pulls it back to the FIRST days…..the incredibly delightful, fun and magical first days. But then it’s ALL part of the lives we lead – sadness and happiness makes for a course in life that teaches us so much about ourselves. Even heartbreak has a lesson.

      Love, teddy


  2. true!!! that time flies like a concord…but we are glad that this time as I came to my crib and the time before you came to your crib is over… it still hurts, but that time probably had no day without tears and sad memories…


  3. Motor Mommy visited Miss Ellen’s blog and left her a message. Tallulah looks so much like my mom’s previous kitty, Beezy. She says that quote is true about what we love becoming part of us. So I guess I’m part of her, and she’s part of me!
    Great answers from you and your mom, Teddy.
    Love, Sundae


  4. Teddy, we always look forward to seeing how you and your mom answer the fill-ins! This here human is not afraid of aging, in no small part because the thought of retirement is a lovely one. Teddy, have you already started planning your birthday party? We bet it’s going to be such a grand, fun event! Purrs, and happy Friday!


  5. Yep we have 7 day weekends when we are as young as we are!

    I was so sorry to read about Tallulah’s passing last month.
    We have to do what is right for our babies…..but I agree with the quote on the photo.
    Madi’s presence here for 16 1/2 years, 15 1/2 of which were very healthy, left us with glorious memories that we treasure and often make us smile
    Hugs Cecilia


    • Yes it’s always difficult to say goodbye….but when you know in your heart you “needed” to say goodbye, somehow it makes it easier. When we love someone or something, we really never let it go because we have those memories FOREVER.

      Hugs, Pam


    • Angels are of course always with us – human and animal alike……..Ellie was such a tiny and gorgeous girl and of course Allie is beautiful as well. They did look a whole lot alike too…..petite and beautiful.

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Three is a great age, T. Enjoy every minute. (…like I need to tell you that!) Mom adopted me when I was three. It was my best year. I got a forever home and learned how to be a good girl.

    Love and licks,


    • You are not only a good girl Cupcake, you are a very special girl. You make EVERYBODY happy – not just your Mom, but everyone who meets you. That’s a great “job” if you ask me!

      Hugs, teddy


  7. Thank you for featuring Tallulah’s badge and for your kind words and quote at the end of the post- I believe that too. And thank you both for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am glad you are spoiled Teddy- I wish all cats were so lucky. XO


    • Hi Miss Ellen……..everyone is sad for your loss and we’re happy you stopped by. You and Mr. David have given so many kitties a chance at a wonderful life and that’s a huge thing to be proud of. We wish everyone could be spoiled!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. Terrific fill-ins, but the best is the ending of this post. Mom and all of us totally agree. A few nights ago, Mom had a very detailed dream about kitty Thelma, who left for the Bridge 15 years ago. Sending lots of love and hugs. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


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