Pre-Tease Monday


Good Morning Class!

How nice of you to notice that we have new bow ties.   Updated our look for the new year.   Orange works for an Orange Professor or two right?

We’re here of course to get you back into SCHOOL MODE after all the holiday hoopla is over for now.   Time to buckle up and study and be prepared for tomorrow’s Teaser Tuesday test.   A test of your geographic knowledge AND a test of your investigative skills as well.   You’ll be performing searches for clues you find in the Teaser photo and that’s something a good investigator can handle right?


I’ll be TOTALLY ready!

We usually give you the rules of Teasing AND show you the badges that will be up for grabs – so here you are:

Our Teaser this week is NOT a Guest Teaser photo but one that our superior school Graphics Department found to challenge you!    So be purrpared!

I’ll be ready!

I’m ALWAYS prepared!

Yeah you just wait – I’m ready!!

I’ll study so hard my head might explode!

Alright – that’s what we Professors like to see – ENTHUSIASM!

Remember that tomorrow’s Teaser post will be appearing at a surprise time.   Could be any time at all………….often we catch you off guard but some of you are READY NO MATTER WHAT!

To finish up our class today, I think we should head over to the cafeteria and see what delightful delights our Miss Dingleberry has prepared for us today – shall we?    Those of you who want to remain in class to study – please do.    Otherwise you will be excused after you have lunch and we’ll see you tomorrow!

Greetings Ding Dong Students!   We hope you are happy with the lunch offerings today.   If you have any favorites you’d like us to add – just let one of our staff know and we’ll do our best.  

Today’s Fabulous Menu:

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Happy Studying Students!!!! 

Your Professors

39 responses »

    • Oh I was hoping after reading your latest post that the FLU had FLOWN and you all were well again! Hopefully you all will be feeling better by class tomorrow. We’ll have the cleaning crew standing by with lots of extra toilet paper and mops/buckets JUST IN CASE!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I will do my best tomorrow. I got off to a good start last week for the New Year and hope to continue. I don’t want to study so hard that my head might explode though!
    I’ll have the salmon and a smoothie please, Miss Dingleberry.


    • Basil my Angel Friend! Thanks for bringing the B Team for a peek at the PRE-TEASER…………we’ve got a whopper for tomorrow so be sure and take a peek – you MIGHT know it!

      Happy New Year to all of you from me and my Mom!!!
      Hugs, Teddy


  2. OMC…everything loos so delicious, we can’t decide, so we are each going to get something different and share. We were surprised not to see the Cheerleaders today. We’ll see you tomorrow for better or worse. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • You know how those cheerleaders are – if they’ve had a hot date the night before they just don’t show up the next day. We’ve kind of learned to go with the flow when it comes to those girls!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Hello professors. Long time no see. Wow did Miss Dingleberry get a face lift or maybe a body lift MOL. The food is wonderful so we will don’t mind at all. Where is that cheery cheer team? They are probably late getting home from wild family parties.
    We are ready fur a teasing profs.
    Timmy, Toby, Buddy, Rumpy, Miss Fitz and Einstein


    • Hi Gang!!! Happy New Year! You musta missed the absence of Miss D while she had some major (obviously!) plastic surgery done. She apparently was sensitive (who knew?!) to the teasing and comments by SOME of the students at Ding Dong. Now she’s BACK and as long as the surgery holds up (and her face/body lifts do) we’re in business with some glamour in the cafeteria!! The Cheer Team took a day off but they are BACK TODAY…….The Teaser will be up for viewing in a little while so GOOD LUCK FIGURING IT OUT – it’s a whopper.

      Hugs, Teddy


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