Tuesday Teaser Time!



Hello Students.   Today we Tease and next week this time we will be having a Christmas Teaser – it’s ALL GO here at Ding Dong Sheep School isn’t it.    I hope you’re ready.    Today we have a GUEST TEASER and it’s an interesting one but that’s all I’ll say.    Then after we show you the Teaser and you’ve had a chance to examine it from all angles, upside down, backwards and standing on your head (haha), then we’ll head to the cafeteria for lunch.

FIRST UP let’s talk rules and badges………………..Only two rules but four badges and this is the last time you will get a PRE-CHRISTMAS badge!   Next week we’ll have CHRISTMAS badges to win!

Phooey!  This is my last chance for a Pre-Christmas badge???  Double Phooey!

Let’s ask our delightful Cheer Team to come in and WARM you all up for the Teaser photo shall we????

The Teaser is a guest one for you today
Is it tough or easy you might say?
We’re sure you’ll think it’s got some clues
So maybe you won’t sing the blues
Your last chance to win a Pre-Christmas prize
We hope you don’t have sleepy eyes!
Good luck to you we know you’re all smart
Then we’ll cheer your name tomorrow right from our hearts!


See you tomorrow students and Profs – we’re heading to our hot tub room for a soak!!

A well deserved soak I might say.    Where would we be without cheer team????

Things would NOT be as GROOVY without them!

Indeed…………….now shall we bring in our Security Guard with the photo for today??????

Hello Professors and Class – here’s your challenge for today!

Alright students – do your best………………what city/town/village and what state (usa) or country (non-usa) was this photo taken in???????     Meanwhile, you can either sit here and THINK or come to the cafeteria for some food to keep those brain cells alive and kicking.

Brain? My brain needs food? I’m coming to the cafeteria!

Alright you charming students, it’s time to fill up your bellies and get you back to class for your TEASER challenge.   You don’t want to FLUNK OUT do you?     No of course not!   EAT UP!

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Good luck with the Teaser Students – we’ll be back tomorrow with the badges you’ve won!!!

The Profs!


94 responses »

  1. Is that Santa’s spaceship after he’s been delivering toys all night? At the North Pole? When did he switch to a spaceship, MOL!!


  2. BAD Mom….we’re really late and she didn’t even walk this morning!!! We’re going to agree with Miss Jackie!
    We’re, obviously, too late for the macaroons so we’ll have some of that banana pudding please.

    The Florida Furkids


  3. Hhi Teddy! One of the elfs says it is Wiesbaden, Germany! A hot spring called Kochbrunnen. He has relatives there. Your offer to pick them up and take them back is great…do you think you could? They are myhem!
    Purrs Marv

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well at least your elf trouble-makers are helping you with Teaser today. That one guy might be right too – we’ll find out tomorrow. I’ll make sure the Cat Scouts jet comes by to pick them up and we’ll dump (oops) deliver them back to the North Pole. No guarantees they won’t hop on Santa’s sleigh he leaves on Christmas Eve though and find their way back to YOU!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Teddy…Ninja and I are having a ball! Its the broken stuff that Mom is objecting too..that and the glitter EVERYWHERE and the wrapping shreds and the cookie crumbs and eggnog stains and sticky candy cane handprints….


  4. Geez, I can’t even come up with my usual prison themed explanation behind this photo, because all I can see is the last school barbecue Miss Dingleberry held. The fire marshal and the health inspector were fighting over who would get dibs at closing the event down. FEMA was finally called in to clean up the culinary disaster and tend to the hundreds of victims of food poisoning, diarrhea and indigestion. Nobody will ever forget the day Mt. Dingleberry erupted…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Looks as if you have some smarty pants who have been here already this morning. We thought it was huge slabs of bacon cooking. That seemed appropriate for a Teddy post. Too funny! It is unique and so interesting. Wishing you all a good day. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

    Liked by 1 person

  6. INteresting. It looks like a flying saucer that petered out in the middle of a town. Upon closer examination one can see water running off and a wee fountain in the middle. Jackie from Memories of Eric and Flynn guessed it right….Kochbrunnen in Wiesbaden, Germany.



  7. OH MY! That looks like a steaming alien ship has landed somewhere in Europe MOL!!!! Well we made it for our first Teaser in MONTHS and have kept up our record of Greenie collecting 🙂 Have a great evening all!
    Marty and the Gang


    • Hi Marty! I agree with you – it really does look like a flying saucer from some planet where it must be pretty darn hot. It is in Europe though….so you were on the right track! Concatulations on your first GREENIE in a long time!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow! Such a cold looking place, and look at the steam coming out of that most odd looking centrepiece! The courtyard of that city sure has a good spot to warm up their cold tootsies!

    I see there have been lots of guesses so we won’t , our ‘punishment’ for being uber late…yes that is a German word, since that pic came from there we think, MOL!


    • You’re right about German…….and you’re right about it being a weird looking fountain! I guess mineral deposits form and they have to scrape them off from time to time! The link shows it “clean”.

      Hugs, Teddy


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