Friendly Fill-Ins


YAY!   Friday’s here and it’s time for this fun Blog Hop co-hosted by 15andMeowing and Four-Legged Furballs.    It’s an easy one – just fill in the blanks as you want to, then join the hop so everyone can see your sentences completed – THEN – hop around and read theirs too!    Fun way to get to know peeps better.     If you click the badge above it will take you away to 15andMeowing and there you can link up your post.

Mom and I both worked on this one………… fill-ins are in GREEN and hers are in BLUE!

1. I just finished laundry – yay – now I’ll do the ironing and I’ll be DONE!.

2. My next birthday will be in March and I’ll be THREE.
3. The sound of the crack of lightning nearby makes me cringe.
4. Right now, I am craving peace and quiet because I’m sound asleep on Mom’s bed.
Yep – there you have it – completed fill-ins from me and Mom.    Why don’t you play along with us and everyone else?   Oh come on – you can do it!
I like it when Dad takes me out – he lets me stay out a lot longer than Mom does!

Thanks Pop!   Love Teddy

59 responses »

    • Yeah I know – Mom says she never ironed when she lived in Floridadeeeeeeeeeeeeeedoooooooooo either. Up here there are long-sleeve shirts and flannel tops and STUFF that needs that little bit of ironing. PLUS my Dad always gets dressed up when he goes to the doctor or dentist or even to the court house to pay taxes! What’s with that?! Yep – my Pop is my buddy and pal. Angel Sammy called Dad “Pop Pop”…….I’m carrying on the tradition.

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. LOOK at that Teddy tail up in the air…so happy and full of joy while out there with your Dad. You make mom and Ice both smile looking at your handsome and happy self, Teddy. Pee Ess Mom has ironing to do. Boooo.
    Katie Isabella


    • Katie one of the things my Mom loves most about me is that I ALWAYS have my tail straight up in the air……always. She loves following me up the stairs because she says my straight up tail just waves left to right as my fat little butt sways on the stairs. TEE HEE!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Thank you both for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. You may be almost 3, but you still look like a kitten to me with that adorable baby face. I am impressed that your Mom is already done with the laundry and that she irons. I only iron when I am going to a wedding or funeral. Such a sweet photo of you and your Dad. Have a nice weekend! XO


    • HAHAHA on your ironing. Well Mom (and Dad irons too!) irons within a couple of days of doing laundry otherwise it just stacks up. No fun to have a STACK (she says). I do have a baby face and while that serves me well with Mom when I want something (!) it means that I will forever be “OH LOOK AT THE BABY” instead of “WHAT A HANDSOME FELLOW THAT IS”……….maybe that’s not so bad though.

      Hugs and Happy Weekend!
      Love, Teddy


  3. I have finished 5 loads of laundry since our cruise and now have a huge pile of ironing. Usually we go with Princess and we get unlimited laundry because we have been with them so many times. It was a big shock to have to bring it all home to do this time because Celebrity don’t even have a self service laundry.


    • Oh dear – that must be awful on a long cruise NOT to have a laundry on board. They have laundry service available on the river cruises we do on the small ships but we usually do our own.

      Hugs, Pam


  4. Teddy, we can’t believe you are almost three. I guess, whoever, takes you out, it’s a good thing. With winter coming you may not get as much outside time. Everyone have a terrific day and stay warm. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Dad took me out this morning and I bet Mom takes me out this afternoon. It’s raining a little right now but not much……so I’m thinking Mom will get “WET DUTY”. HAHA Happy Friday!

      Love, TEddy


  5. Mom is delighted to find another person who actually IRONS!!! A dying art:)

    Our Dad doesn’t walk us, Mom does, but Dad is always way more generous with the treats than she is:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • It was interesting – we didn’t get Teddy until he was 11 mos. so it was not something he was used to but he adjusted once he realized if he had that thing ON – he could go OUT. LOL With Sammy it was easy because we got him at 6 weeks and he started out with harness and leash and loved it. I think once they know they can’t go out unless they have the harness – they ASK for the harness!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

    • Happy Friday to you too! Once all the errands are done and the house is cleaned and all that other drudgery is over with – we all hang out and relax……my favorite thing about Fridays! Hope yours is good too!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. It is always nice to be done with the laundry. I remember when I first moved out of my parents’ house to go to college. I had to go to the laundromat. I knew how to do laundry, but was unsure how to use these particular machines.

    As I was reading the instructions, an older woman took my laundry and loaded it into the washers while explaining to me all about laundry and how it works. That was nice. Have a blessed week.


    • What a nice thing that was – you had a laundry teacher! The only time Mom had problems at a Laundromat was when she and Dad were in Paris – they do know some French but the instructions on the machines in the Laundromat were BEYOND complicated! They finally gave up and did laundry in their hotel room. HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. There’s no way I would try ironing these days. I’d end up with either me or a kitty burned from them jumping onto the ironing board. You’re brave!
    The crack of lightning makes me jump. Depending on how it sounds, I also wonder what it struck and if it started a fire.

    Happy birthday early, Teddy. Who knows where my brain will be on your 3rd birthday. I hope yours goes better than mine! I got a baby sister just in time for my 3rd birthday. haha
    Peace and quiet is a wonderful thing to have. 🙂

    Have a blessed weekend!


  8. We love your friendly fill-in answers from you and your mom. Lightning scares us too. Especially the loud thunder that comes with it also. Teddy, we guess when you see Pop it’s going to be extra time outside that day. Thanks for share. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.


  9. Meow meow Teddy you an yore Pawpaw look so ree-laxed walkin together. Mee saw a far-away look inn LadyMew’ss eyess when wee saw yore pho-toe……
    *whispurrsss* ‘Shee iss still missin angel Unkell Siddhartha’
    Wee have snow here today (Caturday) an iss snowin agoin tontie….mee stay inn-side warm an comfycozy 😉
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma


      • Meow meow Teddy do you know what LadyMew asked mee yesterday as it snowed??? Fur reel shee asked mee if mee wanted to go O-U-T-S-I-D-E!! Mee just looked at her like shee was a bit crazy….shee showed mee angel Unkell Siddhartha’ss Winter jacket. It iss lovelee butt it iss not happenin, MOL…mee will stay inn side an enjoy thee ‘purrty’ of it!!! 😉


  10. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins, Teddy and Mom Pam! Isn’t finishing up the laundry such a wonderful, relieving feeling? I have it easier than you, though, because I admittedly never iron. Teddy, we sure hope you got that peace and quiet, because a calm and cozy nap is the best! Purrs!


    • Well I didn’t get all that much rest yesterday because the landscapers came to blow the leaves out of our yard and it took FOUR HOURS with two giant and powerful backpack blowers. The yard was DEEPLY covered. Anyway, I can’t nap with all that racket going on so I’m making up for it by having an EPIC pre-Ding Dong School Teaser- nap right now on Mom and Dad’s bed. ZZZZZZZZZ oops- I drifted off!

      Hugs, teddy


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