Friendly Fill-Ins


Hello Everybody!   Time to fill-in the blanks with our friends.   This is a great Hop co-hosted by 15andMeowing and Four-Legged Furballs every single Friday.   Just four sentences with some “holes” in them for us to fill-in and when we fill-in we are telling the world more about ourselves.   If you’d like to HOP on board and HOP with us, just click the badge above which will take you to 15andMeowing then fill in the LINKY form with your blog link and you’ll be “one of us” !!

Here are this week’s sentences – two from 15andMeowing and two from Four-Legged Furballs.   Mom and I took turns this week filling in the blanks.   If it’s in BLUE it’s from ME…….if it’s GREEN it’s from Mom.

1. My favorite font is GYPSY CURSE – especially at Halloween time!.

2. October is perfect for hot cider, sweaters, beautiful leaves, and taking a little vacation.

3. Where I live, there are lots of dogs and I hear them barking all around the neighborhood – if there are kitties I don’t know about it because they don’t bark (much!).

4. I feel very FRISKY this time of year.

There you have it.   Filled in sentences from me and Mom.    As for my #4 answer, my Mom has observed not just with ME but with Angel Sammy and other kitties she’s had that when the weather begins to cool down, we get a little crazy.   We’ll chase falling leaves, or roll around in the grass, or want to stay out longer (if we’re on harness/leash of course), or whine extra loud and long when we HAVE to go back inside.    It’s just so nice to be in the fresh air instead of in the heat and humidity.    One of the times I went out today my Dad took me and he brought a book and a glass of iced tea with him.  He sat in his chair and propped his feet up on a little plastic side table and while he read, I found my favorite spot in the leaves to lie down and watch the birds, squirrels, and chase the little noises I hear UNDER the leaves.   I’m just SURE there’s something UNDER all those layers of leaves that NEEDS MY ATTENTION.    Dad says I’m imagining things.   Either way, it sure is fun.
Now is everyone ready for the weekend?    We are!!

Happy Birthday to my Dad and Happy Friday to all of you………

Love, Teddy

65 responses »

  1. All of us wish your dad a super Happy Birthday!! I just know that you and your mom are gonna make that happen! Love your answers to the fill-ins too.
    Love, Sundae


    • Hello Miss Pix! Mom says she won’t bother YOU but if you want to bother HER (haha) with a note to say howdy please do when you have time!

      I will tell my Dad you said Happy BD…..thanks…..!!

      Hugs, Teddy


      • Your Mom has never bothered ME… never, ever, ever, ever, ever! I always love to hear from her. I will shoot her a “howdy-do” and chit chat. Don’t really have any news… except it HAS cooled down a degree or two here. Just got done hanging a mirror we brought from MO… four months it took us. PROcrastinaiton much?


  2. Happy Birthday to your wonderful Dad! Thank you and your mom for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I need to look into that font, it sounds fun. My cats are all very frisky and quite naughty lately too 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend! XO


    • Yes there is a font with skulls on Pizap if that’s the one you’re thinking about – Gypsy Curse is also there! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!

      Love, Teddy
      p.s. thank you for the birthday wishes for Dad – I’ll pass them on!


  3. I LOVE the fill-ins! And Gypsy Font is one of Mom’s favorites too!
    Oh BoY! I, Marvelous can sing the song to your DADDY!
    ♫♪♥♥♥♥♫♪Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear Teddy’s Daddy!!!!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
    بسیاری از خواسته های خوب

    Many Good Wishes


  4. Happy Birthday to yore Dadda from mee BellaDharma an LadyMummy!!
    An mee wonders iss there a mole inn thee leevess??? Wee have a Lowell thee Mole here. Hee an angel Uncle Siddhartha Henry were frendss. An yore arty photo iss purrty an so Autummy!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma


    • I know what you mean – Fall is having a difficult time FALLING isn’t it. We have a cool day today but next week we’ll be HOT again. Dang!

      Hugs, Teddy
      p.s. thank you for the birthday wishes for my Pop!


  5. Wish your dad a very happy birthday for me, Teddy. Gypsy curse sounds like an interesting font. I will have to pay Pizap a visit and have a look.


  6. Teddy, we too get a little on the wild side when the weather is cooler. We don’t want to be inside. Sadly this is probably why poor Lightning got hurt. But we are all going to try to be wild and careful at the same time:)

    Happy weekend and thanks for your good thoughts for Lightning.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  7. Teddy, you are so right about noisy dogs! There is one who lives two houses down that likes to jump his fence and come over and bark at The Female Human when she’s in the garden and when he does this while she’s taking us for a stroll in the garden in our harnesses it’s really nerve wracking!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,


    • Gosh I wouldn’t like that AT ALL. Fortunately the dogs on one side of us are elderly and can’t jump their fence, and the one dog on the other side of us has an invisible fence and can’t come in my yard anyway. The elderly dogs used to bark CONSTANTLY though – never stopped 24/7. It almost drove my Dad nuts (My Mom was already nuts…hahaha) – he went next door FINALLY and told the people it was too much – they fixed it right away. Got bark collars for the dogs. Maybe your neighbors will do something about that barker who harasses your Female Human AND you all when you’re minding your own business in your own yard???!!!!! People just don’t THINK sometimes do they! 🙂

      Hugs, Teddy


    • TOTALLY! Although I didn’t get cake, Mom gave me a finger-full of whipped cream – I pushed my nose in it and licked it off my own nose rather than her finger! Silly me!

      Thanks Cupcake….happy Saturday!
      love, Teddy


  8. Happy Birthday 🎁🎈🎂 to Dad David. We hope he had a really terrific day. We sure wish that cooler weather would show up. Mom says hot cider and sweaters would be nice. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Dad had a great birthday – nice and quiet and no fuss – that’s my Dad! Hope all of you are fine! Today is gonna be another hottie I’m afraid. WHERE IS OCTOBER????????????

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins, Teddy and Mom Pam! Your answers are pure purrfection. We know exactly what you mean about those frisky moments this time of year, Teddy. Every single furbaby here does even more laps around the house than usual this time of year. Isn’t this weather just purrfect for that? Purrs!


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