Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


It’s Two Hop Thursday – Thankful Thursday and Poetic Thursday all in one!

We will start with THANKFUL Thursday.    This week we’re THANKFUL that Brian, our good buddy who hosts Thankful Thursday, is keeping the Thursday tradition going even in the midst of some other scheduling changes on their blog.   We have been thinking about changing some things up too but haven’t instituted any changes yet.   Brian has, but here on Thursdays we will still be thankful together.   If you’d like to be thankful in public (!) – click the link above and join us over at Brian’s.   BUT FOR NOW BRIAN, THANK YOU FOR HOSTING THANKFUL THURSDAY!

I am of course always thankful that Angel Sammy is able to join us through the magic of his wi-fi connection from the Rainbow Bridge because he’s always written a poem for us on Thursday and encouraged all of us to join in that fun by writing one yourself based on a photo he gives us all every week – – – – a photo that’s meant to inspire you to write a poem based on the photo!    Well, he’s sent his email – I got it last night and I’d like to share it with all of you!


Happy Thursday Friends!  It’s time for a poem!

Glad to be with you to read and write a little poetry today everybody.   I hope maybe this week you decided to use last week’s photo and write a poem to join in our fun.   This Hop is designed to get you to stretch your creativity a little especially anyone who has ever said “I can’t write poetry!!!”……….because trust me – YOU CAN!    Every Thursday I give you a photo to use as inspiration for the following Thursday when we get together and share.    You just let us know in our comments here if you wrote a poem, give us your blog link OR you can even write your poem and share it HERE in our comments!    Give it a try – you just might find you’re a poet after all!!

Here’s the photo I gave you last week for inspiration – after the photo you can read what my poem this week is – actually – for the VERY FIRST TIME – I asked my Mom if she’d like to write a poem for this photo.   She took ballet when she was very young like many little girls do.    I thought she’d enjoy writing about her ballet memories.   After her poem I’ll give you a photo for NEXT week…..

“Graceful As a Swan”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell’s Mom Pam     July 25, 2018


Back stage waiting for the signal to “fly”

Ballerinas so graceful – they dazzle the eye

White swans on point, long legs will dance

Choreographed to perfection, nothing left to chance.

Many years have passed since my ballerina days

My body has changed in unflattering ways!

It wasn’t my choice to take ballet

I’d rather be joining with my friends to play

Recitals would come around each year in the Fall

I’d always be in front because I was so tall….

All eyes on me as I did my very best

This “swan” preferred to be in the audience watching the rest!

Yet I wanted to please Mom and my friends so I’d try

But this tall, thin ballerina was a swan who couldn’t fly !



Oh Mom……..poor you – you also took tap dancing I know AGAIN you were always stuck in front of the class for recitals since you always were about 6 inches taller than anyone else!    Thanks for being my POET this week…………hope you had fun writing it and hope everyone else enjoyed reading it.

I have a doozy of a photo for everyone for NEXT week’s poem.    Just study the photo and it will inspire you in some way by the look of it, the feel of it, the color of it – maybe an old memory triggered or a dream you had.    Remember that poetry doesn’t HAVE to rhyme either.   There’s a million poetic forms and you can invent your own if you want.   I hope you’ll play along with us!

Here’s your inspiration………………..

This will be a FUN one don’t you think????   I hope you will write a poem this week and share it next Thursday…………………I’ll be back here with my poem to share with you!   

Until then, remember all of us at the Rainbow Bridge are always with you – especially when you need us the most.

Love, Angel Sammy

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!



Thank you Angel Sammy………….I bet Mom enjoyed writing a poem for you this week.   I hope our friends wrote one too.   I’ll be checking comments and blogs to read them.   I know you will be peeking at them too.

Hugs, Teddy

46 responses »

    • The photo for next week is a shot from the dining car of a luxury train – maybe Orient Express? But it kind of reminds my Mom of a place she and my Dad ate many years ago that WAS a restaurant made from two old railway cars – beautiful!! It sat on a rail track but didn’t go anywhere. LOL

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. A lovely poem of memories. I never took ballet lessons but the best I managed was when I was a sugar plum fairy in primary school. I was known as the Sugar Plump Fairy for years afterwards! Next week’s photo looks full of intrigue like a trip on the Orient Express in years gone by.


    • Oh Jackie – “Sugar Plump Fairy” brings an adorable photo to mind! The photo for next week is from a luxury train of old – I thought it might stir up some great poem-stories! Come on and join us! 🙂

      Love, Pam


  2. My human is talented at dancing, but it was something she didn’t really work on until she was an adult. She loves it… and she loves that she was not pressured into it (except for one unfortunate incident) as a child. Ballet is actually pretty awful to do, from what I gather, and very unnatural! The result is beautiful… but the torture!


    • I love to watch modern dancing and ballet and all forms of dance but I really was not particularly graceful or good at any of it – tap was a lot of fun because you didn’t “have” to have a lot of structure – it was just shuffling along and while it COULD be graceful, it didn’t HAVE to be. I was very “gangly” as a youngster and into my teens and taller than anyone else in class at that time (although I’m only 5’7″ now!) so got stuck in the front row of EVERYTHING. Didn’t matter much with tap but sure did with ballet – I really spent all my time TRYING to be graceful and doing the steps PERFECTLY. I kind of enjoyed dancing again in the 60s-80s because you could pretty much do your own thing. LOL

      Hugs, Pam


    • Well I think you’re the nicest former annoying little goof off I’ve EVER known!!!!! I really didn’t care for ballet – I did like tap because I could be a little goofy myself with that but what I really WAS happy they made me try was riding. I really loved it. I just kind of “forgot about it” as the years went by.

      Love, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

        • I live here in the middle of Virginia horse country with horse farms and stables EVERYWHERE yet I haven’t looked into riding – can you believe it? I’ve settled into “hanging at home” when I should be out there re-learning all the stuff I learned with riding lessons. I CLEARLY remember the horse they gave me to learn with – he was slow and old and sweet as could be. His name was Tornado. Years later David and I were on a vacation in Arizona and HE decided one thing he wanted to do was “ride out into the desert” so we found a nearby stable and went. It had to be 130 degrees out – such a miserable day really and we were the only idiots adventurers there who wanted to ride. I also remember those horse’s names – Pecos and Nellie. We hopped up and didn’t even need to hold the reins – these two KNEW the trail out and back like they’d done it for 20 years (which they probably had) – they stuck to the trail and turned right around at the halfway point and brought us back. Talk about professionals. LOL But we had our “ride in the desert” !!! HAHAHAHAHA

          Love, Pam

          Liked by 1 person

  3. That was just a wonderful poem! Yes, I just had to keep the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, there’s too much to be thankful for all of the time. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  4. Oh………Angel Sammy and Mom…what a beautiful poem of discovery. In spite of the trials and tribulations…it taught you grace and gave you wings to explore your talent of being a wordsmith
    Hugs madi and mom


    • Hi Madi my friend! Angel Sammy was nice to let Mom do a poem this week – he thought perhaps her memories of dance would be better than him talking about a cat clomping around on stage in toe slippers! HAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Awwwww……..thank you dear Katie. I’m glad I can get through to leave a poem for everyone too – I would love it if you and your Mom would give it a go one Thursday! ❤

      Hugs, Angel Sammy


  5. That is an excellent poem. I can relate, I took ballet for my mom. I was never graceful, I sure loved tap though. I am thankful Brian continues thankful Thursdays too. Next week’s photo is great. XO


    • Next week’s photo will be very cool too don’t you think? I loved this particular photo of the ballerinas getting ready for Swan Lake…….gorgeous and graceful (neither of which I was when I was taking ballet!).

      Love, Pam


  6. Pam, I love your poem. I always wanted to take any type of dance lessons, but my parents wouldn’t let me due to the neuro-muscular disease. Of course, they never told me why they wouldn’t. In fact, I wanted to be a dancer when I grew up. You expressed your feelings eloquently. Please forgive me and the kitties for not writing a poem today. I loved the photo. Love and hugs to all, Janet and Kitties Blue


    • Thanks Janet! I have mixed memories (obviously) of my dancing days but what I HAVE always appreciated is that my Mom and Dad wanted me to “try everything”…..sadly I failed at many of the things but that wasn’t the point. I’m so sorry you couldn’t be the dancing queen you wanted to be my friend but may I say that you have absolutely made the MOST of everything else other than dancing in spite of your neuromuscular disease! You are one of the most fun people I know and you go go go to the limit that you can. No worries about not doing a poem today – we LOVED your blog post PERIOD!!!!

      Love, Pam


  7. We are sure your mom was a wonderful ballerina – reluctant or not. My mom would’ve loved to have tried it, but there was no money for that when she was little. She did get to dance around like a sugarplum fairy (in her cousin’s tutu) for a class play in 3rd grade, though. She’s been obsessed with ballerinas ever since. …have you seen how many tutus I have…? ‘Nuff said.

    Love and licks,


    • Cupcake you wear your tutus with such style and grace and it’s very nice that your Mom dresses you up like that – you are her little ballerina (and ours too!). My Mom was never as graceful as she wanted to be. She says she was a mighty fine “klutzarina” though! 🙂

      Love, Teddy


    • Your Mom is a special Mom indeed…..she is “all in” with her life and nothing stops her (that she can control anyway!) which is wonderful. You girls are lucky to have her and your Dad looking out for you!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • My Mom never got far enough with ballet lessons to get to toe shoes although she wanted to do that SO MUCH. Considering what a klutz she was (and still is) she probably would have broken SOMETHING if she’d been on point. As for me – I dance on my toesies all the time – it’s so much easier when you’re a kitty isn’t it!!

      Love, Teddy


  8. Angel Sammy and Teddy, we bet your mom was a wonderful ballerina. She also sounds so tall! I went to high school with a young lady who was 6’3″. I’m a tad bit above average in terms of height, but I sure felt shorter than short next to her. I have always been very interested in ballet and how beautiful it is. Despite that, I never took ballet lessons, but did take tap dancing lessons for a while as a child. I never really could move my feet fast enough for that, though, so then I switched to acrobats. For whatever reason, I ultimately outgrew my interest in dancing and acrobats, and now as an adult, I love kickboxing. It’s strange how our interests and tastes change. We sure can’t wait to get started on our poem for next week’s lovely photo! Thank you for hosting this always fun challenge!


    • My Mom is only 5’7″ but she was at least a half foot taller than most of the kids her age through much of school – and thinner! As a teen she had to get clothes from the “little girls” section in the stores. Nowadays she’s about 5’6″ and “thin no more” in fact she says she needs to lose at least 20 lbs. That isn’t gonna happen though…haha Acrobatics must have been super fun – it’s one thing my Mom loves to watch – competitions involving any kind of gymnastics. She was a total klutz in school too (!). Glad you like the photo for next week’s Poetic challenge – we love it – conjures up some GREAT stories doesn’t it? We’ll look forward to yours… always.

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Our Mom took ballet lessons too, and she hated them so much. She had a very strict and mean teacher. She didn’t last long in that class and then moved on to Irish tap dancing – which suited her much better. Great poem, Angel Sammy. Your photo for next week makes us think of Murder on the Orient Express:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • Oh I bet Irish tap dancing was tons of fun! My Mom really did much better with tap than ballet – she can still remember some of the “positions” (the only position I know is NAP position). The photo for next week we think will bring all sorts of creative stuff to the minds of those who pawticipate in Poetry Thursday!!!

      Love, Teddy


  10. Great Poem! We so love reading everyone’s poems and your are always the best! And I want to thank you for coming to my 2nd Birthday Pawty! It would not have been the same without you!
    You Rock!
    Purrs Marv


    • Marv nothing in the world would have kept me from your birthday party and nothing in the world made me HAPPIER than when you made your epic journey to your Mom from Tehran. You and your Mom are VERY SPECIAL. I think too that you are going to enjoy having brother Ninja to keep you company until all the family arrives back in August. I love ya pal!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Yes we had one girl like that in my class too. She was very limber and could leap higher than any of us too. I tried to let that INSPIRE me but in the end it just DEPRESSED me! LOL

      Hugs, Pam


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