Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


Ta-Da!  Here we go………….It’s time to fill in the blanks and learn more about each other with Fill-Ins.    Our co-hosts, Ellen of 15andMeowing and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs give us four sentences every week that have blanks for filling.   When we fill them in, we wind up SHARING info about ourselves and everyone gets to know us better.   Nothing wrong with that right?    More fun!!    Want to join us?   Hope so, and it’s EASY to do too.    IF you click on the badge above it will take you to 15andMeowing, you fill out the LINKY FORM and that’s all there is to it.

Here are today’s sentences – two from each co-host……………….I’m going to fill EVERYTHING in today by myself and my answers are in GREEN!


1. I deserve a gold star for not chasing squirrels while I was outside today.   (when I’m outside I’m on harness/leash and if I see a squirrel and want to go after it, sometimes I pull so hard the leash comes out of my Mom or Dad’s hand and off I go…….not today…..I have been GOOD)
2. Right now, I am loving the sun because we haven’t seen it in DAYS.
3. The best advice I’ve ever been given is to appreciate my humans and it was Angel Sammy who gave me that advice – he is VERY wise.
4. If I had to choose a new first name, it would be one of the nicknames my parents have for me:  Spanky, Boomer, Tedster, Twinkie (and I hate all of them!).
So there!   Done!    Easy huh?   Well, spend a few minutes hopping around at one of our hosts’ blog pages and use the posted links to visit everyone who’s filling in today – you might learn something NEW about someone you know.

Hugs, Teddy

The lion’s den!


61 responses »

  1. I’ll give tha avocado a miss, but my biped likes the sound of those sandwiches.

    I also have lots of nicknames, Teddy. Some of them are nice and some not so much, but the ones I don’t like are from when I was a mischievous pup! Bipeds can be very confusing, but I think it’s a good sign when they make up silly names for you!


    • Well Clowie, I’m with you on the avocado – Mom offered me a taste and I just looked at her like “are you crazy??” but SHE loves avocados. She says this is a wonderful sammmmich. WHATEVER! I can’t imagine you were ever a bad girl when you were little as you are such a perfect lady now!

      Hugs, Teddy


      • Flattery will get you everywhere, Teddy! But I have to admit that sometimes I was a little bit naughty! 😀

        Of course, it was mostly youthful high spirits and curiosity, but I made sure I kept the bipeds on their toes.


        • One of our jobs as a biped companion is to keep them on their toes (or step on their toes – that works too!). Sometimes getting their attention is a challenge and “naughty” comes in handy! 😉

          Love, Teddy


  2. Sweet picture of you, Teddy! You did a great job on the fill-ins.
    Mom says she has really TRIED to like avocados, but they just aren’t “her thing”!
    Love, Sundae


    • My Mom used to think HER Mom was nuts to eat them all the time…..finally she tried one on a salad and realized what she’d been missing. They have to be ripe though – otherwise my Mom says they are “BLAH” and “tasteless”. I wouldn’t like blah and tasteless either!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Good meowning Teddy! I am not in the least surprised that you have gone running after squirrels. That’s our wish in life…run with da squirrels! Momma said our Robin used to catch them and bring them on in the house when no one paid attention to her after she knocked on the window to ask to come in.


    • They are too fast for me and since they don’t weigh 20 lbs. they can climb up a tree faster than I ever will! I still can’t help myself and will run after one once in a while if I have the energy!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I thought your folks called you Butter bean, I like that nickname 🙂 Angel Sammy was very wise so any advice from him is good. And that was nice of you not to chase the squirrel.
    That recipe looks so good, I love avocado and apricot, but never thought to combine them.
    Have a nice weekend. XO


    • We weren’t supposed to put our recipe in the post today – Mom made a boo boo and removed it. Glad you think it sounds good because Mom says it’s “divine” (whatever that means). My parents USED to call me Butter Bean but they keep adding other names to their list and I would PREFER Butter Bean to some of the stuff they come up with! Today Mom called me STINKY!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Thank you for not chasing the squirrels. We will just lead you towards a life of crime and evil deeds. That doesn’t sound like a lot of fun now, does it? Yes, we’ll give you some time to think about it. We have cookies….


  6. Teddy, you really were a good boy. You don’t like Bean for a nickname? Your photo today is adorable, and Mom is definitely going to make those sandwiches. She loves avocado and apricot preserves. We always have all the ingredients around. It is nice to have some better weather. Rain is supposed to start again on Sunday and last for an entire week. Pffft! Sending lots of love to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Mom accidentally put the Shopping Around The World Post with our Fill-Ins today so you got to see the avocado sammmmich recipe – but we took that OUT of our blog after we realized it was the WRONG DAY! Supposed to be on AUgust 31st! DUH!!! We are upset about the rain coming back. Not fair. BOOOOOOOOOOOO

      Love, Teddy


    • We accidentally had our recipe for Bacon’s SHopping Around The World in our original blog this morning but it was the WRONG DATE for that so Mom edited it out! On August 31st we’ll have the ACTUAL Shopping post with a delish sandwich using avocados!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Funny enough, when I’m outside on my leash, I enjoy watching the birds and get excited if any of them are close… but I’ve never felt like chasing any of them! The squirrels won’t come out when I’m around. I don’t know why, I’m a nice kitty, really!


    • Oh I’m sure you wouldn’t take on a squirrel – they probably are intimidated by your considerable gorgeous-ness Summer! I can’t resist a squirrel – today I followed a box turtle all around my yard – I never know what I’ll see out there!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Angel Sammy told me so many great things to help me start out my life with Mom and Dad – and he whispers in my ear frequently too trying to keep me on the right path. Cuddles are nice – thanks – and I’m sending you a pile of them too!

      Love, Teddy


  8. You were very good not to chase squirrels. Flynn used to run right up to the top of the trees after them. Your avocado recipe sounds good even though I only saw it in reader and not here.


    • I accidentally had the Shopping post as part of the Fill-Ins but Shopping isn’t until August 31st! So I removed it when someone pointed it out – HOWEVER, the recipe will reappear here on the 31st as it should have in the first place. It’s really a delicious sandwich too……….VERY. I love avocados!

      Hugs, Pam


  9. We always want to chase squirrels, but Mom has done a good job of teaching us not to do that when she is on the other end. But we do chase them and the rabbits all around our yard.

    You are not a Twinkie, but we think Boomer is a good one.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  10. Teddy,
    I thought our Humans were the only ones who gave their feline family nicknames! They call me Lily Bug or Bug. Alberto’s nickname isn’t too bad, they call him Al or Al the Pal, Oliver is called Ollie Bear, Ollie Boy or Chunky Monkey and Jasmine is called Jaz the Spazz or Spazzy. Sometimes I wonder why they bother to give us names at all!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,


  11. Hey Teddy! I LOVE your fill-ins.
    I never thought about some of the OTHER names Mom calls me! I would definitely NOT want to be called – I mean Sweet Bunsor Fuzz Face?


  12. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins, Teddy! Your answers are always so purrfect. The furbabies around here love squirrels, too. You know what they like even more, though? Bunnies! Oh, and you might not like your nicknames, but we love them all! We’ll have to resist the urge to call you Twinkie. Purrs!


    • Tee HEEEEE! My Mom and I forgot to list my #1 nickname which everyone knows by now – Teddy Bean or Butter Bean. I guess I’m still in the butter bean category being 20 lbs. Oh well……….I love bunnies too but yesterday I sat perfectly still while a bunny ran right in front of my face in the front yard. Dad was with me at the time and he was STUNNED that I just watched and didn’t run!

      Hugs, Teddy


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