Sunday Selfie


Care To Join Me For A Hop?????

Sunday is the time for the Kitties Blue (The Cat On My Head) Sunday Selfie hop and we are hopping as usual.   We hope you will join in the fun by clicking their badge above and filling out the LINKY FORM and being part of the Hop – it’s so much fun to see everyone in their “Sunday Finest”.   My Mom almost ALWAYS does some kind of artsy stuff to my chosen photo of the week for the Hop.   This week she went particularly NUTS.    Not only that but yet again she’s got my belly on display!    She grabs that camera when I am lying outside her office in my comfy snoozing position and WHAMMO – a photo she takes.   Fortunately this time I was not looking at her so no lasers mucking up the photo……..just a good clean shot of my tummy.

Of course she started out the artsy stuff with Lunapic – she used an ART EFFECT called “Tuscany”……THEN she went to good old trusty Pizap and added a patterned border AND then added a Custom Frame then she decided “enough is enough” and that’s the end.    So here I am – before adding “stuff” and after she finished playing:

Yep – I was snoring alright!

Interesting Mom…….I wonder if those blue splotches Lunapic added are my guardian angel orbs?????

AND for those of you who are gluttons for punishment, here’s a jigsaw of ME…..

Click image for puzzle and good luck!

Sunday Hugs, Teddy the Tummy Up Guy

49 responses »

  1. Hi Teddy! Nobody can resist a belly shot, and yours is lovely! I like your art. It looks like you are on a stage. I love puzzles and will do yours later today.
    I think I am first commenter too, but can I do it on Tuesday?


  2. Teddy, you look as if you are ready for the 4th of July. We absolutely love your belly and never tire of seeing it. We think that those blue orbs definitely must be guardian angels. Sending you lots and lots of love with smooches for that belly from Mom. Thanks for always hopping, dear friend.


    • It does look a little 4th of July-ish doesn’t it. Makes you wonder what Mom will come up with for THAT post doesn’t it?!?!?! We wouldn’t miss hopping for the world my friends!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Mee-you Teddy you sure know how to get yur *easy on*!!! Pawtastick! An Lady Pam yur artsy fartsy (mew mew mew) foto iss beeuteefull; mee reelly likes thee effect you used!
    ***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXXx


    • Thanks Shoko! I just like airing out my tum from time to time….don’t we all? Of course you’d be afraid to lie that way because a certain little ghost might leap on top of you!!! EEEK!

      Hugs, Teddy


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