Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

It’s that time of the week again – we have a double post – first is our Thankful Thursday hop post which is important to us because we have a chance to “shout out loud” about something we are thankful for.   This Hop is hosted by Brian and you can join us with a “Thankful” post by clicking his badge above and linking up!

Today I want to say that I am THANKFUL that we finally have amazing weather.   We had freeze warnings, winter coat days, hot days followed by winds of 40-45mph and all manner of WEIRD situations with our weather changing day by day and NOW it seems to have settled into Springsummer…….I combined those seasons because we still have a little unpredictable-ness with cold mornings and hot afternoons but WE WILL TAKE IT!

The second part of today’s blog is Angle Sammy’s Thoroughly Poetic Thursday…………..and of course I got his poem and message for all of us last night.   That wi-fi connection of his at the Rainbow Bridge NEVER lets us down!!


Happy Thursday Poetry Fans!

Time for us to share our poems with each other…….you know the drill by now – I give you a photo every week and you have a WHOLE WEEK to write a poem inspired by the photo.   Whatever the photo “says” to you, or how it makes you feel or what it makes you think of………that’s our Poetry Challenge!   I hope you have written one for us this week – if not – try next week – I promise you can write poetry even if you don’t think you can!

In case you forgot what the photo I gave you last week looked like – here it is again followed by the poem I wrote for this photo!!   I think this is a wonderful sketch by whoever drew it – it’s amazingly detailed and there is so much to be seen in this face……..

“A Life Lived Well”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell   May 2, 2018

He’s been around for many years

Had his share of laughs and tears

No matter what he chose to do

He gave it his all because it’s the right thing to do.

Perhaps he was a seaman, long hard days in the sun

Or maybe he worked in a carnival, watching others have some fun

Could he have been a train engineer or a corporate big wheel?

I see a life that’s full and more than just getting by

Moments of real happiness or sadness in those eyes

When we see someone on the sidewalk as we go about our day

If you look at faces you will see they have so much to say.

The lines and folds, the scars and frowns, the smiles all seem to tell

Our story is there for all to see that our life we have lived well.


I have no idea who this man is in the drawing but Mom was struck by the character in his face and just had a feeling all of us would not only see something there – but might just know all about him in a minute of studying the photo.   We may be wrong, but we think this gentleman truly has had a “life lived well”.

Now if you have written a poem – please tell us so in comments here – we will visit you and read what YOU got from this photo.    If you would rather, feel free to write your poem RIGHT HERE in our comments!    Whatever you do – let your imagination soar and write a poem.  

I bet you’d like to know what I found for you NEXT week……………I do try to find interesting photos for you.    Here’s your challenge for next Thursday!

Oh boy!   This ought to be a goodie!    Let’s see what you can do with this one and we will meet back HERE one week from today to share our poetry OK?   OK!    Meanwhile, have a super week ahead everyone.   All of us at the Rainbow Bridge think of you and visit you – you will feel us in your heart if you just LISTEN.

Oui Oui – me in my French beret which inspires my POETRY!

Love, Angel Sammy


Thanks Angel Sammy!   I have learned a lot from you even though I never got to spend time with you before you left – I hope to feel confident soon to write my own poem on Thoroughly Poetic Thursday.

Hugs, Teddy (speaking of hugs…..

did you know today is HUG YOUR CAT day???)

Mom says HUGS are simple!

45 responses »

  1. Yes! Thankful for nice weather! Beautiful poem by Angel Sammy to accompany that amazing sketch. And that’s a wonderful picture of you and your Mom, Teddy. LOVE!
    Love, Sundae


  2. Angel Sammy your poem is absolutely beautiful we loved each perfect line and we had very similar thoughts about them too. What a photo you found for us. and next weeks OMCS!!!

    our poem is here

    OH No the old gray missed missed that it was hug your cat day…no worries I’ll be sure to give her ankles a nice hug when she passes by
    Hugs madi your bfff


  3. We are glad the Old Man Winter finally went on vacation Teddy and that was a really good poem. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  4. I love the photo of you getting a hug from your Mom, so sweet. Angel Sammy and I were thinking alike with the poem, although his is much better than mine. Next week’s should be fun. XO


    • Lots of people used the theme of what this man’s life was like – it’s a remarkable bit of artwork isn’t it? We loved your poem……..Mom says “life leaves lines on the face”……maybe she’s right! I’d rather have stripes than lines though. HAHAHA

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  5. We didn’t do a Hug Your Cat Day post, as there are two Hug Your Cat Days, and the official one is next month. Mom doesn’t have enough photos of us being hugged. Not really our favorite thing. We did do a poem for today. Mom pictured that man as working in the coal mines. Here’s a link to our poem:
    Next week’s photo looks super interesting and should be fun. Sending lots of love and (((hugs))) to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • We sure enjoyed your senryu this morning with our most interesting guy “subject”…..we think it’s a remarkable drawing of a very “character-filled” face and we loved your poem! I’m not a hugger either – Mom says she imagines a lot of that kind of stuff that’s “contact related” like hugging and holding and all of that might be stuff we learn when we’re little and I probably didn’t have any of that my first year. Since we don’t know a thing about that time in my early life, maybe she’s right – maybe not. We don’t know. We know that Mom was hugging on Sammy ALL THE TIME when he was tiny and at best he “tolerated” it but never really LOVED it. LOL

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. We’re finally having springsummer now, too, Teddy! Early this week we had a beautiful 60°F day, and then the next day it was nearly 90°F. But, as long as the cold and snow stay away, we’ll take it. The image for this week is so incredibly inspiring, and we had a great time writing a poem for it. Angel Sammy, your poem matches the image perfectly. And the image for next week is going to be so much fun to work with!


    • Oh I just can’t WAIT to read your dinosauristic (!) story-poem next week. We loved the drawing of the man – so much in that face but our imaginations will truly take a RIDE with the prehistoric picture for next week!! Thanks again for participating in our Poetry Challenge – you are masterful indeed.

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. We loved the poem. It is up to your usual excellence Angel Sammy. I must admit I’m rather shy to try poetry. Although I often think I should grace everyone with my words of wisdom.

    Hugs to all of my buddies. That includes a big cat named Pam. mol




    • Shoko my friend, promise me that you will work with your Mom to write a poem one of these days. OK? You can do it – some others have said “I can’t write a poem” but when they finally do they discover that they not only CAN write one, but they enjoy it!!! My Mom is sending tons of hugs to your Mom that her RA gets better…..and I’m sending lots of hugs to you because you are my friend!!!!

      Love, Teddy Bean


  8. Springsummer has hit full force here as well (Or at least it did before all the storms today). I finally had to turn on the AC in the house, and even in my brand new car for the first time yesterday! The Neon’s AC busted 10 years ago, and driving around with air conditioning is practically a new feeling to me again!


    • HAS to be wonderful to have AC in the car again….windows down in summer makes for a hot, sweaty, icky (is that a word?) ride anywhere. You want a shower after you arrive! We have had AC on in the house here for a week…..especially at night – hard to sleep when it’s warm. Rain this weekend here will cool things down a bit.



  9. Mee-you mee iss fankfull that yur mee.our furendss an understandin…
    LadyMum iss not doin well an mee back ‘on duty’….
    Unccle Sammy yur poe-em iss pawtastick!! Trulee inn-spired…..Yur mee HEE-ROW!
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXXx


    • Angel Sammy smiled real big I’m SURE when he read your comment Siddhartha – we’re sorry your Ladymum is struggling after her tooth removal – it takes a long time to heal things “inside” – especially in a wet place like a human mouth. It will get better and better.

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Mom hated poetry when she was in high school because she never could understand the poems. She wishes she could have had a book of your poems because they are always beautiful and make so much sense to her.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • What a wonderfully SWEET thing to say about Angel Sammy’s poetry! Mom is thinking of putting them on my blog on a separate page. My Mom wasn’t crazy about poetry in school either but most of the poetry they studied was from other times when language was more formal and it was hard to pick up the subtle meanings. Poetry has come a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way!!!

      Love, Teddy


  11. We’ve had some good weather lately too, Teddy. The mom says we went from winter to summer in just one day! Another pawsome poem from Angel Sammy.


    • It’s such a GREAT photo of a man who could be ANYONE……faces tell stories and this one has many stories to tell. Today we have another day in the 90s – then this weekend back to the 70s……I’d say something like my Mom says “it’s hard to know what to wear” but then I don’t wear anything so the weather makes no difference to me! HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


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