Teaser Tell All


Peek A Boo!

Time to Tell All!     I think it was a very interesting Teaser yesterday……………..and after I tell you WHERE it was taken I have a link for you to look at with a little history.    Anyway, let’s get started with class shall we?

Firstly thanks to everyone who was worried about the Cheer Team’s sunburn.   They have promised they will NEVER go to the beach again without hats and sunscreen.   That was just not a good decision on their part PERIOD.   Secondly, thanks to everyone who offered to send them aloe – nature’s little skin soother – they actually are much better today (or else they have a lot of makeup on!).    They have learned their lesson – just like good students should.

Let’s talk about FIRST COMMENT yesterday!


Our First Comment staff was very excited when we had FOUR students in the first sixty seconds of the Teaser – so that means FOUR FIRST COMMENTER BADGES!!!!   Who????


WOW!!! An abundance of FIRSTIES!!!!

Yes we had four!   Kolytyi, EasyWeimeraner, Two Devon Cats and The Cat On My Head were sharp as tacks (ouch) and chimed in quickly yesterday.   Each of you may take home one of these of your VERY OWN!

I Was One of Four FIRST COMMENTERS on the Teaser of April 24, 2018! YAY FOR US!

Let’s Give Them A Hand!!!!!

Well done FIRSTIES!

Now shall we show you yesterday’s photo again?    Oh yes let’s!

Yes please……I, Truman Catpote, wanna see it again!

First of all I want to thank my Mom for the photo because SHE provided it for us – technically this is NOT a Guest Teaser…..she’s not a GUEST after all, she is the power behind the throne here at One Spoiled Cat!    Thanks Mom.

This photo is actually a spot known by several names but one of the names is Berkeley Castle and it is located in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, US of A !    Several of you commented on the colorful leaves and indeed in the mountains and hills of W. Virginia there are some pretty Fall leaves……….my Mom is familiar with this place – never been INSIDE of it, but has visited the town of Berkeley Springs MANY times with her sister, my Auntie Carol.   Auntie Carol lives just a few miles from this town.

My Mom on the left and my Aunt on the right taking a silly selfie!

Here is a most interesting link to this place – it has an unusual history and my Mom thinks it would be a FABULOUS place to take the Haunted House Tour for Halloween !!    CLICK HERE

WHO was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER????????????????????????????


Yay Miss Csilla!!

For you:

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of April 24, 2018!! YAY FOR ME!

AND there were several others who guessed it right too so each of YOU get one of these to take home for your collection:

I was RIGHT but I wasn’t FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of April 24, 2018! DARN!

AND of course if you guessed but were WRONG, you get a Greenie…………lucky you!

I guessed WRONG on the Teaser of April 24, 2018 but at least I TRIED to be right!

Now ladies, how about a cheer for your adoring fans/students here at Ding Dong School?????

No more sunburn for us
We left our hats on the bus
We were excited to be at the beach
Even though we turned DARK peach!
Four of you sure were fast
Commenting first instead of commenting LAST
Csilla, Phenny, Janet and Jackie
If there had been more we’d have gone totally wacky!
One of those four got ANOTHER badge
Which will be presented to her by the grumpy Miss Madge
Miss Csilla, you were FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, OH MY!
You got it on your first TRY!

Thanks Cheer Team – you knocked it out of the park with that cheer………………..

This one’s for you Cheer Team!!!

Miss Dingleberry thought that you all would like to celebrate today with a seafood buffet……………isn’t that nice of her?    She and her staff set up a BIG table in the hallway full of seafood delights so fill up before you head out for recess.    Remember to keep studying your geography books because next Tuesday will be here before you know it!

Eat up Students!   Seafood is good BRAIN FOOD for class!!!   See you next week…

The Profs……….Sam and Teddy

58 responses »

  1. concats!!! the trophy goes to hungary again, yay! the mama was fast butt at the end not fast enough… let’s see… that makes a paart of a ben and jerry… so let’s say she can get the lid and I take the jar ;O)


    • There was a crowd at the starting gate this week! Csilla was very excited to have figured this one out…..she googled all kinds of combinations until THERE IT WAS. That “discovery” can be very exciting!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Motor Mommy will have to check out that link to read more about that beautiful place! And we love the pic of your mommy and your auntie Carol: SWEET!
    Concats to all the winners: wow, a 4-way tie for first commenter. That’s amazing!
    Love, Sundae


    • We were “awash” with Firsties yesterday morning. Four within SECONDS! Very cool. Berkeley Castle is pretty interesting but so is that whole town……one of my Mom’s favorite spots AND they have a nice antiques center Miss Dianna – I know you like that!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Evil Squirrel gave it his all
      Makes us laugh with his tales so tall
      This time he included Madame Mitzi
      The “pornicorn” is lookin’ mighty glitzy
      Snuggle Bear was at the castle
      Connecting with Mitzi was quite the hassle
      Evil Squirrel wins a badge for his x-rated story
      His prison descriptions full of guts and glory
      Should Teddy ever wind up in jail
      I hope Evil Squirrel will tell the tale!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  3. We are so excited to get two badges this week and neither of them are green. Woohoo! That was a mighty fine cheer ladies. Thank you very much. We are afraid we’ll pass on the buffet for right now. Miss Dingleberry scared us half to death with that shark on her head. We’ll be back later for noms. Thanks! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Pretty unusual “home” in a small town. The railroad comes right through this little place so I guess it was at least not as “remote” looking as it looks in some of the online pix you get of it thru google.

      Hugs, Pam


  4. COngrats to all those speedy guessers and to Miss Csilla for knowing the answer. I love the photo of your Mom and Auntie. I would not have guessed that to be in the US. Great cheer ladies. XO


  5. Congrats to me, Miss Csilla, Janet and Da Phenny for being the speedy ones this week! Congrats also to Miss Csilla for being first right guesser.
    I got the place right too! When I was feeling so bad I was stuck in front of the TV watching anything and everything, so it did have some benefits or I would never have known where it was.


    • I didn’t see that program but others have told me they saw it. I really do intend to visit this place again – I believe it’s only open certain times of the year – like Halloween……!!

      Hugs, Pam


    • Mom took that with her camera since she doesn’t have a fancy-phone and it’s amazing it even captured both of them in the lens since she had no idea what she was doing. HAHAHAHA Mom’s nose looks a little BIGGER than usual!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • I bet there are more castles here than most people think……this is kind of funny stuck in the middle of this little town but I believe this guy who built it was more than a little eccentric – he called it a “cottage” !!

      Hugs, Teddy


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