Pre-Tease Monday


Good Morning Class!   Time to prep for tomorrow!

That’s right – we gather on Mondays to prepare for Tuesdays – then when Tuesday comes we prepare for Wednesday.    All for the love of figuring out WHERE a photo was taken.   But it’s fun!

Tomorrow at a surprise time we will go LIVE and you will be able to take a peek at a photo and tell us WHERE the photo was taken.   You will examine it, magnify it, look for clues, and hopefully will come up with the right guess and win a badge!     Your FIRST challenge though will be to COMMENT because if you are the first person to comment (or one of the first in the first minute) you win this:

You will need to follow our official class TEASER rules though and here they are one more time!

If you are the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, or not first but RIGHT, or even WRONG, you will still get a badge to show off on your blog or other social media!



I’m sure our fabulous Cheer Team would love to WHIP you into a frenzy to prepare you for tomorrow – right team?????

Better get out those books!
Or you’ll get some nasty looks!
If you aren’t ready to study
You’re in great big trouble buddy!
Our Profs are nice to the students
Especially that new chick Miss Prudence
But if you sit in class and SNORE
Some demerits might be in store!
So tonight try to dream about the globe
As you curl up in jammies and robe.
We’ll see you tomorrow in class
We’ll cheer you on with some sass!

Alright ladies thank you.   I do believe our students will be READY for Tuesday morning.

No reason to be scared…just study and you’ll be fine!

I can’t WAIT for Tuesday!

Now before you all go outside for some fresh air…………how about we enjoy a little lunch courtesy of our ever fabulous but somewhat cranky Miss Dingleberry???????

AND there are a few other things behind that counter of hers you can ask for too!

Southern Fried Okra

Fried onion rings!

Fried twinkies!!

Fried food may not be that good for us but it sure is GOOD!  

See you tomorrow class!   

Your Professors

24 responses »

  1. Good morning! I’ll be here tomorrow.

    I hope you enjoyed the weekend.

    We’ve woken up to sunshine today! The sun has been hiding behind clouds and fog for days. Have a great day!


    • We had a beautiful Sunday but have moved into a decidedly ugly Monday – big storms last night with tons of rain, lightning, flooding, etc. We did need some rain but when you get THIS MUCH, it’s not as helpful as a steady gentle rain. Oh well…..can’t have everything right Clowie? I’m glad you had a beautiful sunny day though.

      Love, Teddy


  2. OMC …… we survived the freezing rain and now we have heavy rain. I’m having some of that fried comfort food. Thank you. Looking forward to tomorrow’s teaser.
    Scout Charles


    • I think comfort food/aka fried stuff is a perfect way to put our weather worries and other cares behind us and loosen up our belts and ENJOY ourselves right Charles? Hope to see you tomorrow for a little bit of TEASING!

      Love, Teddy
      p.s. It just started raining SUPER DUPER hard here!


  3. Great cheer, curling up in my pj’s and a robe sounds nice. I will pass on the fried twinkies, but the onion rings look good. XO


    • That’s the problem – all that FATTENING food certainly would send all of us to the litterbox but just think of all the FUN we’d have eating it all…..I say we go for it and DANG the consequences!

      Hugs, Teddy


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