Teaser Tuesday


Good Morning Class! 

You’d better COMMENT NOW before you sit down at your desk!

Is everybody ready to participate in today’s geography quiz?   Oh I hope so………you know we have more than one DUNCE CAP available and we’re not afraid to use them (Marge is in charge of those!).


I’ve had this one on so long I think it’s permanently embedded in my head!

Today’s Teaser is NOT a GUEST TEASER it’s “home grown” from US.    Your Professors got this one lined up for you and we think it’s a doozy.    We will remind you NOW what the rules are and we hope that you will follow them!

We have some swell badges that you can earn – one for the FIRST COMMENTER on today’s blog, one for the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER of today’s Teaser photo, one for EVERYONE who guesses correctly on today’s TEASER and one for those of you who bomb out (oops I mean guess incorrectly) on today’s TEASER!

Now I know you may think “SO WHAT?” about winning a badge but trust me – there are a lot of students out there who like nothing better than winning a badge to show off…….so on Wednesday’s post here in class we will announce WHO GETS WHAT.

I think I unnnerstand all those rules Professors…..

We always like to get you pumped up to guess so before we show you today’s challenging photograph, how about a cheer from our awesome Cheer Team????

We’re here and we’re ready
Keep your hearts steady
We know we’re so adorable
Our behavior occasionally deplorable
But today we’re ready to cheer
And pat you on the rear (no giggling please)
We hope you’re ready to guess
We’ve seen the photo and we confess
None of us has got a clue
We hope that’s not true for YOU!!!!


Well everyone is whipped into a frenzy so the time is RIGHT for us to bring our the Security Guard who has been guarding our TOP SECRET PHOTO for today…………….

Here is today’s Teaser Professor Sam and Ted

Sooo????  What place are we seeing in this photo????

Tune in tomorrow in class so we can give you the scoop on who wins what…………..you may not THINK you care about winning a badge but trust me – legions of followers will testify to the fact that it’s a BIG RUSH to win one!    Besides, we are sure that one day Teaser Badges will be worth their weight in gold……well….maybe not gold exactly but they might be worth something!  You never know……..

If you say so Professor……

Miss Dingleberry is serving up Italian Specialties today for our pre-recess lunch.   Doesn’t that sound BELLISSIMO ????    See you all in class tomorrow!

Yes we had pizza yesterday and today we’re having more Italian food – ya got a problem with that??? No? Good!


Enjoy (and don’t get sauce on your shirt or your Mom will be mad at you!)

Your Professors

112 responses »

      • Yayyy! I have blown up the photo, not literally of course and can’t see any clues. It looks a bit Mediterranean but the black car looks like he is driving on the left, and apart from Malta which I don’t think it is, they all drive on the right. Of course it might just be parked there. Now to find out what other countries apart from the UK and Ireland (and Malta) drive on the left. It definitely doesn’t look that close to home!


    • Oh that’s definitely an “excused” late slip for sure!! That poor kitty in the video (hilarious but OUCH….) certainly needs a few “stay after class” lessons in math calculations! HAHAHA


      • Okay, this maybe, kinda’, sorta’, reminds me of the coastline where Mothra battled Godzilla. That was in the Yokohama, Japan. Yep. We will go with that just because we watched a Godzilla & Mothra movie recently. *wink*

        Liked by 2 people

        • HAHAHA……my Mom has a memory of that movie from centuries ago. She and her younger brother INSISTED to seeing that movie – her Mom dropped them off at the movie theater and was going to be back there to pick them up after. Mom and her brother saw about 20 minutes of the movie and were so freaked out by it they called their Mom (while little brother was crying) to come get them ASAP! That was SUPER long ago and seeing that movie now it makes my Mom giggle that they were so frightened but it…..HAHAHAHAHA

          Hugs, Teddy

          Liked by 2 people

          • I am actually a fan of Mothra & Godzilla. Shh… little-known fact! Anyway, we watch Svenghoulie, a Chicago movie-spoof show. He shows the old B-rated monster movies and spoofs them during commercials. It is entertaining! So, that is where my mind went! HA!


          • We’ve seen a couple of commercials for Svenghoulie – there’s a channel that carries those old movies but we’ve only seen them in passing. I truly can still remember that movie though – how silly is that?!?!?!

            Love, Pam

            Liked by 1 person

  1. Yays for the Cheer Team
    Yays for the Professors
    Sads for us because we have NO idea where this is.
    We do praize you Miss D fur a great meal.
    Can I please have the lasagna like my Marmalade pal Garfield
    Buddy and Toby will have spaghetti with extra meaty balls, thank mew
    Einstein, Miss Fitz and Rumpy will all have Ravioli please
    Another fun day professors Angel Sammy and Teddy
    We cant wait to see where this nice city is
    Timmy and Family


    • Miss Dingleberry is serving up your Italian delightables now! Hope you enjoy – don’t forget to ask for extra sauce AND of course some parmesan! Tune in tomorrow to find out where this Teaser is from……..it’s a toughie!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Well, Motor Mommy thinks the background looks like Catalina, but she doesn’t think your pawrents have been there….so, we’re clueless. And we see what you did there with the “resistant professor, Teddy”! Ha!
    Love, Sundae


  3. aarrggghh crappers. Late again to the party. I gotta start setting my piggy alarm clock just for your Tuesday teaser cousin. Snorts and oinks. XOXO – Bacon


  4. Ooooh, this is kind of like one of those Where’s Waldo games… only Waldo is doing time for fashion crimes and you have to spot which prison he’s rotting inside. Hmmmmmm…. I think that’s it towards the right side of the photo, the joint with the two tall trees in front of it. Yes, I can hear the sounds of Waldo “enjoying” the showers from behind the pines…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good morning! Let the bells ring out and the banners fly! ‘Tis I!
    Mr Sammy, Teddy, l don’t have 2 clue….
    I think I shall ask Ms Dingleberry for a little of everythung!


    • Marv I am sure Miss Dingleberry will be flattered that you are going to try all of her Italian delights today! Ask for extra sauce AND parmesan…!! Congratulations on getting here today my friend!

      Love, Teddy


  6. Great cheer ladies, I love it when you are fresh 🙂 I have no idea where this photo was taken. Great lunch today 🙂 XO


  7. That was weird! I tried to add another reply after my last comment, and the comment box came up with the previous reply in as if I hadn’t posted it. I know I did because you had already answered it. Cue X Files music!
    I have looked and not got anywhere. I have about another 50 countries to go, but as the sun is actually shining for once I should be out sorting out the greenhouse. I have to admit defeat and accept a Greenie this week.

    Liked by 1 person

    • OH DEAR – well you certainly TRIED Miss Jackie! You must come by tomorrow to see where this actually is……….!!! Enjoy your greenhouse – it’s about time to start sticking seeds in the dirt right?

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. SuzyQ we love your cheer
    We’re here and we’re ready
    Keep your hearts steady
    We know we’re so adorable
    Our behavior occasionally deplorable
    No clue where we are today but it certainly is pretty
    Hugs madi your bfff


  9. We’re going with Passau, Germany. We are later than later. We checked in earlier but didn’t have time to leave a guess. Now we will read the post. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  10. I am late…must be 887th…but since I was googling the reason for the google image which intrigued me, I for got all about commenting here…but I still would have been late, MOL!!! (John Harrison, 325th birthday…he was a british watchmaker who invented the chronometer and let the sailors of tat time learn/know how to deal with longitude I think. He was the king’s official watchmaker. This is interesting to me, cause my Dad was a watchmaker/clockmaker too. Now I have learned something new!!
    That sure looks like a spot that could use some rain. I see a bridge, and a dried up riverbed…it looks very old, too, so it has to be old world. And mountains. OK, then I have seen lots of other guesses so I am going to add one of my own:
    Berat City, Albania. That is a real old spot, and looks like one that might be fun to see for myself sometime. Now I can try to climb that huge hill and see what the view is from there….

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Miss Layla……….That’s a good guess but you know the drill around here with the Teaser – our lips are SEALED until tomorrow’s Tell All……if you have a chance stop by to see what the scoop is on this photo!!

      Love, Teddy


  11. Oh my…that Italian food is delish Mrs. D. Maybe I’m Italian mom….I sure love the food. NO, YOU’RE FROM THAILAND, SHOKO OR AT LEAST YOUR ANCESTORS WERE. I don’t know where that is besides the food’s probably crappy there. WHAT’S THIS A PICTURE OF, SHOKO? It’s a pretty little town. Quite a run if we lived at the top of the hill. Let’s say Albania. It is a lot greener than I thought Albania would be though. City or town must be Berat like Speedy said. He’s smart!

    Shoko and Mom Jean


    • It was delicious lasagna don’t you think? Miss Dingleberry has some hidden talents and some others that are not so hidden – like “how to wear a hairnet properly” in a kitchen! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


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