Teaser Tuesday


It may be snowing (or raining or sleeting) but SCHOOL IS IN SESSION!


HAVE YOU COMMENTED YET??????  You’d better! 

You might win THIS if you are FIRST!!

YES we have our Santa hats on – couldn’t find any other winter head-warmers to wear to school today!

We will warm all of you up with a “hot seat” of a geography test here in a moment – a photo that you will be able to study and guess WHERE IT WAS TAKEN – that should keep you busy for a while!   Today’s Teaser is not a Guest Teaser but it is (WAIT FOR IT…………………..) A “GUESS TEASER” !!!      Sorry about that – rather lame little joke wasn’t it.

Here are the rules for you folks who want to take a stab at the test this morning………………..

If you are FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, A RIGHT GUESSER BUT  NOT FIRST or a WRONG GUESSER………you will get one of our fabulously collectible badges to show off!!

I studied!

I hope maybe THIS week I guess right!

I cracked open the books too!!

Study? Me? Groovy…..

Let’s get on with it shall we?   Before we begin I am happy to announce that the Cheer Team did in fact get excellent report cards for their service to Ding Dong School this past semester……a suggestion was made that they permanently throw away from their book collection, “How To Insult Your Audience In Ten Easy Lessons”, “Living Dangerously as a Cheerleader”, and “Cheerleading for Complete Dummies”……………..they have agreed they no longer need those books to help them write their cheers.

Hip Hip Hooray
We celebrate today!
Our report cards were good
We can stay in the “hood”
Your Teaser today is pretty
Makes us sing a seaside ditty
We haven’t got a clue
But hopefully some of you do….
You might win a badge
Or perhaps a date with Madge!

Now we’ll QUICKLY move on to asking our ever vigilant Security Guard if he would please bring in the Teaser photo for today so you can get to work!

Here is today’s Teaser Professor Sam and Ted

WHERE WAS THIS SNAPPED??????????????????    Tomorrow we will be back with the TEASER TELL ALL and you’ll find out who wins and who loses and who just comes here for the food.   HAHAHAHA

Food? Food?

Yes food – Miss Dingleberry is in the hall outside the classroom today because of course we have SNOW on the ground and heaven forbid you students get COLD FEET so step right up and have a snack and we will see you bright and early tomorrow!

That’s right – you just get SNACKS today –

the stuff your Mom won’t allow you to have!!!  YAY!!!!!

Good Luck !   Your Profs, Angel Sam and Ted

84 responses »

  1. Thanks fur a wonderful cheer team. Miss D can I have an extra cotton candy with poppy corn, or 4 Hee Hee. Professors I think this looks like… Holland? I had no idea so was real surprised when Mr Google said where it was. Another Amazing Photo!
    Thanks fur the fun
    Timmy and Family

    Liked by 1 person

    • The cheer team is on top of their game today. Miss D may still look grumpy but she sure can whack out some decent snacks and lunches right? The Teaser could be Holland…..it does look like it…..what did Mr. Google tell you??

      Love, Teddy


    • HAHAHA……woke up and fell asleep is not a good combination. Of course if you DO that, it means “not enough sleep to begin with” so maybe it’s NAP TIME (after you have a snack in class of course!).

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s either Norway or no way. The cheerleaders were, umm, good this morning. I’ll have some cotton candy, please Miss Dingleberry. See you tomorrow Professors Teddy and Angel Sammy.


  3. So not first! We think it’s in the USA, but not sure where. We’ll study it a bit and be back if we think we’ve figured it out. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  4. Congratulations to the cheerleaders! I am glad you all passed. I don’t mind if your cheers are a little sassy. I have no idea where the photo was taken, as always. XO


  5. Well, this could be the River Walk again located in wherever Texas (Probably in the basement of The Alamo)… but I noticed there’s some very suspicious activity going on in this photo, and it could only mean one thing. That icky looking gray building with the crappy windows must actually be the prison that holds the spray paint maestro Vinnie the Vandal, world famous graffiti artiste and all around scoundrel. Vinnie’s work is obvious on the dinghies that just happened to be passing by…. look what he did with his spray paint! He spray painted over their names and numbers on the hull! (bow? stern? I’m not a sailor, even though I cuss like one) Now Gilligan won’t be able to tell his boat apart from Popeye’s. A real fiend, that’s what Vinnie the Vandal is!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Uhoh……you mean Gilligan won’t pick the right boat when going to the island to see Ginger and MaryAnn? Wonder what they will get up to with the Professor without Gilligan’s snoopervision! Also, I think you may be right about that crappy gray building – I bet Vinnie will be painting that thing as soon as he makes parole!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. It’s Langley, Virginia near the CIA HQ. The boats are incognito and the ID’s have been redacted. Next week you’ll get tougher on us and have photos taken at midnight when everything is pitch black.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Well, I still am late, but, well, its earlier tan sometimes, MOL, MOL!!!

    That place looks peaceful and the quiet waters make it even more serene. I do think that is another place I would love to see for myself. And I do think Phenny will have a big grin, cause yup, I too think its Portland, Maine!!


  8. Good Morning. I will never be first because I live in California.

    Midsomer Murders is what we’re watching each evening now. Great show.

    I haven’t a clue where this is. Not a clue.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep – we were extra early today too but you know there are OTHER BADGES than “First Commenter” available! Like FIRST RIGHT GUESSER or RIGHT GUESSER!!!!!! GO FOR IT! Midsomer ROCKS!

      Love, Teddy


  9. Good Morning sweet friends! Happy Spring!! We made it through another winter, woot woot (BTW still lots of snow here, LOL)
    I have noooo idea where this is but will take a wild wild guess and say Venice. There’s lot’s of supply boats zipping around to restuarants and hotels….maybe they load up here? xox ❤ Boom


  10. **huffin puffin**
    “Sorry mee iss late…again….sorry….Angel Unccle Sammy an Teddy…
    Butt mee does have an answer!
    Wee fink it iss thee seaside port of Torquay, Devon.
    Pawss crossed wee on thee rite conty-nent, mew mew mew….
    Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


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