Sunday Selfie


Sunday Selfie Blog Hop time with the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head!    Every Sunday we join in the fun of showing off our “fine selves” at the Hop.    This is no exception.    If you want to join us please do – just click their badge above and join with the LINKY TOOL.   Easy Peasy.

My photo this Sunday was jazzed up by my Mom with Lunapic – using the “Frida” art effect.   The photo is just a little embarrassing – YES sometimes I am too lazy to stand up while I’m having my “SINK DRINK” so I have a lie down while I slurp my water from the faucet.   So what?   I wasn’t feeling very perky when this photo was taken.   I just didn’t have enough energy to stand or squat!

Here’s the”before Lunapic” version:

And here’s the FANCY SHMANCY version!

Gee that sink water tastes mighty fine!    Speaking of mighty fine – I hope your Sunday is just that………………….!

Love and Hugs, Teddy

62 responses »

    • I won’t even touch the kitty water fountain I have…..I like to sit and watch it but not drink from it. Go figure. Sink water is probably what I was used to before I wound up at the shelter…..I was almost one year old and maybe was a barn cat used to drinking from running water? Who knows! Not me! I just know I LOVE drinking out of the faucet!!

      Love, Teddy


  1. LOL! The edit is ridiculously cute! It looks like a darling illustration in a children’s book. I love book illustrations, especially children’s books. Teddy, that is interesting form for “sinking”… yeah, who care if you want to lie down to slurp? Gets the job done!


    • I agree – I can’t imagine WHAT my Mom was thinking to even consider taking my photo with me in the full squat! She wouldn’t like it if I did that to her!!!!!

      Happy Sunday to you!
      Love, Teddy


    • HAHAHAHA…..say, that was a good suggestion. Actually this is the guest bathroom and my Dad shaves in the morning in there and leaves a towel out – I’m sure when he got a face full of my tummy fur this morning when he dried off his face he wondered what the heck had happened. HAHAHAHAHAHAH I like your idea though – next time I’ll turn on the HEAT LAMP in there too!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Haha! That is not the most flattering angle, Teddy, but the effect looks great.
    It has to be the best butt selfie I’ve seen.


    • Thank you Miss Jackie! Mom loves this photo of me – well – my butt anyway. I don’t usually lie down to drink water but I have been poorly as you know – so I didn’t have the energy to stand there but still wanted my sink drink!

      Love, Teddy


    • Well I don’t USUALLY stand that way for my sink drinks but I’ve been a bit poorly and didn’t have the energy to do my normal standing up. Pretty silly photo isn’t it!!!

      Love, Teddy


    • Mom just HAD to take that crazy shot of me…’s not fair I tell ya – I was not feeling very well and didn’t have the energy to STAND to have my drink……..that pose was infinitely more COMFY!!!

      Love, Teddy


    • Cupcake you’re right! I’ve seen those photos too! In fact if Mom had thought to post a photo of a tiger slurping from a pond along with mine, it wouldn’t have been as funny as much as FIERCE!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  3. We agree with Miss Pix that the edited photo looks like a page from a childrens’ book. Cute picture, Teddy! And we love “bunny butt” and “sink drink”!
    Love, Sundae


  4. BOL, Teddy – that certainly is an interesting shot. At least that Frieda effect gave you tail some fascinating markings.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  5. Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!! You made Lemon Water come out my Mom’s nose! I LOVE it when that happens! And Frida Art Effect is PAWSOME! I LOVE it!


  6. teehee! That’s quite the ‘sink-drink’ pose! Hello Pam and Teddy! I’m back from my holiday and wanted to see what you’re up too. Wowzer, I don’t think I anticipated this. That’s what I’d call splatting. Like you’re splatted on the counter. xo The Lunapic is super fun and cool too. Mommy’s a great artist, but then again, you’re a great subject ❤ I've missed you both xoxox


    • It sure looked like you “DID” Sydney Miss Boomdee! And it was SUMMER there – we are expecting SNOW tomorrow – EEEEEK! I bet you are happy to be home even though it’s always fun to have little adventures. Isn’t that photo of me sink drinking hilarious? Mom didn’t do me any favors sharing that one……..hahaha

      Love and Teddy Hugs to you!


    • SO wonderful to see you! We are so happy you are blogging – it was fun to see Chun and Sprocket – they look great. Hope everyone is well. As for my “sink drink” photo – Mom isn’t known for capturing photos of me in FLATTERING angles! But I love her anyway…..glad you like the photo. As for water – I only drink from the sink faucets even though I have bowls of water all over the house. Mom thinks wherever I lived before I wound up at the shelter that our of a faucet was my only water source.

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  7. Teddy, we were here on Sunday, but didn’t get to comment. We think this art looks fabulous. And what a cute tushy you have. It hurts our hearts that you have been feeling poorly. We pray that after your final pill you will be close to your usual spunky self again. Sending love, purrs and lots of POTP. Thanks for hopping, dear friend. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • I’m trying hard to be WELL……we may never know what this has been about but at least I’m close to “RIGHT” than I have been in the past couple of weeks. I took my last pill today! I’m glad you like my tushie because my Mom is always remarking about it and thought she was the only one who thought my tushie was worthy of comment! HAHAHA

      Love, Teddy


    • Lunapic is one of the more FUN editing sites in my opinion because you have SOOOOO many choices of things to do! By the way, you don’t have to JOIN to use it! Thanks for the compliments on my ginger kid Teddy.

      Hugs, Pam

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