Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Is it Thursday already?  Yep it is……..time to talk about being Thankful – which I am and always will be.     If you are wanting to talk about how thankful you are just join in the Thankful Hop hosted by Brian – simply click the badge above and go sign up!

I’m thankful that we did NOT get snow from either of the weather systems that caused havoc north of us…………what we DID get was tons of wind – powerful wind – lots of our neighbors lost shingles, siding and trees…….we lost ONE big oak down in our woods, and had a lot of “little stuff” to clean up out of the yard.   So I’m THANKFUL too that we didn’t have damage to the house.

My Mom is thankful that she won a contest at The Evil Squirrel’s Nest blog………there were three random pictures posted and the project was to write something, draw something, or otherwise somehow make a cohesive story or whatever out of the three photos.    Someone else won the actual competition but Mom was in the draw for the “random winner” and her number was picked!  So she has a new badge on our website from the Squirrel.    YAY for Mom!    This was her entry HERE.

Now the second part of our Thursday post is always what I get from my Angel brother Sammy who sends in his Photo Poetry Challenge via email from the Rainbow Bridge – this week of course he didn’t let any of us down – I got his poem and I’m sharing the email I got from him courtesy of “Rainbow Wi-Fi” below!


Hello Friends and Fellow Poets (or Readers!)   Time to share a poem!!

We were watching from the Rainbow Bridge as many of you had yucky weather to deal with – you know we have no influence over the weather but we were hoping everyone would be alright and thank heavens most of you were.    We only have gentle breezes and sunshiny days at the Bridge you know – we are lucky but then the price we pay for that beauty is having to be physically apart from our beloved families…………we are ALWAYS with you in spirit though!!

Here is the photo I gave you LAST week to use as your “inspiration” for this week’s photo poetry……………….I hope you were able to find time to write a poem inspired by this wacky little photo???   If you did, please share your blog link to your poem in my comments here OR write your poem IN our comments.   We’d love to see if you had as much fun as I did with this photo.

“Capturing Humans”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell, March 7, 2018

A professional photographer is my job at the zoo

I use my camera to take photos of you!

I try to take photos of things fascinating

Like groups of loud humans congregating

They move in herds or occasionally alone

They usually have a thing on one ear they call “phone”

They chatter away with their group like WE do

They giggle and point when they come to our zoo

They don’t seem to notice that we find them amusing

They do funny things that we find so confusing!

They have something we don’t – why can’t they see?

They can roam at will……..and we LONG to be free.


Sometimes it makes us sad that so many animals are in cages but zoos are doing a better job of giving animals in captivity more natural habitats AND because endangered animals are taken care of in zoos, they are PROTECTED !     That’s a GOOD thing!    But still I wonder how many of them see humans roaming freely and wish they could do that.   Probably more than we will ever know……………………..Now did you write a poem this week?   If not, I hope you will consider doing one next week – you can write one – I know you can.

Here’s next week’s inspirational photo……………I bet you can do something with this one – we’ll compare poems next week OK?    It’s a deal……………………

This one will be interesting………

So I will see you here next week on Thursday…………..I’ll be anxious to read your poems……………..C’mon now don’t let me down!    Meanwhile know that I am watching out for all of you – my friends – from the Rainbow Bridge.

Oui Oui – me in my French beret which inspires my POETRY!

Love, Angel Sammy



Thanks Angel Sammy.    I can’t wait to read everyone’s poems for today as we visit our blog buddies AND just wonder what they will “see” in next week’s photo – what I see scares me to death!    HAHAHA

Love, Teddy

This is as close to WATER I want to get – forget surfing!!!

61 responses »

  1. pawsome poem!!! and I wish I would met such a photographer once ;O))) the mama only visited a zoo once where that photographer grabbed the glasses of her granny… and he never gave it back… maybe he needed new lenses for his cam?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m sad to hear about the big oak tree falling down.

    But I’m happy because it’s snowing again. We’re having a lovely winter! 😀


  3. We’re thankful, too, that all of us fared so well during the storm(s). Concats Miss Pam on winning that contest! And that’s an amazing poem from Angel Sammy this week. It is true that zoos are doing a better job of caring for the animals than was the case in the past.
    What a scary photo for next week. Yikes!
    Love, Sundae


    • It is a scary photo for next week – imagine – my Mom can’t even begin to imagine surfing PERIOD but that wave is terrifying…..just to SEE it much less be ON it. Anyway – we are all glad that the storms have pretty much passed us by SO FAR. Winter isn’t over yet though!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  4. Angel Sammy and Teddy what a fun poem and for sure 100% what all the animals must be thinking when they see the humans! Love the reference to the phone. There is this gal at the mall where my peeps walk every day. She will stop dead in the middle of the mall aisles and chat drives my peeps crazy.

    Ohhhhhh next week is gonna be a challenge and I agree I would not want one drip of that water on me
    Hugs madi your bfff

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sad about your big oak, you know how I feel about oaks. But if you have to put a positive spin on it, one less oak with leaves blowing out of the woods and having to hoover them up… 😀 Like your thoughts Angel Sammy about being physically apart but always with us in spirit. Thought provoking poem on the zoo situation. I would like to see them all free but I am torn about the species that are endangered. Not to be flip, but I love the hot dogs at the St. Louis Zoo. We used to make a half hour drive just to eat one of the hot dogs there… always thinking about FOOD! Good Morning!


    • So inquiring minds want to know what’s special about those St. Lou doggies?? Some hot dogs are decidedly tastier – my Mom loves Nathan’s skinless – the has less “issues” with the skinless….but what is it about the ones YOU love? Sounds like a blog post to me! LOL GOOD MORNING!!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Best doggies in The Lou are at Five Guys and ditto for Venice… if you really want a tasty fru fru dog. Zoo hot dogs… I think it is how they are overcooked. I love gas station hot dogs, too… what can I say? 😀 If CH is grillin’ them we like Johnsonville. We have tried Nathan’s but I don’t know if they were skinless… is there a choice? A blog post on doggies… hmmm. Grouper sandwich for lunch today… 🙂


        • You can get Nathans with or without skin…….some say “natural casing”…..some say “skinless”…….some are just “regular” with casings – but I like them best. David likes Ball Park……Johnsonville is our “go to” for grilled brats. GROUPER SAMMMMICHES – never had one – now I want one. Guess what we’re having for dinner tonight – HOT DOGS (really!).

          Love, Pam

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Congrats to your Mom! I read her story and she deserved to win, it was so creative. I am glad the winds didn’t cause more damage like a tree on your house. They must have been very strong to remove shingles, I love Angel Sammy’s poem, I bet our cats wish they could take photos of us like we do to them 🙂 XO


    • How awful it would be though if our cats DID take photos of us….imagine them coming in to catch us sleeping at night with our hair in a mess and our mouths open snoring at night……or (heaven forbid) taking a shower or WHATEVER!!!! Nope – I think it’s best to hide all camera equipment – cats are too darn smart for their own good!!!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  7. What a great poem with a terrific message. We had so much fun with that photo. It is nice that most zoos today do try to have natural habitats for their residents. So much better than when Mom Pam and our mom were growing up. Next week’s photo looks interesting. We did write a poem today if anyone is interested.
    XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • We sure loved your poem today and we also agree with your thoughts on zoos. Things are so much better now than they used to be. My Mom remembers when animals were in cages with no natural surroundings PERIOD. It was awful to see and wonder what the animals thought too. Next week’s photo is a doozy!

      Love, Teddy


  8. That contest sounds like such fun. Congrats on your fun win! And, what a wonderful poem you wrote here, Angel Sammy! I have very similar feelings on zoos. I love animals and enjoy seeing them, but I also worry that sometimes life in a zoo might be too unnatural for them. But, many zoos these days are very good at giving the animals as natural habitats as possible, and as healthy and happy lives as possible, so that is definitely comforting.

    It was a fun challenge to write a poem for this week’s photo, and now we look forward to writing a poem for next week’s photo!


    • The photo for next week’s poem is – well – SCARY to look at but sparks some interesting things in the imagination!! I wonder what Angel Sammy (and you!) will write. Yes it’s tough to describe how zoos make us feel but I suppose the animals there are at least SAFE and they get enough food and don’t have to hunt for it……it’s tough but it’s also the only chance some people ever have to see the magnificence of wildlife up close.

      Love, Teddy


  9. We are very happy that your family and your house are safe from the storms, T. We got LOTS of snow around here, but no damage and our power stayed on in the face of bad odds all around us. We are also thankful!

    Love and licks,


    • Oh Cupcake I’m glad you and your Mom didn’t lose power…….we feel so helpless when we don’t have electricity. We were lucky – just a few little outages – and so many are TOTALLY without now and have been for DAYS! Stay safe……..

      Love, Teddy


    • Thank you!! It’s true – zoos are fun to go to – nice to see the animals we might not ever get to see but you have to wonder if the animals are really happy. I guess we should be glad they are all at least SAFE from being hunted!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. You can let Mom know that the prize has been ordered, and the expected delivery date (as of now, anyway) is Monday! And the humans the monkey is taking pictures of aren’t entirely free…. after all, most of them are hopelessly chained to those things on their ears (or usually, just in their hands!)


    • Thanks Mr. Squirrel Guy! Mom will be thrilled….that’s very QUICK delivery! It’s true that humans are chained to their “devices” of one sort or another. I’m surprised more people don’t wind up with black eyes or broken noses due to not paying attention where they are going. Cats communicate via Vulcan mind-meld….now that’s a lot less dangerous than cell phones or blueteeth/tooth or ipads and pods!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. Congrats to your mum for being the random winner. We likes her story. I still think the monkey with the camera is all about trying to set the white balance, but I couldn’t figure out anything to rhyme with it. Next week’s photos should provide loads of {gulps}. That is some serious wave action!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. dood….sorree ta heer bout yur tree tho glad it dinna come down
    on yur houz…..N ya knead sum fish in that sink !!! ~ ♥♥♥♥♥


    some humans are dumb
    on insta gram I will post
    this picture for proof

    🙂 🙂 ♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Gang!! Yeah we were lucky – some people weren’t so lucky with their trees doing their worst! Mom refuses to put some fish in my sink – she’s just no fun sometimes. Love your poem……you ALWAYS make me smile with your poems (and your fish!).

      Love, Teddy Bean


  13. Cool poem, Teddy and Mom. Our Mom says she is going to look carefully at the monkeys at our zoo the next time she goes to see if they are snapping photos of her:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • We really do love what people come up with on Thursdays inspired by the photos Angel Sammy gives us. It’s fun and challenging for sure! The photo for next week is frightening – it’s a ridiculously huge wave. Can’t imagine anyone deciding it would be FUN to try and surf on it!! EEEEEEEEEEK!

      Love, Teddy


  14. Congrats to your mom. Teddy! We didn’t get any snow either though areas around us got some. We hope there’s no more snow this season. We’re ready for spring!


  15. You guys write the best poems. My mom is hopeless. And my excuse is English is Not my first language. Purrsonally I want to be a philosopher like Rumi!
    Concatulations to your Mom for her win!


    • Oh Marv you already are a wonderful Rumi-esque philosopher….you have a GREAT outlook on life considering you didn’t have such a GOOD one until you moved to Canada and your Mommy’s house! I bet you that you and your Mom could put your heads together and join in the poetry challenge…yes I am SURE OF IT!

      Love, Teddy


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