Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


We are THANKFUL today!

We are joining Brian’s Blog Hop today to talk about what we’re thankful for.    Would you like to join in too?    Click his badge above and join up!    It’s EASY to share your “thankfuls” !

Today Mom and I are being very THANKFUL that my Dad’s outpatient surgery yesterday went well.   He’s never had surgery before so it was a bit nerve-wracking for him even with my Mom who is the Queen of Surgery (well….not quite) thought she had him prepared.   Nothing TEACHES like experience I guess.   We think maybe he thought he’d be up and running around the block after the surgery and instead he’s supposed to not do much of anything but WALK for a couple of weeks at least.   Anyway, point is, we are very thankful that he’s fine and that his surgery was successful.    Thank you everyone who sent us positive thoughts and prayers.    THEY WORKED!

I’m also thankful that Angel Sammy got his photo poem to me for this week………..I think it’s great that even though he’s super busy with his duties at the Bridge he STILL finds time to send a poem to me every week so I can share it with you.    We’re having fun with the “photo poems” are you?


It’s Poetic Thursday Time!

Hello my friends – greetings from the Rainbow Bridge.    Teddy is right – I’m kept very busy up here mostly with my duties as part of the WELCOMING COMMITTEE for all new Angels on their arrival here.   It’s a bittersweet duty – I love seeing my friends again and MAKING new friends but I’m sad they are no longer with their humans and fur families in BODY.    They always will be with them in spirit though.

The photo I gave you last week to use as your inspiration for THIS week’s poem was an interesting one.   Several of you wrote to Teddy to say it had an air of mystery about it!    Well I wanted it to be different and challenging so maybe it was?    The whole idea is I give you a photo every Thursday and you have a whole week to write a poem that has been INSPIRED by the photo.   Easy right?   Well, it really is easy to write a poem – just write what you feel, what you see, what you wonder about when you see the photo.   Doesn’t have to rhyme – just has to be about the photo in ANY poetic format.     Here’s the photo I gave you last Thursday and below it my poem to share with you.

“Taking A Chance”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell, February 1, 2018

It’s ever so easy to stay in place

Not moving forward or backward – not joining the race

It’s safe and secure when no chances are taken

No difficult times to face and no hearts for breaking

But outside the box that we build around our lives

Adventure and excitement are alive and they thrive!

We may never find “better” or “different” or “new”

If we’re frozen in place and afraid to pursue

Exploring possibilities is a gift to give ourselves

Finding out our strengths as into our hearts we delve

Around every corner and up every stair

We won’t ever know what delights might be there!

Life is too short to stay hidden behind the door

There are wonders to see and delights to explore.


The photo above is so totally cool I have some info for you about WHERE and WHAT it is……………’s in an ancient almshouse in Stamford, England…………..and if you CLICK HERE you can find out more!  

I saw that staircase going up up up and thought it was much like the staircase of life – we do it in stages (steps) – and don’t always make it to the top but if we stay on one stair we may miss out on the very best thing EVER at the top of life’s staircase!   

I have another fun photo for you for next week’s photo poetry challenge.    Let’s see what you do with this one!    Remember, put your blog link in our comments so we know to visit you and see what your poem for today is – OR write your poem HERE in our comments – either way, we’ll see what you created this week.

Let’s see what you do with THIS ONE!!     Until then, please have a SUPER week………….I will look forward to reading your poems next Thursday!

Hugs from the Angel Poet Sammy

Oui Oui – me in my French beret which inspires my POETRY!


Thank you Angel Sammy – I think that’s a super photo for next week…………..makes me want to say “ARRRRRRRGH!” like a pirate!    Everybody have a good week thinking about that photo and coming up with a poem for next week.    I’ll see you tomorrow here on the blog – same time, same place!

Love, Teddy


62 responses »

  1. that is a very encouraging idea… and we better move forwards and climb up the stairs even when something scary is waiting for us… it is better if we discover it furst before we will be discovered by it…
    btw: teddy, the photo for next week gave me an idea… an embarrasing one… butt not for me hehe


  2. Hi Teddy! I didn’t know your dad was having an outpatient surgery and am very glad it went well. I hope he continues with a good recovery.
    Angel Sammy, I love your interpretation of the photo. Places like that fascinate me and I would have to explore up there. In reality though I am sometimes more hesitant about going forward.


  3. Really good poem, Teddy! Tell Angel Sammy I like it a lot, please. So very happy your Dad is okey dokey! Well, getting there soon! I know you are all happy about that!! You and I both are so lucky, our furever homes include two great humans!!


    • Hi Chippy! Dad is fine today – dressed, having coffee, giving Mom a hard time – in other words he’s BAAACK! Anyway, we are happy you like Angel Sammy’s poem today – I do too but I REALLY loved that photo he had as inspiration for this past week. The ship photo for NEXT week is pretty cool too – reminds me of “Talk Like A Pirate Day”!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. I’m glad everything went OK… and it’s amazing someone can go that far in life without ever having had surgery before! I’ve got five to my credit, and four were for smashing kidney stones into little bitty pebbles…

    That staircase sure looks like it could send someone to the operating room. Meanwhile, that image of the ship…. all I can think of is those Starving Artist sales they advertise on TV!


    • I don’t think my Dad would have made it up those stairs after his surgery yesterday that’s for sure! Today is another matter – he’s up, dressed, having coffee and feeling pretty well he says. For an old guy that’s super! They glued his incisions shut instead of using staples…..SUPER GLUE TO THE RESCUE – at least it wasn’t GORILLA GLUE.

      So you are a veteran of lithotripsy? Stone smashing is certainly preferable to passing those boulders through the bladder isn’t it!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


      • The three I’ve had smashed (One had to be done twice it was SO BIG) were all pretty much unpassable. I managed to give birth to a 5mm diameter stone before… let me say that the days before it finally came through were NOT fun…


        • Hubby #1 had a particularly sizeable stone which was at an IMPASSE and had to be surgically removed. He probably still has it in the little pill bottle he kept it in. EEEEEK. I know they are not fun – not in the least…..Mom says it was the first time she actually saw someone turn WHITE from the pain…….

          Hugs, Teddy


  5. Best wishes to your dad for a speedy recovery.

    I like Sammy’s poem. When I see stone steps that are worn, I always wonder how many feet over how many years have stepped on them.


    • My Mom said the same thing….those steps had a LOT OF FEETS on them through a LOT of years……it’s really a beautiful photo – would love to know what home/manor/castle the photo was taken in. I’ll send MOM THE INVESTIGATOR on the hunt so we can find that out!

      Hugs, Teddy
      p.s. Dad is up and dressed this morning – doing very well thanks!! His two hernias were repaired and they glued his incisions shut – modern medicine is super weird isn’t it?!


  6. Another wonderful poem, Angel Sammy! That is quite a mysterious photo. And Teddy, we LOVE that new pic of you resting among those pillows. You are one fortunate little boy to have found your furever home!
    Love, Sundae


    • That place in the photo with the stairs is Browne’s Hospital – with a very interesting history! Miss Jackie gave several links in her comment for those wanting to know about this building from the 1400s!

      Hugs, Teddy the Lucky Boy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mom thought we’d kinda surprise peeps with the poem this way – Angel Sammy could have written about going UP to heaven but he didn’t – we like this better – taking a chance……!!!

      Love, Teddy


  7. That was a really great poem Angel Sammy! We’re all so thankful that your Dad’s surgery went well, that’s terrific! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


    • Thanks Brian and Company! My Dad was a real trooper my Mom said and I helped her take care of him when they got home yesterday. He’s back to being my regular Dad today – not sleeping off the anesthesia or in a lot of pain! That’s my Pop!

      Love, Teddy


    • We loved your poem and also loved reading about your adventures with your friend George. I bet he would have liked the stairs in Sammy’s photo. Thanks for pawticipating in Poetry Day!!

      Love, Teddy


  8. SAMMY! Teddy. Now did I miss your Dad was having surgery!? I haven’t had my mom home for three days, all day, and that could be part of it. I am so happy that all went well with him. And the poem that you wrote for us…that was superb! True— and superb! I agree with that, I have learned to do that and I encourage others to do so also. XXXXXXX I may take a whack at the next one.


    • Oh Katie I hope you DO join us for a bit of poetry next week – Angel Sammy gave us a rather cool photo to inspire us this next week……I’m thinking he won’t write about pirates though even though it’s the first thing I think of when I look at the new photo! I’m sorry you are not getting MOM time these last days but even if she HAD been home, she wouldn’t have known about my Dad’s surgery. Mom didn’t really write about it until the day of – – it was to repair his two hernias and now he’s all REPAIRED! Very cool thing is they did it robotically which is the “NEW DEAL” for a lot of laparoscopic surgeries. He has TEEEEEENY WEEEEEEEEENY incisions and know what? They glued him back together with GLUE – no staples! No bandages! It’s amazing.

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  9. We are so glad your Dad’s surgery went well, and you make sure he listens to the doctors so he recovers quickly! It is always a scary thing, and such a relief when it’s finally over.
    That was a very nice poem from Sammy…something we all need to be reminded of sometimes…take a chance in life even though that can be scary too!


    • Thanks Jan! David has been a real trooper other than a few hours when he first woke up and reminded me of a pouty and upset 3 year old. LOL He had the hernia repairs done with the new robotic method and it’s true that recovery is quicker, incisions are smaller, and so far very little discomfort! Amazing advancement really. Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem. It would have been easy to do one about ghosts or even as someone said they expected him to write about the “stairway to heaven” but we went with taking a chance on the unknown – something we should ALL give a try sometimes!

      Hugs, Pam


    • Thanks for the purrs and prayers. My Dad is back to himself today thankfully. Everyone has asked about that photo so Mom went back and helped me add a link to the post to more info but it’s a very old place in Stamford, UK – an old almshouse – dating back to the 1400s. Neato huh?

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. I am thankful too that Teddy’s Dad is doing well after surgery. Excellent poem from Angel Sammy. He is right, we need to take chances to ever have anything exciting or new happen. XO


  11. I am so furry happy that your Dad’s surgery went well. You can’t keep a good man down! And before you know it…he will be climbing those stairs in Bowne’s Hospital! Can you imagine going to hospital with stairs like that!
    Thanks to Ms Jackie for the links. And I wonder if I can come up with a poem about the Ship on the Ocean….


    • Oh Marv isn’t that an amazing hospital? SO very old too. I am sure there are some great big mousies in those halls and stairs and rooms…….! Next week’s photo will be fun too I think. I bet you can do a poem for that photo for next week – yes I just BET you can!

      Love, Teddy


  12. We are so glad that your dad is doing well, Teddy! We bet you are the best nurse he could ever ask for.

    Angel Sammy, we love your poem! I was so excited to see this photo last week, as I find anything to do with beautiful windows, staircases, and castles to be so inspiring. I had a lot of fun coming up with a poem to go with it. And your picture for next week is going to be a fun one, too!


    • Your poem today was completely FABULOUS. We really enjoyed it and the accompanying drawing – it’s a great idea too and maybe in every town everywhere there’s a “Frannie and Fred” doing good works for those who deserve it?? My Mom is a castle/old stairs/stone walls kind of person too and this photo is just plain INTERESTING – I think Angel Sammy had a feeling we’d all have fun with it this week! Thanks for joining in the fun.

      Love, Teddy


  13. Sammy, that is another incredible poem and so very inspirational. Our mom often gets “stuck.” She is going to save this and read it when she needs a bit of a boost. You know we are super happy and thankful that Dad David came through surgery great! Mom says she is stunned that he’s never had surgery before. Bu then she actually may be the Queen of Surgery if Mom Pam isn’t. She thinks she is at 13 and prays there will be no others. Sawyer wrote a poem today. Here’s the link:
    Sending lots of love. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Sawyer’s poem is fabulous – for one so young, he’s got “the gift” for sure! Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem this week – we did too and it is something my Mom keeps in her head all the time….sometimes she has to give herself a little mental push and I think everyone has to do that from time to time. My Dad is doing GREAT thank you! Funny he’d never had surgery before but he hasn’t……his twin brother had broken bones and other things as a kid but my Dad lucked out…same with as he grew up – no need to surgery. Mom hasn’t had NEARLY the procedures your Mom has – but she was able to help my Dad know what to expect. HUGS TO SAWYER THE POET!

      Love, Teddy


  14. I’m so glad your male human’s surgery went well, and I am purring for him to heal quickly!

    That was a cool photo – it was so much fun to see all the different poems it inspired.


  15. We are happy to hear that Dad’s surgery was a success and that he is doing well. Tell him to be sure to follow doctor’s orders!!!

    Great message in your poem. Sometimes we just have to take a chance and hope for the best.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  16. So glad Pop got through his surgery ok. I was told after an outpatient surgery that you should still allow a week for recovery, so don’t be too hard on him.


  17. Deer Unccle Sammy if you meet a 12 pound black furred Maltese doggie named Molly pleeze show her around fur mee ok??? Shee iss thee doggie who saved mee last August frum runnin out inn to thee street with traffick. Poor Molly was sick with Arfuritis an shee gotted innncontyent! An her eye site was goin all so.
    Wee are all devvystated here an pickin uppy thee peecess…..
    Mee will feature her inn mee Sunday selfie bloggie tomorrow. Sorry mee not been here…
    An Teddy mee apawlogizess to you all so. It was just one of ‘them’ weekss! 😦
    **nose bumpss** Siddhartha Henry xXXx


    • Sorry about your friend Molly but I am sure that Angel Sammy will make sure she finds a comfy cloudy up at the Bridge…….she was very special to you so she is special to us too!

      Take care of yourself and Ladymum – that’s ALL that’s important……
      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

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