Thankful and Poetic Thursday


First Up:  Thankful Thursday with Brian

Is it Thursday already?   Where does time go?   I’m just a little guy – not even two years old yet – but time really does fly by just like my Mom and Dad are always saying.    Once a week we gather together on Brian’s Blog Hop though no matter HOW quickly Thursdays come, in order to share what we are THANKFUL for.    You can join in if you like – just click his badge above and enter by using the LINKY tool.   Share an share alike right?

What am I thankful for this week?   You might think this is a weird thankful but I truly am thankful that we had some SPRING in the middle of Winter.    We had several days in the 60s and one that made it to 70!    What’s with that??   It was really great because I whined at the front door three or four times and got a passing human to put my harness on me and take me outside for a little bit of DIRT TIME.    Instead of frozen ground I found some nice loose dirt in Mom’s front garden and before she could get me OUT of there I managed to hop/dig/roll around to my heart’s content!    Just like a little piggy (Bacon my friend sorry about that!).    Mom brushed me off and of course when I got inside I got my feets (all four of them) washed with a cloth which I didn’t like but it was SOOOO worth it.   It was Spring for a little while…………..we are now back to the 30s and 40s so I’ll have to wait a few months for more DIRT.

I’m also thankful Angel Sammy didn’t let me down this week and transmitted his Poetic Thursday poem to me last night from the Rainbow Bridge.    He says he will never let me down and I believe it!   Here’s what he sent:


Hello Poetry Fans!   It’s Thursday and time to share some poetry………

Each Thursday we share our poem that we’ve written based on a photo that I give you the previous week………….you have a whole week to think about the photo and figure out what it’s saying to you and what words it inspires you to write for your poem!    Maybe a feeling you get, or a memory you have, or just an impression formed by staring at the photo for a little while.    Those of you who are participating in this every week are doing a GREAT job so far and I hope that maybe YOU (yes YOU!) will join in this week by sharing a poem about this photo from last week:

You know, poetry doesn’t even have to rhyme – it can be freeform and different – just a collection of thoughts – I know that when you look at a photo you have certain feelings that come forward so why not put them down on paper??   Then share them with us!     Here’s my poem for this photo:

“Purely Happy”

by Angel Sammy Kimmell, January 24, 2018

A bond with a pet is so warm and so true

The trust we share as best friends – ME and YOU

We don’t ask you why or when or how

We just live in the moment and the moment is now….

We give you our hearts and you give us your love

It’s a match made in heaven AND the “Bridge” up above.

We all need a friend who is our safe place to fall

To run to with happiness when our name they do call

When our eyes meet we know that the love is right there

We know with no doubt that we will ALWAYS care

One day we will know that it’s time for goodbye

With reluctance we accept with a tear in our eye

We will meet up again like we were never apart

For pets and their people are JOINED AT THE HEART……….


If you wrote a poem today about that cute photo of the child and pup, please share it with us – tell us in comments that you have a poem for us to read – give us your blog link so we can visit you OR if you prefer, write your poem in our comments and we’ll see it here and now!    

Here’s your “inspirational photo” for next week…………..let’s see what we can all do with this one when it comes to writing a poem shall we?   YAY!  

I like this one………………………..all sorts of things come to mind (including me prowling around looking for mice!).    So, how about it – join me next week in writing a poem?    I promise once you try you will be hooked……………honest.  

I’ll be waiting for you next Thursday with my “oh so very French” beret – perfect for writing poetry oui????

Love, Angel Sammy


Thanks Angel Sammy.    I love that photo of the kid with the pup and I like the one for next week too.    Thanks for never ever letting me down either – you always get your poem to me in time to share on Thursdays.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll take my Dad for a walk!

Love, Teddy


46 responses »

    • Angel Sammy tends to write a lot of his poems about LOVE and how it goes on forever so I think he knows what he’s talking about. It doesn’t stop just because we move on to another kind of life. Easy is your forever angel, Sammy is mine, and we know there are many MANY of our friends who have that same WARM feeling from Angels. Love truly and absolutely goes on and on forever.

      Hugs, Teddy (and Mom too…!)

      Liked by 1 person

  1. That is a cute photo for this week’s poem, but Angel Sammy, your poem is so beautiful and true. Once again I have tears in my eyes.
    That is a very interesting looking photo for next week.
    Teddy, I am glad you were able to get outdoors and have a good roll in the dirt. Personally it has never appealed to me, but Eric and Flynn assured me it was a wonderful feeling.


    • Well Miss Jackie you and your boys were certainly joined at the heart and STILL ARE……I know Angel Sammy is glad you liked his poem today. My Mom would prefer that I not enjoy rolling in the dirt but I sure do – she says she wonders what I did my first 11 months and where I lived because I do act like a little oinker when I’m around dirt…..leaping about and poking my paws into the dirt, etc. Well, I’m just a kid having fun!!!

      Love, Teddy


  2. Joined at the heart is right.

    I’m glad you enjoyed a roll in the dirt, Teddy. Today looks a lot like Spring here, as the sun is shining.

    I like next week’s photo.


    • Hi Clowie! Pets like us are not only lucky to have caring and loving bipeds but it’s GOOD for us to express our love right back – letting our feelings show is impawtant! We are still having a variety of weather here this winter – a couple of days like spring followed by cold and windy winter again. Maybe it will make up its’ mind soon!

      Love, Teddy


  3. Angel Sammy first of all thank you for the most loving and adorable photo this week. It melted our hearts. OMCs your poem was purrfect and we loved this line
    ‘We just live in the moment and the moment is now….’
    Hugs Madi your bfff


    • Hi Madi! Glad you liked Sammy’s poem and you need to know that when he read yours this morning along with me BOTH of us smiled real big. You sure got the flavor of the photo and that’s the whole idea – we all see/feel different things but that photo was pure love wasn’t it? Made me smile big……….next week’s is going to be totally cool too!

      Love, Teddy


  4. That was a terrific poem Angel Sammy. Hey Teddy, we sure are happy to have so warm too and our ferals are even happier! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  5. Angel Sammy, your poem is matchless. You always find the best inspiration there on the Bridge and share t with us. Thank goodness your angelic wifi is that strong! Teddy, you look so ready for fun and freshness out there in the grass. I bet your Dad and Mom love when you finally take them for a walk. I hope you don’t make them wait too long at the door waiting for you to get there and take them on out.
    MY mom is thankful for each day regardless of its weather and thankful each time she goes out for a walkie. She always brings back both pockets filled with fresh airs for me! So that makes ME thankful. XX


    • Madi that’s wonderful that your Mom brings you some fresh air when she goes walking……fresh air is great but I know that when Spring arrives and windows in the house open up you’ll get lots of that good old fresh stuff!!! Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem – I did too – next week he ought to come up with something interesting – that photo is a “pip” !!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


    • You’re right Miss Pix – I never thought of it before but I guess we do teach our humans stuff just like THEY teach us a whole lot of stuff. It’s a pretty good relationship to have isn’t it!!!! Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem – I wonder what he’ll come up with for next week’s photo?!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy Bear


    • Next week’s photo is going to be a whopper isn’t it? We loved your poem today too…… for dirt – yep – I am TRULY in love with dirt. Mom thinks it’s funny – maybe I was a barn cat my first year? We’ll never know!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. I just loved your poem today. Nice to know you were out-side had to laugh when you said in the dirt I could just imagine you having so much fun and the look on mum’s face when she first saw you but we know she would be happy you were having fun. Love,Hugs,Purrs.x


    • I love playing in the dirt and always have – I also love mulch piles which is just as messy as dirt – just ground up leaves but I sure think they’re fun to hop around in! Mom loves watching me play – you’re right about that! Dealing with the dirt is worth it she says…….Yay!

      Love, Teddy


  7. You are lucky to have gotten to go outside in the warm weather. The warmest we have had is 45 degrees. That is a wonderful poem Angel Sammy sent for us. And the next photo is interesting. I hope you have a warm day to go out today. XO


    • Today is 36 so the winter stuff is back……we never know anymore if it’s going to turn into a springish day or stay cold as ice. Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem and photo this week – next week is going to be super interesting! Thanks for playing poetry with us on Thursday – we loved yours!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. Sammy, that is another fantastic poem. We are always excited each week to see what you have written, as you are very talented. Mom did write a poem for us to contribute. It is entitled, “Joy.” If anyone wants to read it, here is the link:
    Next week’s photo looks interesting and should be fun to write about. That sounds as if you had a great time outside, Teddy. Mau loves to roll and play in the dirt, and our all-white brofur, Madison, constantly came in looking like a brown cat. In fact, one time Chris wouldn’t let him in as she didn’t recognize him. Sending lots of love to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Your poem was very touching and sweet. Mom says there’s a lot of JOY in your house and I think we have quite a bit in my house too…….! That photo Angel Sammy gave us was REALLY fun to write a poem about wasn’t it. Next week’s photo is INTERESTING! So Mau is a dirt guy too? Good – I’m glad I’m not the only piggycat there is. Madison would CERTAINLY be unrecognizable covered in dirt….HAHAHA. That’s so funny!

      Love, Teddy


  9. We were so happy to have some Spring-like weather last week, too, Teddy! The kitties here don’t enjoy the outdoors, but pup Astrid really enjoyed her warm walks on those days. Now, Angel Sammy, that is a truly beautiful poem. And I have to say that I just love the photo for next week. What a mysterious yet gorgeous image. Purrs!


    • Isn’t that a “pip” of a photo for next week’s poetry challenge? I bet we’ll get some interesting poems for sure!! Glad you are getting some Spring too……….it’s a nice little break in the FREEZE! It’s 36 here today…..As for the poem Angel Sammy wrote, we’re glad you like it but the one YOU wrote is EPIC. Absolutely a wonderfully written and very sweet story – Arlo and Alfie were MEANT for each other and they proved it by having the best time and life together. We are what’s inside that’s so very true – sometimes people can’t get past the outside to discover the fabulous inside. That’s ever so sad too – kind of like never knowing that even inside the ugliest chocolate candy can be found the most delicious cherry surprise! Thank you for always being part of our poetic fun on Thursday. Your writing is amazing.

      Love, Teddy and Pam


    • Those snippets at least keep us HOPING right Seville? Today it’s 36 here so we’re back to that OTHER weather……but there are more 60s coming…….hang in there – winter will eventually go – honest!

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. Teddy, we know all about that footies wiping. Our yard is very wet, and we always manage to find the wet dirt:)

    Your poem is beautiful. Mom says your words are something she would have loved to have for the many (too many) times that we have had to say farewell to a pup. The poem really sums up how she feels.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • I am happy that I’m not the only one who has to go through the torture of foot wiping. In fact, we had to do that again TODAY although it’s much less muddy out there today thank heavens. We’re happy you like Angel Sammy’s poem today – there’s nothing like that unconditional love from a pet and you guys and me are so lucky that we have that SAME love in return aren’t we?!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


    • It’s so funny – if we’ve had a couple of really cold days, the dirt is hard as a rock and I act like I’m all surprised when I try to dig around in it……then when we’ve had a couple of warmer days and the dirt is loose I’m SO EXCITED I hop around like a bunny in the dirt and have the best time. Mom just laughs….I try not to take it personally! HAHAHA

      Love, Teddy


    • You’re right Cupcake…..hugs are wonderful – warm, honest, REAL affection……and we are big huggers around here. If I could, I’d give you a big hug because you are such a sweet friend!

      Love, Teddy


  11. Teddy, we’d love to have some 70 degree weather here. But none to be found…at least not yet. That’s a great poem from Angel Sammy. Though that dog in the photo doesn’t look real happy. 🙂


  12. OMC You like to roll in the dirt Teddy? Ya’ know, that must be a boy thing. We fur sure ain’t dirt rollin’ here. ‘Course, we’ve never been close enuff to dirt to know what it is. MOL We’re thinkin’ we’d get a whole body wash and not just a foot washin’. Have fun. Great poem. Big hugs

    Luv ya

    Dezi and Raena


    • I do love to roll around in the dirt. Maybe I’m lucky because it brushes right off (thanks Mom!) but if I was rolling in mud I’d be headed for a bath I’m sure. Actually Mom wouldn’t let me roll in mud – my harness/leash keep THAT from happening!!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  13. What a great poem! So truthful!
    And you get to go outside for a walk! WOW! We have had rain for 21 out of the last 25 days and its been 10 days since we had a day without rain.


    • Oh Marv that’s a whole lot of WET! We actually need rain here – we’re in a “medium drought” area of our state and have had very little snow OR rain……we hope we get some actually so it will be a pretty Spring! YES I’m a lucky guy because Mom takes me out at least once a day on my harness/leash. I love it.

      Love, Teddy


  14. Sorry we’re “late to the show”, Teddy! That’s another great poem from Angel Sammy, and what an interesting photo for next week…??! Hmmm….
    We love that pic of you in your harness, all ready for action!
    Love, Sundae


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