Pre-Teaser Monday


Brrrrr…….hurry inside class and get warm!

Yes!   That’s what we wanna know – will you be ready tomorrow?

We will be gathering for Geography class tomorrow morning at a SECRET time (so be alert for incoming mail in the morning) and we hope to see your smiling face there.    We know that today is a holiday for our USA friends – it’s Martin Luther King Day…………so that means lots of extra time to study right?   Right!

I must say that the photo we have for you to examine and figure out tomorrow is not only a GUEST TEASER photo but it’s a goodie……….we think it’s got potential to be a TRUE TOUGHIE.   So make sure you get plenty of sleep tonight class – no foolin’ !

If you are the very first to arrive tomorrow at class – make sure and make a COMMENT – why?   Because you might win this:

Then it’s time to make a guess – and here are the GUESSING rules!!

If you are lucky enough to guess correctly and if you are FIRST to guess correctly then you win this:

If you are RIGHT with your guess but aren’t the first one to be right…….you get this:

If you are WRONG – just plain WRONG – then you still win a little something:

SEE???  Everybody is a winner!!

So now that we’ve got you prepped for class tomorrow………you can spend the rest of the day studying hard………… huh??

Well, I don’t know about it being COOL, but it’s a good idea to be purrpared!

Yeah….even if we don’t know what COUNTRY to study, we can look at architectural styles or something like that to be SHARP!

We will look for you tomorrow at a SURPRISE time……..and good luck!

Sounds totally Groovy Professor Dudes…..

There’s a rumor that it will be “fried foods that are awful for us” day in the Ding Dong Cafeteria tomorrow! YAY!!!

Professors Angel Sammy and Teddy too!

34 responses »

    • She and “the girls” are only required to do two days of cheering a week…….sometimes it’s Monday and Tuesday and sometimes it’s Tuesday and Wednesday……Wednesday is their FAVORITE day because they get to do the winning names. They will be cheering everone on tomorrow then back Wednesday – but they ARE paid members of the UCODDS (United Cheerleaders Of Ding Dong School)!! 🙂


  1. No more curtains to buy so I have no plans to be out tomorrow. I will be sat here refreshing to try and be a first commenter. Of course by the time tomorrow comes I will probably have forgotten what day it is again.


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