Sunday Selfies


Time To Hop!

It’s Sunday and time for The Cat On My Head’s pawsome “Parade of Selfies” blog hop.   Wanna have fun showing yourself off with us?   Just click on their badge above and fill out the EASY LINKY form and you’re strutting your stuff like the rest of us!

This week Mom used Lunapic again and the “REDS” Art Effect and man oh man am I popping on this one or WHAT?!    Not exactly Christmassy but you have to admit – I look like a TIGER with my stripes huh?   I’m showing you the “original” photo too – I was helping Mom change the sheets this week……well, I was sort of just guarding the mattress while she laundered the mattress pad and sheets but that’s the general idea.

This was Mom’s original photo


You should join in on the Selfie Hop – sure is an easy way to visit all your buddies on Sundays!    We thank The Cat On My Head for being our hosts every week – there is quite a long list of “Hoppers” but there’s always room for MORE MORE MORE so join us??

Guess what ELSE??   We got SNOW yesterday for the first time this season – YES – maybe not a HUGE amount but perhaps 3-4 inches – Mom took these early on in the snow but we got more after this…………we think it looks pretty when it just “sits on the limbs” of the trees………..

My thanks again to Marvelous’s talented Mom Miss Barb for my holiday graphic!

Sunday Hugs, Teddy

69 responses »

    • HAHA – that’s what Mom said – if I went out in my “FIERY” red furs, all the snow would go away. That’s not a really BAD thing anyway because when I poked the snow with my paw for the first time yesterday I was NOT happy that it was so darn cold!

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. Hey there! You are so adorable fluffy cutie in the first pic and you really turned into a mighty mini tiger.I love the art effect and I love to play with snow outside sometime. Do you? Do not forget to stay warm inside by cuddling with mom after fun.Hug and kiss from Nadia.


    • Hi Miss Nadia! That photo effect really did turn me into a wild man didn’t it? I’m actually just a big old fat sweetie pie all the time. I had never seen snow before but Mom let me go out and see what it as like and I stuck my paw in it and immediately asked to come back inside. Guess I won’t be a SNOW LEOPARD huh??

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. You are such a good helper Teddy. I love the art your mom made with your photo too. We got 6 inches of snow, it does look pretty. Have a great day. XO


    • We did have some pretty snow – about four inches total but it’s melting now in sunshine! Glad you like my selfie – my first time up on the mattress without the mattress pad on – it was nice and SOFT!

      Happy Holiday Hugs, Teddy


  3. Now that is a nice warm LunaPic. Well done Teddy.
    We got snow yesterday but the ground was very wet from the rain all day Friday and then the sleet on Friday night so no sticking but it was pretty falling
    Hugs madi your bfff


  4. I don’t see you out there, T. Did you step in the snow. Just FYI – do NOT let it touch your belly, It’s COLD! If it touches the belly, let your mom pick you up. That’s what I do. I don’t even care if she calls me a fat 20 pound potato.

    Love and licks,


    • Oh Cupcake, I don’t like the snow on my belly OR my feets! I gave her a pitiful look when we were out in the snow even though I did ask to go out in it. You are an adorable potato by the way – Mom says I’m like a big huge HEAVY sweet potato to pick up!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Whao! Teddy! You are HOT stuff! Pretty cool graphics! I LOVE your picture! You are all incandescent!
    Mommy was going to take some pictures of me on the bed when we changed the sheets today, but she left the camera and the phone downstairs…again. My furrends are going to think all my pictures were taken at the same time cuz they are all on the sofa!


    • Hi Marv! I like the effect Mom used on my selfie this time around too. Made me look FIERCE! My Mom seems to take a lot of photos of me lying on my back with my belly and other stuff exposed! What’s with that?? Just because I like to sleep that way doesn’t mean I want the entire universe to see me like that all the time. Like you and your sofa – we DO have our favorite spots right?

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


    • Fortunately this was a “powdery” snow so not weighty on the branches but we usually have more WET snow. Some of the oaks still have brown leaves on them and they will catch the snow and weight it down though!

      Love, Teddy


  6. Your arty selfie is absolutely meowvolous! The colors are wonderful, and you, of course, are a cutie pie, Bean. Thanks for being such a faithful friend and hopper. Very nice snow photos. It was just enough to look pretty but then melt quickly. Sending lots of love. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  7. Your snow pictures are beautiful! Your Hot Stuff selfie is… well, Hot Stuff! We made the Family Christmas Stollens with The Mama yesterday… they were delicious! We know that because she dropped one on the floor and we invoked the 5 second rule and added buttah… Haha!


  8. WOO HOO!!!! LadyMum’ss ‘snow dance’ werked Teddy!!! Wee had over a foot of white stuff here.
    An yur Lunapic selfie iss purrty kewl an yur regular foto iss 444 pawss uppy!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~


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