Teaser Tuesday


Let’s Go Kids!   Time to hit the classroom!   The Professors just pulled into the parking lot!

Good Morning Students!  Why are you all out of breath??????  Have you been running?

Did you remember to COMMENT before you took your seat??????

Alright – if you forgot to comment I’ll give you a QUICK hall pass to do it NOW!

We’re BACK Sarge!

Alright now let’s get going with geography class everyone………….tomorrow we’ll find out WHO was the FIRST to comment on the post today – and give them a badge for that honor!   But for now, let’s get ready to view a tough Teaser photo from our GUEST TEASER PERSON today shall we?

You know the drill – you have to examine the photo and figure out WHERE it was taken………………..and when we say WHERE, we mean the specifics!    Here are the rules for guessing:

  1. When you guess you have to guess the name of the TOWN/CITY/VILLAGE and the COUNTRY (if not in USA) or STATE (if in USA) where the photo was taken.
  2. When you guess we hope that you will NOT use some computer program that will let you pop the Teaser image in an WHAMMO it will tell you where it was taken – use your own eyeballs and study the photo for clues and make a guess without help – that’s more of a challenge right?????   Right!!!!!

I also want to tell you that Miss Dingleberry is trying to get us all in the Christmas spirit today and will be serving CHRISTMAS COOKIES after class on your way out to recess – how cool is that?  Please remember to THANK Miss Dingleberry when you take your cookies – she and the cafeteria crew work hard to make fun snackables for our class.

Shall we ask our fabulous Cheerleaders Suzie and Lucy to give us a PEPPY cheer to get us in the mood for Teaser today?

Lucy and I have something to say…….
When I have a hangover it’s truly rough
For Professor Sam and Assistant Teddy
So bring on the photos and those cookies we smell! GOOOOOOOOOO TEAM!

Let’s bring our man with the silver briefcase which contains the TEASER PHOTOS for this week.    Did I say PHOTOS???  Plural????  Yes I did……….we’re showing you more than one shot for this Teaser.

I see THREE photos of the Teaser today!

Here is today’s Teaser Professor Sam and Ted

WHERE WERE THESE PHOTOS SNAPPED????????????????    Remember if you can guess this one, you will get one of these badges!

And if you guess but you are WRONG, you get a GREENIE!

Now, anyone for cookies????

HO….HO…..HO……HOT chocolate!!


Thank you Miss Dingleberry!!!


See you in class tomorrow – good luck with the Teaser!

Angel Prof Sammy and Assistant Prof Teddy


101 responses »

  1. We’ve been there! It is a city/ town hall and we went in there to use the toilets! I have to check my photos but think it is Oslo. Be right back.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. We agree that it looks like a city hall (Much nicer than ours) Oslo which is in Norway Hey Hey Hey
    Good one Professor Sammy and Assistant Professor Teddy
    Miss Dingleberry those looks will keep the hot chocolate very hot. Those snacks are the BEST! Thanks sooooo much
    Suzie you really have taught Lucy to cheer! YAY! Nice cheer too
    Sarge you are in fine form
    Thanks very much for posting our Buddy Budds Get Well Badge! Dad visited and he was standing up last night. He is very upset from not being home but we hope today or tomorrow.Thanks all fur the purrs and prayers
    Timmy and Family


    • So happy to hear that Buddy Budd was standing up on his own last night – sounds like it was the best thing to do taking him to the vet and maybe they have got him feeling tons better. Hope he can come home ASAP so he can rest up and be ready for holiday cheer!

      Love, Teddy


  3. That would definitely be the elegant Penitentiary of Fine Art located in the basement of the Louvre in Paris, France. This is where Michelangelo was sentenced after he painted graffiti on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (What, you really thought the Pope commissioned that dreck?), where Van Gogh was incarcerated after he tried to sell his ear on eBay, where Bob Ross was locked away for fooling people into thinking it really was easy to make those happy little trees. Yes, a lot of artists and even guys named Art have passe through these muraled cell blocks. Just remember should you find yourself confined to PoFA, never drop the paintbrush!

    And thank you MIss Dingleberry for the cookies!

    Liked by 5 people

    • Who knew???!! The day my Mom and Dad went to the Louvre there was a big sign saying “CLOSED ON TUESDAYS”…….so they didn’t get to visit the “Pen” or the upper decks either. They certainly have had their share of notables in the cells there………I just KNEW Mike (Elangelo) didn’t have permission to mess up the ceiling in that chapel….and Van’s ear on eBay? Bet that was one crusty critter for someone to hide away in a drawer…..yuck. Bob Ross had a talent for painting canvases with the brushes most people use to paint the side of a barn but he had the best hairdo EVER! Thanks as always for the “inside scoop” on this photo Evil Squirrel. YOU always know the “real poop” on Teasers……… (so to speak) !

      Liked by 2 people

      • About ten seconds after I posted submit on my comment, I realized I should have sent Bob to jail for that criminally bad hair! His lawyer probably advised Bob to plead “no contest” to that charge for a lesser sentence…

        Liked by 2 people

        • Well he might have been trying to be politically correct with that fancy “fro” of his…..I kinda hate to admit it but watching his shows is where I learned how to paint water coming up on a beach and waves. I never tried painting with a “barn brush” though…nor did I wear my hair like that.



  4. I’m sitting here with my thinking chapeau on and I got nuthin. Must be a dead battery in my chapeau. But I want to know where it is and I want to go there!! Looks beautiful and lots of fun! If Santa Paws brings me that set of roller skates I asked for, wow!! Pawsome!!
    Chip Hauckcat

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Chippy!!!!! It does look like a great place to skate….surrounded by art……coolio huh? Put “NEW CHAPEAU BATTERY” on your Santa Paws wish list ASAP. Oh and get your Cat Scouts door decorated and send back to me or Miss Janet………we have until the 20th to enter……..maybe we’ll win something FAB???!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy the Butterbean


  5. Very pretty cookies, tasty too. 🙂 Nice cheer, I hope you don’t get too many hangovers Suzie. I have no idea where the photo was taken though. XO


  6. I was thinking China or Russia because when you’re clueless, you go big or go home. Well, actually I am already home and still asleep. Thank you Mrs. Dingleberry for the cookies and hot chocolate.


  7. Oh my cod! I came in the back and got a tuna shortbread from Ms Dingleberry! She is such a wonderful lady! She makes me purr ! Thankyou!
    And I do believe Bob Ross’s hair is the dust bunny under the bed upstairs.
    And we know this one – City Hall in Oslo, Norway! And it is where the have the Nobel Peace Prize in 5 days.

    Liked by 2 people

    • WOWZERS Marv – so YOU have Bob Ross’s hair huh? I wondered where it went! Miss Dingleberry is a most interesting cafeteria supervisor indeed – I think she made those tuna shortbreads JUST FOR YOU!!! As for the Teaser – tomorrow we will TELL ALL so be sure and visit us OK????????

      Love, Teddy


  8. Oh I know I know…I’m late the Mom is on antibiotics but getting better.
    Dang we didn’t receive an email like normal that your post was up.
    Anyways…that photo was taken at Manor Madi..in NC it is my grand ballroom where I teach twerking
    Hugs madi your bfff

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHA……Madi do you need that much room for your twerking class? I suppose you have a lot of students since you are – after all – the QUEEN of the Twerk! I hope your Mom feels better soon…..nothing worse than a grumpy Mom (or Dad) when they are sick!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  9. First of all, we need to take up a collection to buy that place some furniture. The only reason that there is no furniture is that they don’t want it and the reason is that it is a basketball court. The floor looks like a prototype for parquet like there was in the old Boston Gahden (yup, that’s the way they pronounced it). I think it’s Springfield, Massachusetts where basketball was invented. In that state they had crazy basketball courts-one college (Williams in Wiliamstown) even had support poles in the middle of the court.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good grief – poles in the middle of the court? Sounds interesting to say the least……..the place is slightly EMPTY isn’t it. Not even any grandstands for fans watching the basketball game. Maybe the seating is suspended from the ceiling? Or maybe on game night it pops out of secret compartments under the floor along the sides? Kismet you are so darn smart!!!!

      Hugs, eddy


  10. HEY ALL – it’s me – TEDDY – we are posting a comment from KATIE ISABELLA (http://katieisabella.blogspot.com) because she can no longer comment HERSELF on our blog! Isn’t that stinky? WordPress problem apparently. SO here’s the comment she emailed us:

    “Teddy, the first thing I thought was Biltmore in Asheville NC. Can’t be that easy so now I havta say the usual…I can’t tell where it’s from.
    BUT I show up for recess as well as to see what is in the silver suitcase. (and to see Angel Sammy).

    Miss Dingleberry outdid herself this time. My goodness…do you think she loves us? She sure treats us well. Suzie and Lucy, we appreciate the cheers. I know it makes my thinking much more clear!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Wow, Suzie so young having hangover??? Yikes!

    Hey we thought that looked like an art gallery or maybe a station at not-rush-hour…but its sure a vast place! But one of these near future days there will be some furmouse purrizes given out, that the world pays attention to…way up there in Oslo. They need a vast venue to show off we think. Anypaws we think that is Oslo City Hall, and its in Norway…where the Nobel Peace Prizes are awarded from!

    Now we have to send petcretary outside to clean up branches that are falling all around us, the wind is gusting to 45mph and the trees are giving them up…maybe they thought Dalton needed new chew toys, MOL!!!

    But furst some of those cookies…Mmmmmm!


  12. When we checked in yesterday we had no answer and others had presumably guessed correctly, so we went straight for the cookies and hot chocolate. We ate so much, we needed to nap and never got back too say, “Thanks for the great noms!” XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


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