Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday!

Time to be thankful again……………..If you click on Brian’s badge above, you will be transported there and you can add YOUR blog link to all of ours to SHARE your Thankfuls!!    I have some thankfuls today to share………..the BIGGEST ONE is that tomorrow my Mom and Dad will be back home again.   I wonder if they will bring me a souvenir?   Maybe my own personal lobster?

I’m also thankful that I have been so well cared for while they have been gone…………I’m at a very special place with very special people looking after me.   I miss Mom and Dad more than I can say but I’d be willing to bet that THEY have also missed ME a lot!    We are – after all – family and it’s the first time since I was adopted that I’ve been separated from them.

Angel Sammy has visited me a lot though…………and that has kept me WARM and HAPPY.

Speaking of Angel Sammy, he says he got a remote connection to our computer last night and downloaded his poetic contribution for today’s Thoroughly Poetic Thursday post.   I knew he wouldn’t let us down!   Today we do the letter “S”…………….


Hello Friends!  Greetings from the Bridge!

First of all, I want you to know that Teddy has not been alone……… sir.   What kind of brother would I be if I hadn’t been whispering in his ear while Mom and Dad are gone?   No worries there – we are and always will be brothers even though we never met “in the fur”!     I told him I’d transmit my usual poem last night and here it is!     We are doing “S” today as you know and I gave you four prompt words to jumpstart your creativity so you would write a poem and join in the fun.   BUT you don’t have to use the prompt words I give you – they are just examples and ideas!    The prompts I gave you were:

(1) Sunny (2) Shrimp (3) Shoe (4) Snuggle

Here’s MY “S” !

“Sam I Am”

By Sammy Kimmell, October 19, 2017

From my cloud far away where Angels fly

Hardly a single moment passes me by

When I don’t have thoughts of the home that I had

With two people who loved me – my Mom and my Dad.

My parents knew that they wanted a boy kitty that day

Into the shelter to rescue me and take me away!

Dad said to Mom, “his name should be Sam”…..

It fit me so perfectly…………so Sam I Am !

The years passed us by and they were so full of love

At sixteen years old, I heard voices from above……

They said “enjoy these months dear boy as your calling is near”

While they whispered the words – the meaning was clear.

I was ill, I was tired, I was sad as could be

I knew the Angels were coming to set my tired soul free.

Now I fly through the sky and I sleep on a cloud

There are so many Angels – we are a very large crowd!

When my parents were ready, when their grief was not raw

I sent a ginger kitty to the shelter and HE was who they saw!

On the way home from the shelter my Dad named him “Teddy”

And I’ll protect him ALWAYS……..until the Angels are ready………..

That was a fun poem to write………… little brother is special to me!   I am trying to teach him and show him how wonderful it can be to know true and lasting love from humans.   He has told me that he felt that love from the second he saw Mom and Dad at the shelter……………… I did my “JOB” well I think!!

Next week we will write poems about ANYTHING starting with the letter “T”…………….I suppose you all know that one of the things I MIGHT write about would be my brother……..we’ll see about that!    Here are some possible prompts for you – you can write a poem about ANYTHING starting with “T” but if you need a little help, here are some ideas!

(1) Tiger (2) Tummy (3) Tired (4) Travel

I hope you have written a poem today – if you did, please leave us your blog address in the comments here so we can come visit you and read your poem!    Don’t be shy – step right up and let it all hang out (!)…………..poetry is a great way to express yourself.  You don’t have to be a fabulous writer to write one – just let your feelings come out….maybe you’ll surprise yourself!   Remember poetry doesn’t even have to rhyme – it just expresses your thoughts about something.   

Until next week everyone!    

I send you hugs and love, Angel Sammy


Thanks Angel Sammy!    I feel so warm inside knowing you are looking out for me………………..and I owe you BIG TIME for sending Mom and Dad to the shelter that day in February to find me and bring me to my new home…………………

See you Poets next week!  

Love, Teddy

44 responses »

  1. Aw, great poem once again, Angel Sammy! And how sweet of you to reassure Teddy while his pawrents are away! There’s gonna be lots of sweet hugging going on tomorrow!
    Love, Sundae


  2. Sam I Am OMCs Angel Sammy it was absolutely beautiful and full of love we got a wee weepy eyed but in a way it was 1/2 happy weeps knowing you are well and loving your heavenly life.
    Thank you for sending Teddy to your peeps they are are keeping each other in lilne
    Hugs madi your bfff


  3. I love Angel Sammy’s poem, even if it did make me cry. I hope my Angel Phoebe is hanging out on the same cloud. And Teddy, I am thankful that I got to meet those wonderful parents of yours and they were definitely missing you sweet boy . XO

    Liked by 1 person

    • Angel Phoebe is there – she’s happy and looks like a kitten again but she misses you like Angel Sammy misses us. They are so happy they can “stay” with us in our hearts though………..that’s a FOREVER thing! My Mom and Dad really loved meeting your Mom and Dad……a lot!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Mee-you Unccle Sammy yur poe-em touched mee an LadyMum deeplee!!! Yur so pawsum!
    An Teddy mee iss glad yur enjoyin yur vacayshun….do not wurry; yur Pawentss will come home soon.
    Now let mee fink…..hhhmmmmm…. ok here goess:

    “Sum peepull say mee sunny,
    sum peepull say mee sweet as hunny.
    Sum peepull not like mee at all,
    mee not uppyset anymore,
    mee finkss those peepull are just funny!!!”

    Stay ‘sunny’ effurryone!! Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


      • Sum peepull inn here fink mee iss a black witch kat….fur reel Teddy?!?! Can you beelieve it? Mee wunderss why they so silly… LadyMum an mee are quite happy with our furendss here who like mee an wee stay away frum thee meeniess!!
        Fankss fur thee compleemint on mee funny an sunny poe-em all so.
        ~~head rubsss~~ Sidhartha Henry~~


  5. Teddy, we have no doubt that the Mom and Dad made sure you will more than well cared for in their absence. We bet there will be a very happy celebration when you are all reunited.

    A very touching poem, Sammy – you are a great muse.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  6. We know that your mom and dad will be just as excited to see you as you will be to see them, Teddy! What a happy homecoming that will be.

    Angel Sammy, your poem is so very beautiful. Teddy is so lucky to have an angelic big brother like you watching over him.

    Also, thank you so much for the purrs and prayers for our pup Astrid! We are so blessed to have such kind and supportive friends as you.


    • Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem…..he does a great job of being poet laureate of the Bridge…..HAHAHA Mom and Dad are home and I’m so happy…………one big happy ginger boy in fact!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Angel Sammy, you got my mom’s eyes a bit leaky again this week. You sent us a beautiful poem again.
    I wish I could meet you and your dad and Mom and Auntie Ellen too. That would be just pawfect! Love and smoochies to you both.


    • Miss Annie I’m sorry you have been sad……….we are glad that Angel Sammy’s poem touched you in a place where maybe a little warm spot started and grew to a BIG WARM HUG.

      Love, Teddy and Mom too


    • Well Friday morning finally came and they were there to get me at the kennel the SECOND the door opened there! I’m home now catching up on snoozing………!! Angel Sammy told me not to worry so I didn’t!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. Dear friend Sammy, Your poem was beautiful and made our mommy cry. It is getting close now to the time when you and Fiona became angels. We adore your brofur Teddy, but we sure wish you were still with us as well. We did write a poem about snuggles. Here’s the link:
    Sending lots of love to you at the bridge as well as oodles of love to Teddy, Mom Pam and Dad David. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • Oh I don’t want you to cry but I’m very happy you liked my Angel bro’s poem……………yes, the one year parting anniversary for Fiona and Sammy is almost here………we will get through it together……..OK?

      Love, Teddy


  9. Great foto Teddy. We’ve never heard of a nunnery kennel. But, we’re glad they’re takin’ real good care of you. ‘Course we’re sur it’s not da same as bein’ witn mommy and daddy. big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


    • It was nice – there are two Orthodox Christian Nuns who live at and operate the kennel. It’s their mission to care for animals. It’s homey, friendly, everyone is smiling (including the dogs and cats!) – and my brother Angel Sammy went there when Mom and Dad had vacations for 16 years. Super nice place and I was spoiled and hugged by all!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

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