Teaser Tell All


Tell All Time

Ahhhhhh……….hello students and observers of the TEASE…………it’s time for us to spill the beans (or whatever’s on the cafeteria menu) and tell you all the details of the FABULOUS Teaser yesterday………….We have not only a video but more photos to give you the scoop but I do think we should take care of some BUSINESS first don’t you?

Like for instance WHO was the FIRST COMMENTER on yesterday’s Teaser post?    It was one of our Teaser-Maniacs who is almost ALWAYS there (sometimes she’s asleep and snoring but she’s THERE) and SHE gets a badge!


For Miss Csilla on August 23, 2017

Bravo for you Miss Csilla!   I’m sure Suzie will be including YOUR NAME in her special cheer today…………….

Then we got our very first RIGHT GUESSER……………………..who was it this week?


For Clowie on August 23, 2017!

Then we had a bunch of others who guessed correctly – and each of you CORRECT GUESSERS get one of these of your very own!

For ME for being RIGHT on Teaser of August 23, 2017

Then there are those of you who didn’t have an idea OR who guessed incorrectly and you get one of these:

For Me for being WRONG on Teaser of August 23, 2017

Now that we’ve handed out the awards – you STILL don’t know where the Teaser photo was taken OR who took it right?   Well, let’s fix that up right away!!   Here’s yesterday’s photo followed by a video “HINT” before we tell you the answer!

Pretty town isn’t it?   Now here’s a short video that shows whale bones at the top of the steps (this video is for you Miss Jackie!!!!!!!!) – what you’d expect in an old fishing village!

AND now for the main event – the ANSWER (although you know that by now!!!!)

That’s right – beautiful Whitby, in Yorkshire, UK with the River Esk going through the town……………..which is where Bram Stoker wrote DRACULA, and Captain Cook the great sea captain lived.    Here are some other photos for you to enjoy that Michelle sent us:

Michelle on “Dracula’s Bench” where fans visit once a year to sit and leave a ribbon.

The sign on the bench.

The author himself – Mr. Stoker whose photo is in the museum in town.

A guest house which was also inspiration for Mr. Stoker’s “Dracula” !

Thank you Miss Michelle of MYTHREEMOGGIES blog for being our Guest Teaser this week.   Whitby looks like a perfectly GREAT village and if it was good enough for Bram Stoker and Captain Cook then it’s good enough for ME.  I’m going to INSIST that my Mom and Dad take me there……..alright, maybe not take ME there but at least go there themselves and tell me all about it!!!!

This is for you Miss Michelle:

For Michelle for our Teaser of August 23, 2017

Suzie – would you like to thank our Winners this week in your own special way??????

I’ve got ice cream for you Csilla
Do you want chocolate or vanilla?
FIRST COMMENT is what you’re winning
While others’ heads were spinning!
FIRST RIGHT was our Miss Clowie
Great pyrennes dog all white and snowy!
Well done to both of you chickies
This Teaser was kind of tricky!
So today’s winners were one human and one doggy
And our GUEST was from My Three Moggies!
Let’s hear it for MEEEEE!


Thank you SuzieQ!    Well done cheer for our winners today…………………….who knows what we’ll come up with NEXT week……………..maybe it will be tougher or maybe it will be easy but we know for sure it will be FUN so join us next week for PRE-TEASE MONDAY AND TUESDAY TEASER!!!!

What???? No snack????

See you next week students!  

The Professors, Sam and Ted

52 responses »

  1. Concats to those firsties! They are quick and smart!

    Well, though I was late, I did figure it out.

    Later, just for fun I did put that image in google image search, and it did not help at all…it sent me to pictures of ‘water transportation’ MOL!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Suzie included me in her cheer! That is an honour. Thank you Suzie.

    Congratulations on being first here, Csilla.

    And thank you to Michelle of Three Moggies for a great teaser.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. gots to love Whitby, I will one day come visit when the goth festival is on and as always eat too much fish and chips and buy too much pretty jet jewellery 😛 would never manage the 120 odd steps up to the abbey now a days though!! xx


  4. Congratulations to Miss Csilla and Clowie! Sorry I missed the Teaser but we had big storms early Tuesday morning and we lost internet. And then I got a cranky and we ignored all things computer! I would love to live in Whitby! Enjoyed all three videeohs! A very lovely cheer Suzie!!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh so glad you got your interwebs back…..cranky comes with that malady – I should know! We missed you at the Teaser but glad you caught up – Michelle did a fab job with the video Tell All!!!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy and Mom too

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Many concats to both Miss Csilla and Clowie, great job, and even though Whitby is only an hour and a bit away from us, the P.A. reckoned it was somewhere in Scotland on the coast!!! MOL We think she needs to brush up on her geography! MOL

    Another great post guys

    Big hugs

    Basil & CO xox

    Liked by 1 person

    • Whitby looks like a GREAT spot to visit – especially since it’s so close to where you are!! It could easily have been a little Scottish OR Irish fishing village though – it has that “look” !!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Oh Angel Sammy hasn’t tried using all the words for one of his poems – maybe I’ll remind him he should try THAT challenge this week – he hasn’t sent me his poem for tomorrow yet!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Congratulations to the winners! We weren’t even in the right ballpark, the right country, etc. Mom is going to do some more research on that place because she loves the book Dracula. Teddy, guess what happened? My mom said we were going to watch a movie yesterday so I settled in with my popcorn and juice box and the movie was “The Silence of the Lambs.” I thought she said the Silence of the Hams, I thought it was a movie about ham and our favorite thing Bacon (Sorry Cousin Bacon). I was so disappointed! Mom told me I should get my ears checked. ~Calvin~


    • Oh Calvin I’m sorry you were all set for ham and/or bacon and got SCARY instead!!! My Mom saw that movie a couple of times but it gave her bad dreams………!! Dracula was always a big fascination for my Mom too. So our Moms like scary stuff but I’m definitely not on board with SCARY myself!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. What a beautiful and bucolic little town. Mom says that she too would like to visit. We send thanks to Michelle for sharing it. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy p.s. Mom has finished our poem for tomorrow. Yippee!


  8. Congratulations to Miss Csilla and Clowie. It is many years since I last visited Whitby, but I remember if you stand in a certain position by the whale bone arch, it frames the Abbey. I thought I had taken a photo from that angle and was going to scan it and send to you but can’t find it. That’s the trouble with pre digital photos, there are so many albums to look through.

    Liked by 1 person

      • When we were there I think there was a notice or something saying about the photo opportunity and where the best place was for it. Lots of people were all taking photos from the same angle. I would put the picture on here but don’t know how to do it. Will send via email.


        • Thanks for sending it – it was FABULOUS to see. We told Michelle that we mentioned to you that YOU were the inspiration for that video part of her TELL ALL with the whale bone arch!

          Love, Teddy and Mom too


          • Thank you to Michelle for posting the video. It was interesting to see it again after many years.


    • Thanks again Shell – it was a GREAT Teaser and has a lot of people interested in Whitby as a destination for a great day (or days!). It’s always fun having your Video Tell All too!

      Love, Pam


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