Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


Woo Hoo It’s Friday!

Every Friday we HOP with the co-hosted “Friendly Fill-Ins” courtesy of McGuffy’s Reader and 15andMeowing.    It’s fun and interesting and we love learning new stuff about everyone who fills in the sentences we are provided by our hosts!    If you’d like to join in too, click the badge above and use the Linky Tool and you’re IN!

So they say – but you can still hop around and read interesting STUFF about your friends right??

So this week’s sentences – two from McGuffy’s and two from 15andMeowing are below with my Mom’s fill-ins in BLUE!

1. If someone were visiting my area, I would recommend a visit to our very own little town of Warrenton – we have a haunted jail, some Civil War note-worthy battlefields (no matter what may be in the news lately!) and a whole lot of VERY friendly people!
2. My favorite room in my home is the kitchen – I do love to cook!.
3. Back-to-school time makes me think of how different things are NOW at school vs. when I was in school – it’s like night and day, right down to the dress codes!

4. My favourite year of school was Senior Year, because even though I was a good student, I always had a secret fear that for some weird reason I wouldn’t graduate – but of course I did!
Thanks Mom!   Good job………………….I see you avoided telling everyone WHAT YEAR you graduated – guess that would be T.M.I. (too much information) huh?   HAHAHA.

Ta Da!

Now I need to move on to thanking my friends Hemingway and Steinbeck for that Blogger Award they nominated me for – AND complying with all the rules – well almost all of them anyway.   Here’s the pretty award badge – Mom tells me she actually won this some years ago but it’s been SO long, we’re excited to have it again!
THANK YOU again guys for the nomination.   This is “my” very first award…………Mom has a pile of them already posted on a separate page of the blog but SHE and SAMMY earned those and this is the first one since I joined the team so I’m calling it MINE!
Here’s what we need to do:
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog   (DONE!)

  • Write a post to show your award (DONE!)

  • Give a brief story of how your blog started (see below)

  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers (see below)

  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to (we will offer this to any of you who don’t have it yet – I think most of the blogs we follow have it but if any of you would like it – please accept it with our HUGS!)

  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

Mom will let you know how she started the blog and give some advice.   I’m afraid I’m just too new at this to give advice – although I will say that you need to HAVE FUN when you blog – if it’s a chore or hard work or makes you unhappy – don’t do it!

Mom here – Many eons ago I was a frustrated writer and artist who had lost my “mojo” thanks to a battle with cancer.   I had to stop writing just after my first mystery novel was published – not only did I not feel very creative at the time, but I just couldn’t come up with ideas – my treatments muddled my thinking too much.   I had also painted – oil painting, pen/ink, some watercolor work.   In other words I’d been CREATIVE.    Anyway, after I finished my treatments I thought things would go back to the way they were but they didn’t………… I found my “NEW NORMAL” by starting a blog.   It got me writing again – not in the form of a novel, but I DID write some short stories and I DID start a blog which was written with the help of my fabulous cat Sammy.   He pretty much took the whole thing over – he had a big personality!    So that’s how the blog was started – because I needed to be creative and enjoyed meeting new people.   

As for advice, I agree with what Teddy said – blog because you WANT to – not because you “need” to………..I realize that some people blog because they are authors and want to spread the word about their books or have shops and they want to sell their goods or they have a significant message to get out to the world – but if you want to keep things FUN – blog because you WANT to.    The other piece of advice would be the old saying “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” – there is TOO MUCH HATE in the world so don’t help spread it.   John Lennon said it best – “All We Need Is Love”…………

Thanks again Mom!!!   Thanks again to Hemingway and Steinbeck – if you don’t know these two guys, you should.   Please visit them and enjoy as much as I do the FUN of watching Steinbeck drive Hemingway crazy just like any little “kid” would do.   Besides – Steinbeck is a GINGER and you know how much fun we GINGERS are!

See you all tomorrow for BACON CATURDAY!

Don’t mind me – I’m just hanging around watching Mom with laser eyes!!!

Love, Teddy

46 responses »

  1. I love what you wrote about this mojo… it can be a pblessure or a curse… and with blogging we rarely lose it, because every post is different and every day brings new things we can use to write about it…
    I hear ya for the back in school, so many things changed…while we pondered about the covers for our schoolbooks or new fountain pens, the kids today ponder about new phones or tablets… sigh…


    • My Mom says “the good old days” really were “good” in a lot of ways even though things have improved over the years for children in school. Not so sure about all the technology though – little kids are now carrying cell phones and becoming dependent on all the pads/tablets for EVERYTHING that humans in Mom’s day had to find out in the library or asking PEOPLE and not computers! Oh well….life goes on right Phenny????

      Love, Teddy


      • yes… and often in da wrong direction… this kids will never know how funny it is to make book covers together with friends and they will never have this moment full of joy when we made our own class schedule… instead of a friendly bee-sticker they have just a boring ringtone of their phone… bah ;o)


        • I know – things might have been “primitive” back then but not having everything handed to you in a neat little package made kids more RESOURCEFUL…..and creative…….oh well……those days are gone!

          Love, Teddy


  2. Great fill in answers, Mom Pam…. Teddy, my mom (and I!) are SO happy that your big brofur, Angel Sammy, helped your Mom start writing her blog. Motor Mommy cannot imagine not having your Mom for a friend!!! And your mom is very, very creative in so many ways.
    Another cute pic of you, Baby Teddy – you are just adorable!
    Love, Sundae

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We loved your fill-ins and concatulate you on the Blogger Recognition Award. Your advice or suggestion is right now. There is too much hate in the world. Spreading happy thoughts and warm feelings to others will only make us feel warm and fuzzy. All kitties should feel warm and fuzzy. MOL


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congrats on your award, well deserved. I am glad you decided to blog,you are very creative and I always enjoy the poetry and Suzie’s cheers 🙂 It must be laser day, Penny has hers on too Teddy. Thanks to your Mom for participating, great answers. She is so smart that it is funny she feared she may not graduate. I am glad I am not in school now, things are so different. Your town sounds like a nice place to visit. Have a great weekend! XO


    • Thanks!!! It’s been a while since awards traveled the blogosphere…..for a while they were like having the measles – they were EVERYWHERE! HAHAHA We’re happy you like visiting us here – never a dull moment right?

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  5. Congrats on the well deserved award.
    You know I was a huge fan of your mystery….loved it.
    We enjoyed your fill ins…
    Teddy that last photo molmolmol you are a fun-gi!
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Hi Madi! I hope you’re still feeling perky and happy dear friend…..after that “mantel visit” we think you’re up for anything and feeling right as rain. My Mom is happy that you liked her book – too bad it was the only one she wrote! HAHAHA

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  6. I thoroughly enjoy historical places. I always choose those to visit, no matter what anyone says, history is important. It needs to be honoured for the lessons it taught us.
    I have no doubt that you are a good cook! It sounds like you enjoy it, too!
    That is a funny “senior moment”…lol…glad you graduated!
    Have a great week, my friends! HUGS!


    • Happy Saturday morning – we are catching up from yesterday…….our little town is SMALL but BIG on history. We can’t deny that what is in our past OCCURRED – and how people choose to memorialize those things can’t be wrong if it was their choice. Anyway, it’s a big issue these days….we just hope people settle down and remember the past is the past and the future is what we make it. My Mom LOVES cooking and creative stuff in the kitchen – as long as she “creates” stuff for me too I’m good with that!!!! HAHAHA

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  7. What a great two-fer! My new Mommy says she started Queen Penelope’s Blog when she was flat on her back after getting 2nd and 3rd degree burns on her (bum). She too was very creative and found it difficult to do what she had done.. And Queen Penelope’s purrsonality took over! She too did not blog for any reason other than Queen Penelope had a lot to say and she (Queen Penelope) did not like doing reviews so her and Mommy just had fun! Mommy is so furry happy to have your Mommy as a (Blogging and emailling) furrend, and wishes that she lived closer so she could have tea and conversation with your Mommy Teddy! Purrhaps we too can be blogging furrends, like Sammy and Queen Penelope and our Mommys!
    روز شادی داشته باشی


    • Hi Marvelous! You can’t even imagine just how happy me and Mom and the whole world is that you are now HERE and with your new Mommy. She waited for so long to have you here and we all watched from afar hoping your journey would bring you “HOME” and it finally did. We didn’t know about your Mommy’s bum and a fire – that was most scary. Your Mom is one of the most creative people we know, so it is hard to imagine that she couldn’t find her mojo after that but she DID. Blogging and now she’s back into the wonderful world of art again in such a big and beautiful say – her paintings and graphics are MAGICAL. You know what? My Mom would love it if she could come by for tea and chat from time to time with your Mom – she thinks they would have a WHOLE LOT to talk about! Marvelous dear boy, you and I were friends before you ever got here and we always will be. I know Angel Nellie AND Angel Sammy watched over you on your way HERE and will be always with you in your heart forever and ever…………..Be happy!!!

      Love, Teddy


  8. Conkatss Teddy boy on yur ferst Bloggie award!!! Mee iss so-o happy fur you…..
    An Lady Pam wee reed yur children’ss books a lot an mee iss sorry you losted yur ‘mojo’ butt then you found it here an that iss wunderfull.
    LadyMum told mee shee losted her ‘mojo’ aftur her husband Mistur Kevin died inn 2003. Inn 2005, her furend Mistur Jon bott her thee ferst lappytop an LadyMum started bloggin on 360 which became Multee-ply an then it closed inn 2012 an LadyMum an Nylablue came here an you know thee rest rite?
    LadyMum said shee may nevurr put a werd on papurr again; butt shee will all wayss blog….good fing as mee has ALOT to say, mew mew mew…..
    An Teddy mee LUVSS yur new purrofile foto! Yur a hansum mankat mee furend…
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx


    • Hi Siddhartha – my Mom had a little problem changing the profile pic – but it was time to let Sammy move on a little bit………so I’m now the STAR but Sammy is a HUGE part of my life and hers forever and always. I think people ALL lose their mojo at different times in their life but the important thing is that they never stop LOOKING for it again……….

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Well done, Little T. Happily, your Mom found a super smart way to stay creative, while changing her style some. I love the advice to keep blogging fun. BTW – as a doggie, MY favorite room of the house is also the kitchen! #floorfood

    Love and licks,


    • Cupcake you are a smart girl – the kitchen floor is a veritable GARDEN OF DELIGHT if our Moms are in there cooking – things go flying and land in the “GARDEN” and we keep things nice and tidy! HAHAHA

      Love, Teddy


  10. Our mom picked the kitchen as well, but she says she rather hang around your kitchen so she could eat Mom Pam’s biscotti and talk for hours. Concats on the award. You truly deserve it for keeping us wonderfully entertained. Sending oodles of love. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • HAHA…my Mom is a biscotti factory isn’t she! She does make it about once a week….and she’s been trying to come up with something NEW to try – I suggested putting cat treats in instead of fruit but she doesn’t seem to like that idea!!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  11. Concats on your blogging award!

    Loved reading all your fillins and your blogging insights too. Wisdom words to be remembered and practiced by all of us. Petcretary started a blog when the Catster/Dogster peeps said they were going to shut down…in 2014…and the blog has changed from a trio together to a kitty and doggy blog and back to a combined one…to keep petcretary sane and happy! MOL!
    She started the social media stuff when she too was just finishing up with her own cancer journey…and is glad she did!
    But we only ‘blog’ our selves about once a week, due to her own working schedule…and other commitments. It is like our diary, an ongoing account of the doings in our lives.


    • Sometimes my Mom thinks she should cut back the blog here a bit – “Daily” is a chore but done with love and fun and a way to spread that around the world when sometimes it seems there is TOO LITTLE of it to be seen/heard! What works for each of us is the BEST. Daily/Weekly/Monthly – it’s all “good” if you love doing it.

      Hugs, Teddy


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