Friendly Fill-Ins Friday


Hello!  Happy Friday!

Today we’re filling in sentences thanks to the jointly hosted Friendly Fill-ins by 15andmeowing and McGuffysReader !   You can click on the link for McGuffy’s Reade if you’d like to join up with this blog hop – it’s tons of fun and a good way to meet new bloggers AND tell everyone about YOU!


 Here are today’s sentences……………!   My fill-ins are in BLUE and Mom’s are in RED.   We each filled in TWO sentences this time!

1. My guiding word for 2017 is ANGELS.
2. I’ve never been to a high school class reunion.
3. Truth be told I am superstitious about wearing GREEN on St. Pat’s Day – Mom used to put a green collar on me!.   (*Yes we could have said superstitious about Friday the 13th but I’ve NEVER been that way although many are!!

4.Lately, I have been very cognizant of the fact that now that I’m older time is FLYING by whereas when I was young, time went on and on forever (it seemed!).

SO, that’s it for Filling in today……………………remember to join in the HOP if you want to share your sentence fill-ins……………and even if you don’t, go visit McGuffy’s Reader to see everyone else’s fill-ins.   I guarantee it’s fun!
Mom and Dad are supposed to get SNOW tomorrow…….and maybe even a bit of ice.   I might get a day pass from the Bridge to spend with them because they won’t be able to go anywhere if it snows and I can keep them company!
NO SNOW HERE!!!!   Tee Hee
See you tomorrow for BACON CATURDAY…………

42 responses »

    • UHOH……no coffee is definitely a SCARY thing. Now you have to drive 87 miles to the nearest store to get a new machine. Too bad there’s no Walmart in Plumieux! HAHAHAHAHAHA

      Love, Angel Sammy


    • I’m glad too! I had enough of it in Virginia although when I was little I REALLY loved it! Did you get our note about not being able to sign up again for your blog? We are trying to remember to check the site since we can’t get notices or comment. Makes me SAD!!!!!!

      Love, Angel Sam


  1. Angel Sam, I like your word for 2017. I’m a definite believer of Angels. I think they are all around us in the form of earthly and heavenly type. You’re serving as one now watching over your human family. High school reunions I’ve decided are overrated. I went to DH’s 10 and 20-year reunions. Both were nice. It was great seeing old friend and there was no drama like seen in the movies. I would kinda like to go to mine just so I can catch up with long lost old friends again. I use to think that time flying by had to do with getting older but my kids used to say the same thing while they were at home. If the truth be told I believe it is we just have too much going on in our lives where we don’t seize the moments to savor but instead let them slip away because of all the other stuff preoccupying our minds. Oh well, it was nice to read your Friendly Fill-ins today! 🙂


    • Hi Cathy! Thanks for reading my fill-ins and THANKS for visiting me! I’m glad you believe in Angels….we do exist and we do watch over humans we love and care for. My Mom grew up as an “Air Force” brat so was only a student at the high school she graduated from for a year so really didn’t have a lot of friends….no sense in being at a dance with a room full of strangers!! Maybe you’re right about time slipping away because we’re so busy – even though my parents are retired, their days are so full that before they know it, it’s dinner time!!! Oh well – the important thing is to enjoy every minute we have – no matter what……….

      Hugs, Angel Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I love the guiding word you chose and I know Angel Sammy is going to guide you to the next kitty you adopt. Time sure does fly the older we get. I can remember sitting in class in high school thinking how slow time went, but now the years keep whizzing by. Have a nice weekend. XO


    • Fill-Ins were great today from everyone who pawticipated! Yes I feel Sammy at work now finding us a new cat…..there are two at the shelter now -one named “LUCKY” (It would be if we got him) and “JUNE” (which is my middle name). David’s just not ready yet……..sadly.

      Love, Pam


  3. Mom put being superstitious about Friday the 13th, not that she really expects anything bad to happen, but just because it did that one time. She is keenly aware of all the silly superstitions out there and gives a nod to them whenever something happens, like breaking a mirror, but she really doesn’t believe in them. Can’t wait to see what you get up tomorrow for Bacon Day. Love to all. 💖🐈XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


  4. Ironically last week I heard from a h.s. class mate whom I haven’t talked probably since high school.
    He is on the planning committee for our 50th which is set for 9/29 and 30. Not sure about going since hubby went to another high school and won’t know anyone at mine reunion…and that is a bad feeling to be the only one in a room knowing no one. LOL
    Hugs Cecilia


    • That’s part of the reason Mom doesn’t go……….she was only at that high school for a year because her Dad was in the service – she didn’t really know but just few people. It would be like being in a room full of complete strangers.

      Love, Angel Sam


  5. I found that time has moved along faster since the grandsons came, I did not notice it so much in my kids, though it was there, But with the boys…..the years are moving too fast.


    • Mom says it’s so strange – she can remember thinking it was just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long until Friday (when she worked)…… the days just fly by and time gets away from her.

      Hugs, Angel sam


  6. Times does fly by… I have noticed. Angels… a good guide word ♥ No high school reunions for me! We are getting ice that means business here, hoping our power stays on and we don’t lose any trees and our fencing stays up! Ice storm warning till Sunday at noon… bah.


    • Our ice comes tomorrow……Mom and Dad are as ready as they can be – plenty of food in the refrig so as long as we have power we’re good…………Still, there will be lots of accidents and that’s scary but people should STAY OFF THE ROAD when they’re ice skating rinks!!!! Good luck to you there – I hope you keep power and KEEP WARM!

      Love, Angel Sammy


  7. Loves your Friday Fill-ins Sammy!
    And mes must tells yous, just off the photo, where mes and Katie Isabella was looking — was angel yous – and wes KNOWS yous was making was making faces at us!!!
    Many kisses dear furrend
    Your Nellie Bellie

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Isn’t it interesting how our age changes our perspective of time? I feel the same as you…the older I get, the faster time is passing.

    When I was little, it took at least 20 years between Christmases and now it takes maybe 2 seconds. 🙂

    Have a blessed weekend and enjoy that bacon, Sammy!


    • Mom just didn’t know many people since she was only there a year. I know a lot of people love reunions and do them every time they have one but not my Mom – she’s a MAVERICK…..hahahahaha

      Love, Angel Sam


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