Pre-Tease Monday!


Getting Ready to Tease You!


That’s right – I – Professor Sammy – have spent my week looking for just the right photo to drive you nuts show you tomorrow to test your geography skills and I do believe I have a goodie.  Yep – I do believe I do.   It will be a GUEST TEASER……………..You’ll have to wait until the Tell All Wednesday to find out WHO sent us the photo but I do think you’ll like it!

Remember that tomorrow’s blog post will be sent out from my computer to yours at a time WE pick – not the usual time.    It will land in your inbox when it’s good and ready to and not when my “daily posts” come out.   SO be ready…………..if you comment FIRST you get this!


Remember kids, that for purposes of determining FIRST COMMENTER, if more than one of you comments during a given minute, you will EACH get the badge!    We don’t count the seconds – just the minute – so we DO have two or three or sometimes FOUR way ties so just get here early and comment and you might get the freaky little FIRST COMMENTER badge!

We have other badges for FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, RIGHT GUESSER and the ever popular and always GREEN, “Loser” badge otherwise known as THE GREENIE!

Will you be here tomorrow?   I hope so……………SuzieQ, our official Teaser Cheerleader will hopefully come up with something “printable” for her cheer.   She dances on the edge of insanity as most of you who follow me know – so tune in and see how she does.

Have a TERRIFIC Monday – and study!    Got it?   OK!

Your Geography Professor


Professor Sam, I am !

Professor Sam, I am !

47 responses »

  1. After last weeks wrong answer, I think we need to get our thinking-caps on!!! MOL

    See mew tomorrow Sammy 😀


    Basil & Co xox


  2. Well, Sammy, as far as Suzie Q goes, you’ve heard the saying: “If you aren’t living on the edge, you’re taking up too much room!”. I think that must be Suzie’s motto!
    Love, Sundae


  3. We will try to be here on time, Sammy. You know what my mum is like though. She always goes off to do something at the crucial moment.


  4. Mom’s two hands have been training all week in preparation for speed typing tomorrow.
    And we hope we have come up with a quick way to be in the running
    Hugs madi your bfff


  5. Awesome cousin – I can’t wait. If I can get mom calmed down from today’s house bomb (story another time – maybe tomorrow) then we are set for tomorrow. Can’t wait. I have my answer, Earth, all ready to type out. Snorts with piggy laughter. XOXO – Bacon


  6. Hmmm…mes will see if Mommy gets a chance to stops by tomorrow. She is pretty busy these days and mes can’t count on her to do anything for mes these days.
    Many Kisses Dear Furrends


    • I know how busy your Mommy must be with a new job but if you stop by ANY TIME you can still take a guess!! You are sweet to try – meanwhile, curl up on Mommy’s bed and get a good snooze in…..keep an eye on the baby birds too!

      Love and Lots of Kisses, Sammy


  7. The teaser does drive us nuts (since we’re geographically challenged)! We don’t have a lot of hope for guessing it right, but even if we can’t, it’s always worth coming by to see what SuzieQ comes up with! LOL


  8. You had it rite at ‘drive LadyMum nutss’ Unccle Sammy!
    Hopefullee LadyMum can get us here befur lunch time an wee can take a look-see at thee foto so LadyMum can make one of her speshell (wrong) guesses, mew mew mew…..
    ***nose bumpsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  9. We’ll be here, but we don’t know if we’ll make it first this week. Mom has an appointment in the morning, so she thinks she will at leas remember it’s Tuesday. MOL! Can’t wait to see what Suzie has to say! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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