Pre-Tease Monday

Professor Sam's Casual Look........

Professor Sam’s Casual Look……..

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

This is your official reminder that tomorrow is Teaser Day here in Geography class so make sure you are “sharp as a tack” and ready for class in the morning………………..I will be showing you the photo of the day at some surprise time as usual so you’ll need to be AT THE ALERT.

Last week nobody for the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER or RIGHT GUESSER awards – remember they’re brand new and you can still be the first one to get them if you guess correctly WHERE the photo we show you was taken!    YES it’s a challenge but you’re up for that aren’t you?  Of course you are…………who doesn’t like a good challenge.

Wanna see the new Badges again?????  Do ya?   Oh alright – I’ll show them to you:

First Commenter:


First Right Guesser:


Right Guesser:


The New, Improved, Gorgeous new GREENIE for those who – well – don’t know!


And of course SuzieQ will be here to give you all a CHEER and get you fired up to guess the Teaser of the week.   She told me she is so happy to be back at work.   She missed you and is happy that some of you have chosen to show her VERY OWN Fan Club Badge on your blogs or Facebook pages or WHEREVER…… it is if you missed it last week!

I'm a SuzieQ Fan - Are You?

I’m a SuzieQ Fan – Are You?

SO, get those eyeglasses nice and clean so you can see PERFECTLY well tomorrow when you’re examining the photo!

I’ll be looking for you in class – front row center (or back row asleep!) in the morning………………………….alright – class temporarily DISMISSED!

You better be READY!

You better be READY!

Professor Sam

63 responses »

  1. maybe the mama should get bigger glasses for tomorrow? although hers are great… she saw the running legs of a mouse what crossed the street … my dad has some doubts, but he agreed with her for peace in my crib…


  2. Great new badges Sammy! We love the greenie..for obvious reasons lol..and will have to grab Suzi Q’s badge…we will give it a real go tomorrow..sorry for being so awol all the time! Loves Fozziemum xxx


  3. MOL MOL Poor Pitiful Me…just go ahead and personalize it for me, I’m thinking it is mine already
    Hugs poor pitiful Madi


  4. PS Dad has not used the new shower yet. He is still in the guest bath there isn’t enough light in master for him to shave. Just a ceiling light. Electrician is coming this morning to install light over the mirror


    • Then you have something to look forward to this morning Madi – – – stand by so you can hear your Dad scream when that WILD shower head goes nutso on him for the first time! HAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. I love your casual outfit Professor Sammy. And I am proudly displaying my Suzie badge , I still have to display my poor pitiful me- that one is cute, makes me happy to be a loser 🙂 Have a great day. XO


    • Everybody seems like the new Greenie…….and of course Suzie’s fan club badge which I made BECUASE OF YOU!!!!!! She’s got quite an interesting cheer today…………….just sayin’ !

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Stomping my hooves. One day I will be a pig that stands tall and strong… and know where in the world Florida is in your geography class. Snorts with piggy laughter. XOXO – Bacon


  7. Mee will do mee best to get LadyMum here at a reespectabull time Unccle Sammy. Shee mite have to go with Mumma Mary-Ellen tho’….to get mee foodabullss an treetss an Pro-bye-otick….
    So if wee not here you will know why!!
    ***paw patsss*** neffkitty Siddhartha Henry xxxx


  8. We don’t think we will ever be first or guess right, but that’s okay.

    Thank you so much for celebrating my 10th Birthday with me! Purrs, Dragonheart


    • Hi Dragonheart! You had a lovely party for your birthday and I hope you have TONS more wonderful birthdays ahead! You never know when you come here on a Tuesday and just WHAMMO – you KNOW where the photo was taken – you might be a RIGHT GUSSER or even the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER! Good Luck!

      Love, Sammy


    • Hi Kiddos! I saw your photos this morning on your blog from your trip to the beach. I want to know why Lily doesn’t have on her bikini and why Edward doesn’t have on his surfer shorts! Was it a nude beach????

      Hugs, Sammy


  9. Well, Motor Mommy was a slacker yesterday, so we didn’t get to comment until today. Good luck to everyone (else) on the Teaser….since we don’t seem to do very well in Professor Sammy’s geography class!
    Love, Sundae


  10. Good Morning’ish 😀 Alys has arrived and the poor girl was so pooped, she’s still snoozing. So I’m here for a wee visit with my favourite Dynamic-Duo xoxox That last kitty cracks me up! LOL…popping over to le teaser, mwaaaaa


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