WOO HOO Happy Fourth!


I’ll make this one SHORT and SWEET !!!




Patriotic Hugs, Sammy

71 responses »

    • I promise we’ll be safe and I hope everyone ELSE around us feels the same way………sometimes those fireworks go astray – once many years ago someone set off some rocket fireworks that landed on our roof! My Dad wasn’t too happy about that as they could be a fire hazard…..and if the woods are dry (which thank heavens they aren’t this year) there’s always a chance of fire. We don’t do fireworks – I HATE HATE HATE noise!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • Sammy I am with you!! we have them new years..mid summer high fire area….where we used to live the neighbours (big stoopids) let them off and scared our sheepz!! so early early mummy and daddy got upz and put the classicalz music on.(.coz the neighbourz was hungz overz ) very very loud MOL WE LAFF AND LAFF..mum sayz they gotz a mess-ages
        Kitty hugs dinnermintz xx


        • Hi Dinnermintz! Your Mom and Dad were VERY CLEVER to do the loud music in return for the noisy fireworks……tee hee…….I love sneaky humans – that just proves there’s a bit of cat in every one of them don’t you think????

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr Sammy mumz part kitty fur shure…must be why she haz all the kitties here under her spellz 😉
            Kitty hugs Dinnermintz x


          • I think my Mom wishes she was a cat OR thinks she’s been one in a past life…….she likes to be a bum……..that fits right in with ME!

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Thanks guys……we hope people remember that there are animals who get frightened (and humans too) and they are sensible in their celebrations. You never know!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Sammy ….OH SAMMY …………
    HOW CAN i resist Your pawwwtee………..
    was just on the inspiring cat post – wemember that 🙂
    using Mollie’s Language ]
    someone kind was commenting on the cuteness that is YOUZ GUYS …….:)
    Ps- I like Your grill ……….. Hot dogs and chicken – on top of one another ……….:) LOL XXXX
    now u iz gonna be enjoying this …….:)
    Love You xxxx
    HAPPY 4TTH inspiring Cat xxx
    ur cat xxx


    • Miss Cat you are so very kind……Talk about inspiring – you inspire so many of US because you are such a lover of animals AND people too! Not only that, you’re pretty (blush) and have tons of talent (blush more) and you make everyone who reads your posts, and hears your song and reads your poems feel GOOD. That’s a wonderful thing. We’re quite excited about the 4th of July around here – and tonight we’re having a cookout to celebrate – hopefully people who are doing fireworks won’t start until AFTER we’ve had dinner and enjoyed the evening a bit.

      Hope you have a FANTABULOUS Thursday – we love you!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Cody and Miss Caren! Hope you all have a super duper 4th of July too……..we’re having a cookout (again) which means I get more tuna (since I’m not much on hot dogs….or cats….hahaha).

      Love, Sammy


  2. Happy Fourth to you and your Mom and Dad!! We usually don’t hear fireworks. We’re too far away from official display and since it’s illegal for the average person to have them, we may hear a few from people who ignore that law but not enough to bother us!!!
    Happy Fourth Hugs,


    • Hi Miss June! I bet you’re glad you’re far enough away not to have to hear those loud noises….we hope maybe those loud noise-making neighbors are ELSEWHERE for July 4th this year! Like in another state maybe……hahahaha

      Patriotic Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Easy my brother of the heart……..we hope to have a quiet day…….and we’ve got flags flying all over the place so we’re doing our bit for patriotism only QUIETER than the fireworks bunch. We do like to watch them on TV though…..Mom turns down the sound and all we get is the PRETTY parts (which I like to watch on the screen!!). We also are having hot dogs tonight and another cookout on our deck so there might be something yummy in my immediate future too. Hope you and your Staff have a great and EASY Thursday!! 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • That’s a perfect plan- is the cookout with or without beans? (for the sound). I hope you will have the best holiday-weather :o) We always had a flag on our door too, but last year some one nicked it ( last year I had no ninja star to protect my crib :o)


        • Hi Easy…….no beans so it will be a QUIET night……..We do have a beautiful sunny day though so I would even put up with bean issues in exchange for that. That’s awful that someone stole your flag……BOOOOOOO HISSSSSSSSSSSS on them. If you knew who it was you could give them the yellow autograph in exchange.

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • QUIET is good…………we’re hoping for that but chances are slim because it’s a BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAUTIFUL day. Enjoy your Tiny Ten celebration though!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy and Pam


  3. Happy 4th of July to you and your parents Sammy! Also, Happy 4th of July for all the people who’ve been commenting on your blog stories for quite some time now. Hope all of you guys have a great day, and I can’t wait to watch the fireworks this year!


      • Thanks Sammy! We did have a good night last night watching the fireworks. They lasted a good amount of time, and they always go with music, but seems like the music and the fireworks didn’t get in synch like they did last year. At least they were beautiful! Our cat Poka, I don’t think she minds fireworks, but she wasn’t with us while we went out to watch them. I bet she had a great time staying home. She runs from vacuums like you do Sammy, but I don’t think she does that around fireworks!


        • Glad you had a fun 4th. We were super lucky – the neighbors who usually have fireworks in their yards DIDN’T this year so it was nice and quiet. My parents watched the fireworks on TV (the ones they have in DC every year) – at least they could control the volume on those! Hee Hee

          Happy Friday


    • Hi Beautiful Nellie!!!! Thanks for the nice wishes for the 4th – we’re having a great sunny day and having a cookout tonight! Mom and Dad having hotdogs and me – GOOD OLD TUNA!!!!

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses, Sammy


    • That’s true……….and I think we’re well beyond all that messy stuff back in the 1700s anyway……humans – whatcha gonna do with them? Besides, I like BIG celebrations – the more the merrier – so come on over for a hot dog or two (that is dogs of the “non-bow-wow” variety of course!).

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  4. Thanks Sammy! We wish you the same. The city normally has their fiireworks down at the river (just an few blocks from our house) and Mom and Dad watch them from the upper deck. Our river is way over the banks, however, se we don’t know if they will even have them. If they do, we’ll be in the back of Dad’s closet or under the bed. They are very loud. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Loud = HIDING!!! Same here…..I used to be a bit more brave when I was young – I could watch them from the front porch if Mom was right by my side but now I hide in the basement!! Happy 4th ANYWAY!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Bailey! It was a VERY quiet night and we were quite surprised…..I guess all the noisy party-goers were out of town!! YAY! Tomorrow’s YOUR day Bailey – I bet you’re very excited to head to Nocturne…….we’re all excited for you.

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Hi Lee and Phod! We had a lovely 4th thanks – how about you? I was surprised our neighborhood was as QUIET as it was – first time in years I didn’t spend the evening under a couch!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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