Spying on Mr. Monster


Happy Monster Day!  Most of you know it as FRIDAY but since my parents insist on doing housecleaning every Friday, it’s Monster Day for me.  Today I believe I’m going to try to be brave for a change.

This seems like a safe spot to observe Mr. Monster....

This seems like a safe spot to observe Mr. Monster….

Except what if Mr. Monster gets too close to my newspaper and sucks it right up?  No no no that will NEVER do!

Sam snoozing in Mom and Dad's bed

Now up here, Mr. Monster can’t reach me…..this has possibilities…..

If I get up on Mom’s bed, I’ll be out of reach from Mr. Monster but won’t I still HEAR him?  All those fireworks last night made me nervous enough…..do I want to go through that drama and trauma again?????

Keepin' Cool INSIDE!

This is always a good spot….under my Dad’s chair at the dining room table. The Monster will go right by me here…..

But there’s still the NOISE factor to deal with…………………….I know – I’ve got the PERFECT idea!!!!!!!



Happy Friday (or Monster Day) to everyone……….and don’t forget the search continues for a home for Leo…………….(Please visit Savannah for Leo’s Page with details) and please spread the word if you haven’t already.  The more people who know about Leo needing a home the better!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀

72 responses »

  1. Wow DJ Sammy and the noise monster! sounds like a great band name 😉 we had a visit from Mr Noisey as we call him..Cleo has a hiding spot..the rest just give me a filthy look…you keep those monster mufflers on and have a great day Sammy 🙂
    Fozziemum and the gang 🙂 xx


    • Hi Mollie! My Mom and I hope you all have a nice Friday too! It looks like we’ll have another sunny day so after the monster goes away I plan to see if my old Mom will escort me out into the yard for a sniff and a grass munch.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh I know! I can put up with a lot of fuss and noise and discomfort knowing BACON is waiting for me at the end of the road………tee hee…………happy Friday Basil!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Cupcake! Great interview at the Moggies…you really are adorable you know (I suspect you DO know!)…and you look ever so “pretty in pink” ! Happy Friday!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  2. Oooh – good idea, Sammy! Motor Man has lots of those headset thingies; he and Motor Mommy wear them at the race track.
    Have a good Friday!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae….your Motor Mom and Man are SMART to keep those headsets on so they don’t ruin their hearing around the noisy cars!! Humans are SO smart sometimes aren’t they?

      Have a sunny Friday!
      Love, Sammy


    • Monster has been out – done its’ thing – and is now sleeping in the closet for another week (I hope!)………..my Mom loved reading Mr. Craig’s write up on Naked Eye Travel about Seville – – – she said that table looked VERY familiar! 😀 😀 😀 😀

      Happy Sunny Friday
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. I love the idea of Monster Mufflers!! Hope the housecleaning isn’t too traumatic today. But I’m sure a little snack of grass and a sniff of outside air will make it all better!


    • Well I survived the monster yet again Miss June……I think I’ve got that thing figured out – AND the headset of course helped – I just danced around the house listening to music while Mom pushed Mr. Monster here and there. That’s the BEST invention ever!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Maurice!!!! Good idea pulling the plug – I never considered going to the SOURCE to stop the noise…..running away from it seemed to be the best way but pulling its’ tail out of the wall is even better!!!

      Happy Friday
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hey Cody – give the headphones a try when things get too noisy around your house….they work…..and you can listen to the latest tunes and practice your moves (hee hee).

      Happy Friday!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. We hope you had a great 4th of July, Sammy! I guess you shouldn’t be so scared of Mr. Monster anymore. After all, you’ve been successfully dodging him for how many years? We love the headphones!


    • I am getting good at “dealing” with Mr. Monster. I thought I was in big trouble a few years ago when my brilliant parents decided to have a vacuum cleaner on every floor rather than dragging one around all three stories but things have worked out – I have hidey spots on ALL three floors and now headsets – things are QUIET around here!!!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Easy! I’m telling you, these earphones are great! Can’t hear a thing except what I WANT to hear…..I figure I don’t need to hear anything anyway – my nose tells me when there’s food available, my eyes tell me if there’s anything worth spying on, so I don’t need to hear. However, when the monster was finished sucking up all my hair and some of my toys (good grief you’d think my Mom could DRIVE that thing better than she does and avoid my toys!), I took the headphones off and could hear stuff like birds which I do enjoy hearing. So the headphones will only pop on when monster Mom’s doing her thing. So you avoided monster day huh? Good for you……will your Mom be bringing you some surprises back from the city????

      Happy Friday
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • I think I should buy this earphones too and not only for monster-day :o) Yesterday I was waiting for hours for my mom. It was SUPERSALE everywhere and I thought she will stay in the city forever ( or till the sale is over). As she came my patience was exhausted and I started my Weimaraner-self-service with a giant bucket of Ben&Jerry. I have not much experiences with self-service so I ate the lid first ( was more so-so) and as I started to eat the ice-cream they nabbed me. Next time I know it better :o)


        • Uhoh……….Easy my friend the trick is NOT to get caught! I can’t blame you for the Ben & Jerry “boo boo” though because ice cream is ever so yummy. I’d have done the same thing. However I wouldn’t have eaten the lid too (too much roughage in my diet gives me the…..well…..you know!). I hope “Madame Mom Supersale” got you some new toys while she shopped??????

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Ha! nope. I’ve got just chewing bones. That’s food and no gift. But maybe I will get the pant she bought for dad – it’s too large (the distance between button and hole). I could be the holiday replacement for the vet – it looks like a scrubs-pant hahahaha


          • You’d make a great vet…..I think you’d be an especially big hit with the lady dogs in your doctor uniform. Hee Hee Your Mom didn’t get you even one TEENY TINY toy?????? What’s with that?????

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


          • Well Easy, “MESS” is a toy isn’t it…..no matter what kind of mess…..my parents make a lot of messes but they clean them up WAY too fast for me! So I try to make my OWN…..in places where they can’t find them! Tee Hee

            Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Mr. Will!!!!! I think I’ve got that old monster tamed for another week anyway……ignoring it seems to make it mad – then it pouts and disappears into the closet…….that works for me!!

      Kitty hugs to you and Eko, Sammy


    • Hi Bailey! Tell your Mum that my Auntie Carol the quilter made that bedspread I’m lying on. I love it too! I was just reading your bloggy and I know you’re so excited you can’t stand it because Sunday is almost here………I wish you all smooth sailing.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. My poor Garfield hide under the chair all night from fireworks and if I use the monster he hides in the bathtub. Sorry the fireworks scared you Sammy. Going to go spread the word about Leo again. I can’t believe no one has scooped him up yet. He is adorable.
    Sue B


    • I know Miss Sue….we were so sure someone would adopt Leo the minute they heard about him, saw how handsome and sweet he is, and knew how hard he worked to get healthy again. All we can do is keep spreading the word! We’re all happy the 4th of July celebration is over – PEACE AND QUIET tonight! WOO WOO

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Our mom can’t stand loud noises. Dad has some of those noise-canceling earphones and has promised to get some for mom. You look particularly cute in yours. How’s the rain up there? I’m going to post some flood photos tomorrow. Have a great weekend. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • We’ve been super lucky – when the weather high from the ocean pushed the big band of rain further West (to where you are I think…. 😦 ) we began seeing SUN, SUN, and more SUN. Today it’s sunny and 90 and rather breezy. We really were TIRED of all that rain and wet wet wet…..Hopefully it will let up for you too – flooding is NOT a good thing! TIme to start your family ark!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  7. I can’t tell you Sammy how many times my noise cancelling headphones have saved CH from my whining. I can’t stand noise unless it is my own. I take my headphones with me when we travel and I use them to drown out CH’s TV watching. I just put me some Smokey Robinson on and I am a happy person.


    • I bet you’re happy listening to Smokey – Mom says “who wouldn’t be in heaven listening to that voice???”……..well, I got some use out of mine today with Mr. Monster but now all is quiet in my world. I’m hoping it stays that way AT LEAST for another week!!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Akua is very smart….if you can’t SEE something, your imagination takes you away to places you might not like!!! Cats have great imaginations too so no wonder there are monsters under blankets for Akua… 😉 When my Mom wiggles her toes under a blanket I’m absolutely PAWSITIVE it’s a snake…..I have to try and catch it!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  8. The monster every Friday, huh? Can’t you just give them “The Look” so your humans will put cleaning off for a while longer? Like, forever? Worth a try! Purrs…


  9. Stopping by to wish you a happy holiday weekend and to thank you for your kindness.

    We want to thank you so very much for your kind words of comfort and friendship after our very sudden loss of Thunder. We are all still very sad, but the support and love from all of our friends from all over the world is helping to heal our broken hearts. We are sure that Thunder Dunder is now in a very happy place and also very thankful to have so many wonderful friends.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, Lightning, and Mom Kathie


    • Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit…..we thought Thunder Dunder was a really beautiful guy and we wish we’d known all of you before hearing the sad news. I know it’s very hard to lose a member of the pack – even knowing they’re in a beautiful place across the Bridge doesn’t help sometimes but Thunder will keep a protective eye on you ALWAYS! You’re so sweet to write to us – we’ll certainly stop by your “place” from time to time to say hello….give each other a hug – life truly is so very short.

      Kitty hugs, Sammy
      (and his Mom Pam)


  10. Our Monster has been stuck in his closet for a few weeks. The carpets is more hair than rug! Me really thinks Mommy should get her act together! Purrhaps mes should tell her my yucky eye is allergies…does yous think that will work?


    • Hi Nellie! What a great idea…..tell your Mommy that she needs to get that monster out because you’re allergic to the HOUSE! I’m very worried about that yucky eye of yours Nellie Bellie….I really truly am.



    • They work Misaki!!!! Can’t hear a thing…….although now I can’t hear it when Mom says “Sammy – I’ve got a TREAT for you!!!!”………. 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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