Tuesday Teaser Time


Hi Teaser Fans!   Have you brushed up on your geography, topography and every other kind of “graphy” you can getting ready for the Teaser photo today?   Got those glasses clean?  New pair of contacts in place?  Magnifying glass at the ready?

Well then without further ado, let me present you with today’s mystery vacation photo fresh from one of my parents’ vacation albums.   Take a good, close look – and if you THINK you know where Mom snapped this one, let me know!

The prize as always is one of my famous YOU KNOW WHATS!

Tomorrow I’ll let you know who gets a special hug from little old me – and of course tell you where the mystery photo was indeed snapped by my roving parents.
Until then, have a super Tuesday OK?  I know I’m gonna do that.   Sure am.
Kitty Hugs, Your Teasing Sam 😀 😀

58 responses »

    • WordPress strikes again…….the gremlins at WP tossed out my Mom’s picture during the night I think – it was there when we checked out the post after scheduling it last night…..we’ve stuck it back in there – so come take a peek and see if you were right about “LIMBO” !! 😀 😀

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Easy! Gosh you and your humans know a lot about the world….BUT I can’t tell you if you’re right or wrong about your guess until tomorrow! My parents have been to Loch Ness though – in fact my Mom and Dad have a movie of that particular vacation and when Mom was panning the camera around at the Loch she accidentally got my Dad’s nose in the film and said (so the world can hear her on the movie) “Gee, I think THAT’s the Loch Ness Monster now!!!!” which my Dad wasn’t very thrilled about. Come see me tomorrow to find out WHERE the photo was taken!

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


    • Oh Cupcake you know so much about stuff! It might be Mars (but if it was Pluto it would be a planet full of dogs which I bet you’d like better!!)……anyway, come see me tomorrow and see if Mars is correct!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Scottish Highlands near Inverness perhaps…Mom had to work today..Yeah she had to look up what the word mean’t bol…So she’s all behind wiff blogs and emails 🙂 but she keeps rushing off to bed 🙂 ( wink wink ) just fabulous..XXOOXXX

    Mollie and Alfie


    • Hi Mollie! I hope your Mom doesn’t get too tired working…..don’t worry if things are behind on blogs because we all love you no matter what! 😉

      Kitty Hugs and come see me in the morning to find out about the Teaser!


  2. Hi, Sammy! Sorry to be so late commenting – Motor Mommy has been VERY busy today. We don’t have a guess for the teaser, but I bet some of your readers will have the right guess….I mean, answer!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae…….hope you had a SUNNY day! It was too cold for me and my toesies to be outside so I just did my usual – NAPPED! I’ll tell you where Mom was when she took the picture tomorrow…….

      Love, Sam


  3. I immediately thought “Scotland” when I saw the photo but then, I’ve managed to be wrong on all these Teaser’s so….I can tell you that I LOVE how you put the big rock in the foreground of your picture you took. Nice composition!


    • Thanks Dee! That view was spectacular…..I think it would have been tough to take a “bad” photo from that location……. 😀 I’ll let everyone know tomorrow just where I was standing at the time!

      Hugs, Pam


    • Hi Katie! Guess what…..you’re right about the reddish rocks looking like out West in the US of A……but the photo was taken in Killarney National Park in Ireland. Mom posted a link on today’s blog that tells what this particular view of the park is called and why. Kinda interesting. Thanks for coming by to take a stab at the Tuesday Teaser!! Have a super Wednesday…….

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  4. We know! We know! Mommy’s been there! It’s Loch Ness, outside Inverness, Scotland! (thoguh she did NOT see Nessie when she was there)


  5. Typists geography is os rubbish! Can we submit the picture next week so we stand a chance?! (although her geography is so bad shw would still get it wrong!) That’s an amazing picture!!


    • HAHAHAHAHA! Submitting your own picture is a brilliant idea and certainly would insure a BIG SAMMY HUG. Maybe next Tuesday though it will be easier than this week’s. You never know….but it’s fun to sit and try and figure it out isn’t it!!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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