Tuesday Teaser


Happy Tuesday everybody – you know what Tuesdays mean about ONE SPOILED CAT…….I’m going to give you a chance to see if you recognize a photo that my Mom snapped on a vacation with my Dad.  As always, it really could be almost ANYWHERE because they have traveled many places in their wandering (without me…sniff sniff….). 

So, here’s this Tuesday’s photo – take a peek, see what you think, make a guess and if you’re right I think you know what you’ll get! 


Sorry it’s a little bit crooked but Mom usually makes the photos move a little bit when she closes the lid on the scanner (tee hee……).  

No it’s not another planet………..although it looks like it is…….it’s somewhere on THIS planet so gimme your best shot and I’ll let you know Wednesday if you’re gonna get a BIG SAMMY HUG or a regular one….not that there’s anything wrong with a regular Sammy hug ya know! 😉

Happy guessing………..with a hug from your favorite TEASER!  😀


43 responses »

  1. Hi, Sammy,
    Motor Mommy and I don’t know the answer today… 😦 But I’m a happy girl, cause my parents got back home last night! I’ve been giving them lots of head butts, and
    My step-brother, Marshall, took REALLY good care of me while they were gone. He’s so cool!
    Sorry – didn’t mean to make this about ME. Have a good Tuesday, Sammy!
    Love ya!


    • Hi Sundae….I know you were mighty happy to have your parents return from their adventure. At least you had your “happy fleece” to keep you company along with Marshall visiting. I’m sure your Motor Parents will be giving you extra attention to make up for deserting you!

      Happy Tuesday
      Love, Sammy


  2. My first thought was Arizona – but not enough “canyon” I think. So, going to go way out on a limb here (just because I really covet that Sammy hug) and say Moab, Utah! How’s that for a wild guess! Have a great day!
    Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda! Thanks for guessing…..Be careful out on that limb – don’t make me worry about you!! Tee Hee Tomorrow I’ll let you know if my folks were in Utah when they snapped this one…..meanwhile, Happy Tuesday!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  3. I’m really going to guess this week, Sammy. I THINK it’s the Painted Desert…but can’t remember if it’s Arizona or New Mexico. Probably doesn’t matter which as I’m usually WRONG!!
    Great Teaser as always.


    • Hi Miss June…….YAY- you’re guessing! Well, I can’t tell you if you’re right or not but AT LEAST YOU GUESSED so you get a special hug anyway. Tune in tomorrow for the scoop (and I’m not talking litter box scoop either).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Doggy! Your’e back from your hikes? Have you had a bath yet? Did you have tons of fun?? Where is Canyon de Chelly? Mommy doesn’t know but I CAN tell you it’s not there since Mom didn’t have a clue where that was!!! Tune in tomorrow.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


      • hahahahahahahaha
        Ohh my gosh, we lost for real.
        That’s in Arizona, too bad we lost 😦
        Doggy got his bath, it was too much dirty to handle, he had his week to stink and be happy now back to real life.


        • Hi Doggy! all cleaned up huh? Well, I just know you feel better (or maybe you like being a big old dirtball????!!!!). I know you had some fun hiking along the mountain trails but “there’s no place like home”. As for the photo for the Teaser – it’s The Painted Desert in Arizona!

          Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Oh Nellie – that’s a mighty good guess – wanna know if you’re right??? Come see me tomorrow BUT I am always always “up” for giving you a Sammy hug!

      Did you feel that one??????
      Love, Sammy


  4. The Grand Canyon? I don’t know… It’s not like I’ve ever been there or anything. Your mom & dad should come visit Meadowvale, sometime. THAT I’d get right. Well, actually… you’ve seen one tree you’ve seen ’em all. purrs
    Nerissa from Nerissa’s Life
    PS. So nice to see your mom visiting my FB page. Hi Sammy’s Mom!


    • Hi Nerissa….yep Mom finally got to FB to say HEY. I loved seeing your spacesuit picture there (haha). Where exactly is Meadowvale (I like the name though!!)? Thanks for guessing on the Teaser even if you didn’t know – – – that’s the “tease” part isn’t it?! Tomorrow I’ll tell the truth……..(and nothing but).

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Looks like somewhere near St. George Utah, or maybe Red Rock Canyon – in any case, it is a LOT closer to where I live than your usual posts! Did your humans ever make it all the way to California?


    • Hi Sparkle! My Mom has been to California (in the 60s before she married my Dad) but my Dad hasn’t been. Mom would love to go there on a vacation – take the train along the coast – maybe some kind of wine country tour. BUT who knows?!?! Thanks for guessing on the tease – tomorrow I’ll let you know!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. Mom says all those colors in layers look just like all her photos from the Painted Desert in AZ. However, she also has some photos of similar colored canyons from the Navajo Nation…hmmmmm…I gonna go with the Painter Desert.


    • YES! It is the American West – you get points for that!!! 😀 It’s actually The Painted Desert in Arizona and I’m on my way to post today’s blog telling everybody that!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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