Tuesday Teaser Tell-All


Hi Peeps……….It’s the “day after” and no doubt you’re just dying to know where that vacation snap was snapped that I had for my Tuesday Teaser this week – right? 

Okee Dokee………….here’s the photo:

It is a picture Mom took of the PAINTED DESERT in Arizona!  Yessireeeeeeeee and three of you lucky peeps knew exactly where it was. 

  1. Miss June (one of my bestest friends but she doesn’t have a blog!)
  2. Nellie my beautiful friend from CAT FROM HELL
  3. Savannah from Savannah’s Paw Tracks

YAY!  Concatulations to my winners this week!  Yipppppeeee!

Here’s your reward for being such good Teaser Guessers….


Now, one more wonderful thing to share then I’ll leave you to enjoy your Wednesday.

I am one lucky guy – yesterday I found out that my good guinea piggy friends at Hutch A Good Life and their “little humans” who were judges decided that the photo of me I entered in their “Olym-Pig” competition WON a silver medal…..isn’t that fabulous?  I was entered in the “Couch Surfing” part of the competition.  I’m a GREAT couch surfer and this is the photo I entered – and below it is my new “bling” for the Silver Medal.  I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thrilled!  Can you tell???????????

Olym-Pig Silver Medal for Couch Surfing!

Sam Climbing Couch

Golly gee – how can I possibly top that for a Wednesday?  I’m not sure but I’ll give it a try – – – I hope your day is extra special too.

Kitty Hugs, Sammy the Tease