Thursday’s Chores

Sam snoozing in Mom and Dad's bed

Hey Mom....can you wait until I finish up this TEENY WEENY nap before you take the sheets off to do the laundry???? PLEEEEEEZE!

Hi Peeps!  Happy Thursday.  Well, I know the routine around this house pretty darn well by now – I should right?  I mean it’s been TWELVE years that I’ve lived here.  I know what happens regularly around here each day of the week.  Today is “Mom changes the sheets and does laundry” day.  Well, before she moved in for the big event, I decided to curl up and make myself comfy while she was downstairs making coffee.  How could she possibly come back up here and make me move when I look so – well – CUTE?

The only GOOD thing about changing the sheets day is sometimes (and granted this is one of those unpredictible things she does!) she will put the fresh, clean, just out of the dryer sheets BACK on the bed instead of putting on a new set.  I know it’s one of “those” Thursdays because she doesn’t immediately put a new set on before she goes to the laundry room.  That’s my cue for keeping an eye on the dryer.  The minute those sheets are out of there and she’s taking them back upstairs – I’m right there on her heels…….racing for the bedroom……….hopping up on the bed………why?  Because the sheets are nice and WAAARRRRRM!!!!  

I know some of you kitties help your Mom to make the bed – you’ve told me you like to “help”……isn’t laundry day just plain FUN?   

Your Pal Sammy

(p.s. Mom said she doesn’t find laundry day all that much “fun” ….. imagine that!)

28 responses »

  1. I think I would like to jump back in the bed with the warm sheets too! But I understand not liking laundry…seems like one of those things that you have to do over and over and over…I like things that get finished! Have a happy day, Sammy. Hope you get to enjoy something warm and comfy, like sheets, or Mom’s lap!

    Hugs, Linda


    • Good Morning Miss Linda! Looks like it will be warm laps for me today vs. warm sheets. Mom changed the bed and put on a different set of sheets while the others are washed and dried. However I WILL make a point of being around when the dryer is finished…..warm sheets might be available before they get put in the linen closet!! LOL

      Kitty Kisses


  2. Sammy, I know what you mean about the warm sheets. My younger kitty, Atticus, seems to know when it’s laundry day here because he likes to play POUNCE when it’s time to take the sheets off the bed and attacks my hand under the sheet. He also lies all around the bed and makes himself as BIG as he can (which is pretty cute because he is actually a very small cat) trying to keep me from taking the sheets off.

    Enjoy your warm sheets!



    • Hi Melanie! Atticus has the right idea….I have been known to do a similar “act” when Mom’s taking the sheets OFF and when she’s putting them ON. Playing “BED” with Mom is one of my favorite things to do. We can come up with some very creative ways to drive our humans nuts can’t we???? Tee Hee

      Kitty Hugs and Kisses


    • Hi Uncle Jerry…Mom put another set of sheets on unfortunately but I’ll be “around” when the others come out of the dryer this morning…maybe I can talk Mom into putting them on the bed so I can lie on TOP of them before they go into the linen closet!! 🙂

      Kitty Hugs, Sam


  3. Hi, Sam,
    I agree with your Uncle Jerry on this one. Warm sheets and that wonderful smell!
    Hope your Mom “reuses” the same sheets today, so you can experience the warm fuzzies!
    Love, Sundae
    PS My Mom did that chore yesterday, but I was still traumatized and in seclusion from the “balloon incident”. All recovered today! 🙂


    • Hi Sundae! I’m afraid Mom put a different set of sheets on the bed this morning so I won’t get that nice warm sheet nap I’d hoped for BUT I can still stretch out on the quilt and enjoy my nap anyway! I heard all about the “great balloon incident” in your house….I bet that’s the last time you’ll need to worry about them invading your territory! 😉

      Happy Thursday!
      Love, Sammy


    • Sam’s blogged about his fondness for laundry baskets before, but it remains one of his favorite “motor scooters” – he waits for it to be empty, hops in, then expects one of his parents to pull him around by a string, rope, belt – whatever is handy (!) – attached to the basket. He loves that. He never gets tired of it (although his parents tire quickly…..LOL). I bet the Miaolings would like that too.

      Pam (with Sam on my lap)


  4. Sam, I have to admit, once or twice I’ve timed a rainy day nap just right so I could lay on the nice warm bed after the sheets and quilts came out of the dryer too. Too nice to resist and life is just too short!


    • Wow Nerissa….that’s a lot of “coverage” (bed coverage that is) around the house on laundry day. I may be just one guy here but I can cover a lot of territory when I need to (i.e., Mom goes to tuck sheets in one end and I’m at the other pulling them out, etc.). It’s all in the wrist action (hahahaha).

      Kitty Kisses, Sam


  5. Wow! Sammy! Me did not know yous is almost as old as me! That is cool. Me don’t meet too many boy cats that is almost my age! And a Handsome Man Cat at that!


    • Oh Nellie you certainly don’t look your age – that’s for sure! Thanks for saying I’m handsome….I like being ginger colored AND being a polydactyl cat with extra claws on my front paws too!!! We’re ALL special in our own way aren’t we?!

      Kitty Hugs


    • Any day they get their way is a “best day” don’t you think? LOL Today, however, is Sam’s LEAST favorite day – Friday is housecleaning day when the monster comes out of the closet (vacuum).

      Pam (with Sam supervising)


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