Tag Archives: shopping around world

Pre-Teasing AND A Reminder……….


Let The Pre-Teasing BEGIN!

Yes indeedy – time for Pre-Tease Class to begin……..are you all settled in your seats?


Assistant Prof Teddy and I want to get you all prepared for tomorrow’s Teaser challenge – it’s going to be a toughie I think but you know and I know that when I say that – usually someone gets it in the first five minutes (!!) – so just be aware that it MIGHT be tough for some.    Here are the rules of the game:

  1.   Don’t resort to GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH……why?   Well, because it’s a whole lot more fun if nobody uses the easy way out and everybody uses their BRAINS to figure it out that’s why!
  2.   To win, you have to guess the correct TOWN/CITY/VILLAGE as well as the correct State (if USA) or Country (if not USA)!

See?  Not a lot of rules – just don’t cheat and be complete.   Say – that sounds like a “jingle” !

“Don’t Cheat And Be Complete”

HAHAHA…..I like it!

The other thing to remember is that whoever is the first to make a comment of any kind on tomorrow’s Teaser post will win a FIRST COMMENTER BADGE!   This one in fact:

Then of course you might be lucky enough to be the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, or a RIGHT GUESSER, or even if you’re wrong you get a GREENIE for your time and trouble!

Now last week if you recall, Csilla received TWO awards – she was FIRST COMMENTER and FIRST RIGHT GUESSER………………..you wouldn’t want her to win AGAIN this week right?   So be on the ball………and while you do NOT know when the post will go live (because it’s never the same time from week to week!) you can keep an eye or an ear on your computer or phone or pad or WHATEVA!    So you could conceivably WIN something!    WOO HOO!

Alright, alright…..calm down….whatever you do don’t lose control!

Now for a little extra inspiration this morning, how about a little dose of SUZIE?   Sometimes it’s just what the doctor ordered (or should I say psychiatrist?!) !

A cheery good morning
Then comes the Teaser with no warning!
No time to even think
Or make yourself a drink
Just go with your gut feeling
Though your brain may be reeling
Have some caffeine to be alert
Wake up slowly so it doesn’t hurt!
Then come here and do your best
Get here first before the rest
A special cheer I’ll do for the winner
Maybe Miss D will make you dinner?
See you tomorrow bright and early
I’ll be here looking cute and GIRLY!

Alright Suzie!   I’m sure all of our students will be here working hard to figure things out tomorrow……………….getting a special cheer on TEASER TELL ALL Wednesday because they were FIRST just has to be terribly tempting for everyone.

I’m also told that in fact Miss Dingleberry is going to be bringing cookies and milk from the cafeteria for all of us tomorrow.   Home baked cookies and nice COLD milk.    Can’t beat that with a stick right?

Don’t worry – we’ll have plenty of napkins handy.

Assistant Prof Teddy and I will see you tomorrow Class!


As you probably remember, this month AND in September as well, Angel Sammy and I are hosting Shopping Around The World for Bacon and his Mom.   They are up to their eyeballs with “stuff” and need a “time out” from the shopping fun so asked us to fill in!

We invite you to join us on THURSDAY, AUGUST 31st for SHOPPING AROUND THE WORLD – right here on our blog – but you will still LINK to Bacon’s blog HERE.     What is the theme for this month????


What does that mean?   It means when you want a little something different than ripping open a bag of chips at night as you watch TV or even if people stop by unexpectedly and you need to make something yummy and QUICK – WHAT IS THAT??????   A special dip?   A plate of gourmet cheeses?   Whacked up fruit with some kind of sweet yogurt/honey sauce?   Yep – watching TV with a bag of chips on your tummy is fine and dandy (and Mom and Dad do that too sometimes!) but then there’s other times when that just doesn’t “MAKE IT”……….so please share your recipe for a special snack you like OK?    If you can show us a photo of it – GRAND…………but one thing we ask you ALL to do is tell us what this fabulous snack of yours COSTS to make?   Tell us the recipe with ingredients and the cost of each thing.    It’s a “SHOW AND TELL OF FOOD” !!!    So I’ll see you Friday right???

See you in the grocery store aisles!!

Love, Teddy