Tag Archives: rainbow bridge poet

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Good morning!    It’s Thankful Thursday time…………and after we have some “thankfuls” then we’ll share some poetry from Angel Sammy.    We had our first snowfall overnight.   Yep – snow but not that big of a deal because the ground is still not cold enough for the snow to STAY.    I am not sad about that – I’m glad and I hope it works out that way.   So far we have had some LIGHT FLAKES and just now it’s HUGE FAT FLAKES of snow……still, it will turn to rain later and hopefully be GONE!    Mom and Dad don’t have to go anywhere THIS week but next week they have Thanksgiving plans and icy roads are NOT on their wish list (of course!).    Still, I’m thankful that the snow isn’t sticking around this time.   I’m sure we will have plenty of snow days to come and in fact it is predicted we will have more snow this winter than in a VERY LONG TIME.   Guess all that firewood Dad got will be used up this winter (another thing to be thankful for because I love fires in the fireplace!).   Thank you Brian for giving us a forum with your HOP to talk about our “thankfuls” – if we just look for them we will find plenty to be thankful about!

Now, shall we see what Angel Sammy has to say about being Thoroughly Poetic this week.   I received his email from the Rainbow Bridge last night as usual…………..


Happy Thursday Friends!!

Time for us to do a little poetry sharing…….I look forward to this every single week and I hope you do too.   Some of you are participating and writing some wonderful poetry based on the photos I give you each week for inspiration and it does my heart good to read them.   GOOD FOR YOU!!

If you’ve written one and want us to read it – just tell us you did and give us your blog link in our comments here.   It’s fun to see all the creativity flowing around the internet.    As a reminder, here’s the photo I gave you LAST week to use as inspiration for today:

Gosh I just love this photo.   It is such a great shot isn’t it?   I thought it was very inspiring to say the least.   Lots of you said you were reminded as I was of that song about the ant and moving the rubber tree plant.   Well, that’s what THIS photo SCREAMS doesn’t it?   Of course the ant could be a world champion ant weightlifter practicing for the next meet……or a mighty woodcutting ant bringing home firewood or housebuilding material.    Anyway, what did it tell YOU?    Share your poem with us so we can find out!   

Here’s my poem for this photo:


By Angel Sammy Kimmell    November 14, 2018

How will you ever know if you don’t try?

How can you complain and ask why, why, why?

If you don’t find your strengths and you don’t give them a chance

Then you’ll find yourself alone in a colony of ants!

They never give up when they have a goal in mind

Whether it’s food, shelter, or safety, they search until they find

While it’s easier to sit back and watch while others get things done

You’ll feel the waste of a day when down goes the sun

Since we know not how long we will be living this existence

Seems a shame to waste time wallowing in our lack of persistence

Let the ant with his “bounty” and his strength from his achievement

Be your inspiration to feel PROUD instead of any sense of bereavement!

Each moment should be lived being bold and brave

As for your personal flag saying “I DID IT MYSELF” – I say LONG MAY SHE WAVE!!!


Now it’s YOUR turn – what did our little ant friend “say” to you this past week?    Here’s the photo I picked out for you to use as inspiration for NEXT Thursday’s poetic exchange……….!!

I love this……………………what an interesting garden feature huh?    Have fun with this one and I will look forward to seeing what you wrote next week AND share my poem as well.    I hope you have a wonderful week whether in the sun or the snow………I’ll be watching you from the Rainbow.

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love always, Angel Sammy



Oh I liked your poem this week Angel Sammy and that one for next week is going to be a lot of fun!    I think if that was in my back yard I would love to take naps on top of his head in the sun.   Tee Hee……………..


Hugs, Teddy