Tag Archives: prayers

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Thankful Blog Hop and Poetry From Angel Sam

Today we have TWO things going on here – one is our joining in on the THANKFUL Blog Hop at Brian’s – which you can join too by clicking his badge, using the LINKY TOOL and hopping along with us as we talk about what we’re thankful for!    I’m so thankful that Irma is GONE………she was a horrible storm and certainly did more than her share of damage as she tore through Florida and lashed out at other states on her way out of Florida.    Life will get back to normal for everyone but it will take a lot of time and help.    Just as with Harvey through Texas and Louisiana – one thing has been proven – YOU CAN’T KEEP PEOPLE’S SPIRIT DOWN!    We pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and keep on going.

The second part of today’s blog is the part that my brother, Angel Sammy transmits to me every Wednesday night from the Rainbow Bridge………because it was HIM who started the Thoroughly Poetic Thursday challenge and he’s still writing even though he left for the Bridge before I could meet him and before he got through the whole alphabet for the poems.

Just in case you aren’t familiar with the challenge, every week we have a new letter of the alphabet to use as our “KEY LETTER” to write a poem about something.   It can be about anything as long as the subject of the poem begins with that week’s letter!     We started at A and we are now up to N.     Angel Sammy sends me HIS poem and I share it with you on Thursdays and he will give us some “prompts” – words that start with the next letter – sometimes it helps to get some ideas but you are FREE to write your poem about ANYTHING at all that begins with that week’s letter!

Got it?    OK, here’s what Angel Sammy sent me last night!!


Hello my friends!   It’s me, Angel Sammy coming to you from the Rainbow Bridge courtesy of our great Wi-Fi service!     It’s time for us to share our poems with each other – please feel free to put a link to your poem in my comments here OR you can even put your poem in my comments if you like.    But I do hope you’ve written a poem this week – give poetry a try – remember poetry doesn’t have to rhyme – it’s an expression in words and it comes from your heart!    The prompt words I gave you LAST Thursday that you might use if you need some help were:

(1) Naughty (2) Nice (3) Normal (4) New

Doesn’t have to be about one of those words but I give you four just to JUMPSTART your own creative process if you need it!     Want to see what I wrote for “N” ?


By Sammy Kimmell, Sept. 14, 2017

Your name is something you’ll have all your life

Unlike some friendships or maybe your wife!

Your name follows you around from town to town

Like Sampson the Great or Bozo the Clown!

We don’t choose our name, it’s chosen for us

That makes it all easy, so much less of a fuss

When I joined my family they called me “Sam”

It suited me perfectly, like Seuss’s “Sam I Am” !

My Dad chose the name and it felt just right

I loved hearing my name – I was high as a kite!

My Dad is a name guy I suppose you might say

When they adopted their next kitty, it was the same way!

Dad chose the name and it fit to a “T”

He knew right away what his name should be!

He would be  “Teddy” and that name just plain fit

He’s a dear sweet ginger, a most special kit………

The family is complete though I’m now far away

But the four of us know we’ll be together some day…………


So that’s my poem for this week – how about you?    Want to share your poem with us?  I hope you do……………….and if not THIS week, maybe NEXT week you’ll join in the fun?    If you have problems coming up with ideas for next week’s letter which will be “O”, here are some ideas to get you started – remember you don’t have to use one of these words – you can use any “O” word you like!

(1) Open (2) Octopus (3) Olive (4) Odd

There you have it my friends……………..another poetry day has come and gone…………….it’s always fun sharing my poem with you.    I’ll see you again next week here on the blog with my little brother Teddy…………..until then, WRITE A POEM – YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU DID!

Your Friend and Angel, Sammy the Poet !


Thank you Angel Sammy……………I love “seeing” you on Poetry Day!

Before I go I hope you will say a very VERY special prayer for my super good friends Raz and Allie and most especially their Mom  Miss Sharon at Friends Furever  today……………..they need all the strength you can send to them please………….You may visit their blog at the link below……….but whatever you do, keep them in your heart…………….

Love, Teddy