Tag Archives: Mardi Gras

Purrsday Recap


I just KNOW you’re dying to see some photos from the Cat Scouts Mardi Gras bash – right?  How about just a few?  It was tons of fun!


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The only other thing happening around MY house is this overwhelming cold and the snow we got – I couldn’t believe we got a “decent sized” snow but Mom reminds me all the time that one of the BIGGEST snows we’ve had was near the end of March five years ago so SNOW HAPPENS!   Just ask everyone living up north about that………….!   They’re STILL digging out.   We have been lucky.  Dad loves playing with his snowthrower thank heavens.


Dad loves playing in the snow!

Dad loves playing in the snow!



Mom has been putting bird food out like mad too………….everything on legs has visited!   Birds, squirrels, skunks, deer, we even saw some BIG hawks on the SMALL bird feeders.    When the weather is like this, everything needs FOOD for energy to do what they do.   Imagine how much energy it takes to FLY!

Have you pawticipated in one of Bacon/Fozziemum’s “Shopping Around The World” blog hops?   It’s really fun to see what everyone around the world pays for the SAME THINGS in their grocery store or wherever you shop.    This month’s post will be on Friday, February 27th.  Why am I mentioning it now?  So you have time to check prices and schedule a post about it!   Seriously.  It’s fun……………if you wanna play along, here’s the shopping list for NEXT Friday the 27th.   It’s a “RANDOM” day…….why?   Get the prices for these items:

1.  A Random Frozen Meal of your choice

2.  A Random Dessert you like

3.  Any Random Fruit

4.  A Random Item (ANY item…..doesn’t matter WHAT it is, just tell us what you PAID for it)

5.  A Random condiment of your choice

Very RANDOM isn’t it?    Well, that will make it more fun………….anyway, put it on your calendars.  I guarantee you it’s fascinating to see the amazing range of prices for the SAME THINGS around the globe.

That’s all the news that’s fit to share in my house for today……………..how about you?  Anything exciting going on in your house?

Hugs, Sammy

I LOVE IT!!!!!

I LOVE IT!!  Thank you Nellie’s Mommy!!


Mardi Gras Teaser


Gosh – it’s Mardi Gras – and I’m wearing a SNOWSUIT……what’s that tell you?   Things might be heating up on Bourbon Street but not in Warrenton, VA!   (**thank you to Nellie’s Mommy at Cat From Hell for drawing me in a cute snowsuit!!!  hugs!!!!**)

I LOVE IT!!!!!

I LOVE IT!!!!!

I just HAD to work in the fact that today is the start of the Mardi Gras celebration in New Orleans into this post SOMEHOW………….so it’s a regular Tuesday for guessing purposes but also Mardi Gras!  WOO WOO!

What a madhouse!

What a madhouse!

So today’s Teaser photo is one of my Mom’s…………….I am anxious to see WHO knows what this structure is called AND where it is located in this wide wonderful world.   Wanna be first?  Well you’d better get going because I’m sure the guesses will be flying in any second………….ready:


Remember we have a “first comment” award in addition to the other fabulous awards…………..!   YOU KNOW YOU WANT ONE RIGHT???

First Comment:


First Right Guesser:


Guessed Right but weren’t first:


Had no clue or guessed wrong:


SO – what are you waiting for?   Get going trying to figure this one out and beat everyone else to the punch!   Tomorrow we’ll have the TELL ALL and you’ll find out how you did guessing!

Happy Tuesday Teaser Day


Happy Mardi Gras! 

Party Hardy Sam

My Mardi Gras Costume for Cat Scouts!!

My Mardi Gras Costume for Cat Scouts!!