Tag Archives: funny cat blog

Boxes and Bags…oh boy!

I Can See That Fat Squirrel Hanging From The Squirrel-Proof Birdfeeder! HA!

If you can't find your plastic bag to play with, a box is second best!

Saturday!  Yippeee!  Mom and Dad don’t run errands, do yardwork, laundry, any of that stuff – they concentrate on ME, ME, ME!  Speaking of me, I want to take a minute to say thanks to all my recent visitors to the blog who are enjoying learning about my world.  I’m enjoying hearing about all of YOU too.  One thing I thought was way cool when I’ve visited other blogs is that we cats seem to really LOVE plastic bags and boxes.  I was happy to hear I wasn’t the only one…….plastic bags make a great sound when you hop on them or slide across the floor on them or bat them around with your paw.  And boxes – well – you know how I love those.  I wear them out pretty quickly though so Mom keeps a ready supply of old empty Christmas boxes in her closet JUST FOR ME.

As some of you know, one of my first toys was an empty box that my parents tied a string on and pulled me around the house like a wagon.  Probably sounds silly, but you cats know what I’m talkin’ about!  Even after twelve years (almost) I still like a good box ride when I can get one. 

We cats can find our fun without lots of expensive cat toys.  We can be entertained for hours with an amazing variety of stuff like pieces of string, stray buttons, wads of paper – just about anything that’s loose and within reach.  If you leave it out there – we’ll find it and steal it and sometimes hide it where you won’t even find it!  We’re sneaky like that.  Mom says there’s a “people saying” that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure…..well, I totally get that.

Ahhhh!  I hear my favorite sound……Mom opening a can of cat food….so if you’ll excuse me, I’m headed downstairs for breakfast.  A guy needs a lot of energy to keep up around here.  Staying one paw ahead of my humans is my #1 priority (well, not counting taking a nap of course).

Sammy, One Spoiled Cat

Blog-Mania (Part 2)

zzzzz.....snoozin' on Mom's leg....zzzzz

You decide on the blog "look" - I'm tired - wake me when it's over......

Needless to say, Mom and I spent the afternoon looking at more themes for my blog and frankly – I’m pooped!  Actually, I think it’s down to THIS ONE (which I can still make some changes to) and my good old original blog look.  This webmaster stuff is tiring!

I think I’m one of those guys who doesn’t want a lot of choices.  I make up my mind quickly about stuff, then STICK with it intead of continuing to find options to worry about.  Know what I mean?  For instance choosing what to eat…..remember back when I first started my blog I talked about how Friskies no longer made my favorite-est ever food anymore?  I had a terrible time with that.  After 10 years of eating just one kind of food and whammo they quit making it – anyway, Mom and I tried bunches of things but once we found one I would eat – I’ve STUCK with it.  Period.  Don’t give me other stuff – just this.  

From what I have seen (especially when I watch television!) humans like choices.  Lots of ’em…..and they switch around all the time…..one day this – next day that.  Hey….don’t get me wrong….I love my Mom and Dad and the few other humans I’ve managed to tolerate (tee hee:)) but humans are confusing. 

But then………“They’re only human……………….”

Wake me when it’s over………….:)

Happy Hump Day (I heard Mom say that about Wednesdays – what the heck does THAT mean?!?!?!)

Sammy, One Spoiled Cat