Tag Archives: blog party

Mother’s Day and Instant Replay


Hi Everyone!  Normally I do a Silent Sunday post…………gives my Mom a bit of a break…………and this won’t be a LONG post today but I wanted to say that I love my Mom and love ALL Moms because it’s a very hard job but one that should be appreciated.  It’s not easy taking care of someone else and making sure they’re safe, happy, healthy, and ready to face the world.   My Mom has done that for ME and I’m sure your Mom did it for you!

This is a photo of my Mom’s Mom………..she passed away many years ago but my Mom carries her in her heart always.  Kind of like I’ll always carry my Mom in my ginger heart.

This is my Mom's Mom

This is my Mom’s Mom

So a VERY VERY HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to Moms everywhere………………..!


Now, a bit of a recap of my most pawsome blogaversary party yesterday………….in fact, it’s a recap with photos from THIS blog party AND my Cat Scouts blog party – I had TWO blogaversary parties yesterday!   Thank you to everyone who came to one or both of them – I wanted my friends to help me celebrate and you didn’t let me down!   Have a wonderful Sunday – you really made my day yesterday…………….honest!



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Love always, Sammy

P.S.  My beautiful Queen Nellie was a bit late in sending this but I wanted to share it anyway!!!!  SPECIAL KISSES NELLIE!!



My Blogaversary Bash


Welcome to my THIRD BLOGAVERSARY party everybody!   I’ve been pretty excited about this party which for many of you is no big deal milestone since you’ve been blogging a lot longer than I have, but to me – well – it’s BIG STUFF!!!!


So, let’s get this party started!   Just because it’s black tie doesn’t mean we can’t have fun in our best duds right?

First of all, please come on inside and Jeeves will take your coats and announce your arrival to the HUGE THRONG of party-goers down in the ballroom.



Now for the introductions of the guests in “fancy dress” !!   Sundae and I will await you at the bottom of the stairs…………………


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Welcome to everyone!



The string quartet on the other side of the room will keep us entertained and please feel free to take your partner out on the dance floor if you wish……………..those of you who came alone to the pawty – there are lots of “singles” here so please take a dance partner out there and glide across the floor to some elegant music.   Ladies, you’ll find a little souvenir of the evening on the dining room tables – a crystal rose as a little remembrance of tonight – don’t forget to take it home with you!


Elegant music!

Elegant music!


For the ladies!

For the ladies!

The buffet is delicious – it’s in the alcove at the other side of the room – please help yourself as there’s plenty of everything including champagne!!   My friend easy brought some with him, didn’t you Easy?


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I also want to show the blogaversary cards I got yesterday – there may have been some more arriving this morning and as they arrive, my Mom (who is functioning today as our Housekeeper!) will add them in……………but thank you everyone who sent a greeting for my special day.


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I do hope you had a wonderful time everyone………….please feel free to take a doggy/kitty/fish/horse/guinea pig/mini-pig or WHATEVER bag with leftovers home with you…….you can enjoy it as a midnight snack!

Big Hugs to everyone for making

three years go by so quickly with your

love and support –

Mom and I love all of you –

Thank you for coming to the party!  

Your always friend, Sammy

P.S.  Before you go – check out the fancy moves Pickles and Doc are doing on that dance floor!  WOO WOO WOOO!!!!