Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


Happy Friday!   Time to fill in the blanks our co-hosts gave us to fill in four sentences.    Always fun…………..and as usual, I have my whole family involved in filling in those blanks.  If the comment is Mom’s it’s RED(MOM), if it’s MY comment it’s BLUE(TED) and if it’s my Dad’s comment it’s GREEN(DAD)!


1. My summer bucket list includes lots of time wandering my yard, hunting skinks outside and lots of naps inside in the cool house.
2. Empty cupboards and a sewing machine are things you will never find in my home.  (I keep our kitchen pantry stocked at all times…..and my sewing days are WAY over – I used to sew but then switched to knitting then switched to embroidery then switched to painting!)
3. I’m good at keeping my airplane hangar very tidy.
4. I can’t eat my wet food without making a mess.

And that is that!   Mom, Dad and I hope you have a wonderful Friday and weekend – we are hoping for less heat and humidity and more RAIN.    We sure need it…….. AND thank you to our hostesses for filling in the blanks because we look forward to it every single week!

If you’ll excuse me – filling in the blanks tired me out – time for a nap!   

Hugs, Teddy

52 responses »

    • My Mom had a rough start with learning to sew in school – the teacher was 98 (yes really) years old and didn’t believe in electricity….they had those old “treadle” machines and everyone got tired using them. She also had the girls make skirts long and down to their ankles so no legs showed. Mom and her class were embarrassed to wear those skirts in the fashion show they had at the end of the year. No wonder she hates sewing!

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. My sewing machine is hiding in the coat closet, LOL! Have not touched it in Years…except to move it out of the way to access other things in that closet!

    Since we live out a ways from the town, I always replace the things in my pantry as soon as I use them,and have at least two of each item.

    Great fill ins, and have a nice nap, Teddy!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I worked in Clark’s shoe factory stitching shoes for 15 years so I definitely don’t do any sewing now! My pantry is well stocked too. Too well stocked I need to get rid of some out of date things hiding in the back.

    I wish David could teach Ivor a thing or too about tidiness. The workshop part of the garage is a mess!

    Teddy, you surely couldn’t make as much mess as Flynn did with wet food. If it was something he suddenly decided he didn’t like after months of eating it, he would eat it off his paw and flick it over the fridge and freezer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We love these flashbacks of the fabulous ginger boys! Clarks is a very very good shoe brand – I imagine that was a little bit boring after a while? Fifteen years is a long time. Pantries are like “endless caverns” and Mom tries to clean ours out from time to time. Fortunately it’s not TOO big!

      hugs, Teddy


  3. Great Fill-Ins! You certainly won’t find a sewing machine in our home. I almost didn’t make it through home ec in high school. I would never think your airplane hangar would be anything but tidy! Teddy, your bucket list is so YOU!!! Huggies and tummy tickles to you via your Mom, Teddy Boop♥


    • Miss Pix thanks for the hugs and tickles – always welcome here! My Mom (and all of her fellow students) actually got their parents to come to school one day and go to the principal’s office to talk about the antiquated conditions in the Home Ec classroom. It was just crazy – with no electricity allowed (because of the teacher not believing in it!) it wasn’t just using treadle sewing machines but trying to learn how to cook by PRETENDING to on a stove that didn’t have any power……Certainly set up a whole lot of young girls to NOT appreciate the fine art of being a housewife!!!!!!!!!

      Huggies back from us – Teddy


        • I’m with you…..from the minute my Mom decided to let me have riding lessons I fell in love with every horse I saw…..We moved around so much I couldn’t ever STAY with one situation and lots of the places we lived there were no horses so I kind of moved on. Still I love living in Virginia “horse country” – there are races here and we’re known for our horse farms – if I wasn’t so dang old I’d ride again!


  4. I love the fill-ins, and boy do I ever know about the sewing machine one. I am pretty sure tI told you the main problem I had with one…and the last thing I sewed with it…disaster!


  5. It’s okay, Teddy. Sometimes mama and papa make a mess eating wet food, haha…just kidding but those are great fill ins WOW an airplane hangar….wow. Mama loves to sew but likes a partner to chat with when it happens…and your mama is too far away…sigh. But painting is really great, too, and they both do that.


    • My Mom says she probably would have enjoyed sewing with a machine but her experience started out SO WRONG….she did like embroidery though – back in the 60s SHE was the “Queen of embroidery on jeans” and everyone would ask her to do butterflies, peace signs, etc. on their jeans! LOL Your Mama is an amazing artist – a very talented lady in many many ways.

      Huggies, Ted


    • Outside cats know that they might have to wait a while for another really good meal so they chomp/lick up every morsel of what they get. I’m sure they appreciate the help!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Thank you to all 3 of you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. My boys are messy with their wet food too. XO


  7. Move over, T. I am also a MESSY eater. SOOOO messy. My canned food ends up on the floor, on my nose, and floating in my water bowl. Mom felt a little tumor on top of my head last week and upon further investigation, the “tumor” was a blob of wet food that my tongue flung onto the top of my head and then it dried up there.

    Love and licks,



  8. The bobbin wind on my old Singer broke, so my sewing days may be over too, except for quick hand sewing repairs!

    Hey Teddy, we’re with you on number 1! (We don’t hunt skinks, but other lizards and chippies, yep!) XOX Xena and my pack


  9. Teddy, several of us are terribly messy when we eat our wet food. Mom still has her sewing machine but hasn’t used it in a long time. All three of you’d a great job filling in. None of us helped this week. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


    • My Mom still sews on buttons and mends the occasional small hole in something but otherwise – NO MACHINE HERE either just Mom’s “magic fingers” with little sewing projects!

      Hugs, Teddy


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